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Interactions On Chat Channel

The following operations are available:

Operation Name HTTP Operation Description Type Permissions
Accept POST This operation can be performed after a new interaction notification arrives. Accepting an interaction allows agents to start working on it. Chat Specific Agent
Reject POST This operation can be performed after a new interaction notification arrives. Rejecting an interaction allows an agent the opportunity to work on a different one. General Interaction Agent
InviteUser POST This operation allows the agent to initiate a conference with another agent on a specific interaction, allowing the two agents to work on the same interaction simultaneously. To leave the conference, agents must

make a LeaveConference request. This functionality is limited to conferencing. Monitoring and coaching functionality is not available.

Chat Specific Agent
EndChatSession POST This operation ends a chat session, but keeps the interaction alive for the agent to do 'after-call' work (for example, update attached data). The interaction can be completed by the Complete call.

Note: Calling Complete on an interaction with an active chat session will end the chat session AND complete the interaction.

Chat Specific Agent
Send POST This operation can be performed whenever an agent wants to send a message to other chat participants. Chat Specific Agent
SendStartTypingNotification POST This operation can be performed to send notifications to other chat participants that the agent has started typing (for example, 'agent typing'). Chat Specific Agent
SendStopTypingNotification POST This operation can be performed to send notifications to other chat participants that the agent has stopped typing. Chat Specific Agent
SingleStepTransfer POST This operation can be performed while working on an interaction. The interaction can be transferred to another agent or to a group of agents associated with a skill. General Interaction Agent
Complete POST This operation can be performed after an agent has finished working on an interaction. General Interaction Agent
RequestChatHistory POST This operation can be performed to get the chat history. Only agents who are participating in the chat can execute this operation. Chat Specific Agent
LeaveConference POST This operation allows the agent to leave a currently active conference. When agents leave a conference, the last remaining agent retains ownership of the interaction. Chat Specific Agent


After successfully executing this operation, a cometD notification will come with complete chat history up until this point.

HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}


HTTP Response


"statusCode": 0


"statusCode": an integer value above 0,

For details on the statusCode value, please refer to the All Methods sub-section of the Return Values section.


This operation allows the agent to initiate a conference with another agent on a specific interaction, allowing the two agents to work on the same interaction simultaneously. To leave the conference, agents must make a LeaveConference request. This functionality is limited to conferencing. Monitoring and coaching functionality is not available. Further details can be found within the specific media topic.

HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}

"agentId":a unique Agent identifier

HTTP Response




"status": "error",


This operation ends a chat session, but keeps the interaction alive for the agent to do 'after-call' work (for example, update attached data). The interaction can be completed by the Complete call. Note: Calling Complete on an interaction with an active chat session will end the chat session AND complete the interaction.

HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}


HTTP Response




"status": "error",


This operation can be performed whenever an agent wants to send a message to other chat participants.

HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}


HTTP Response


"statusCode": 0


"statusCode": an integer value above 0,

For details on the statusCode value, please refer to the All Methods sub-section of the Return Values section.


This operation can be performed to send notifications to other chat participants that the agent has started typing (for example, 'agent typing').

HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}


HTTP Response


"statusCode": 0


"statusCode": an integer value above 0,

For details on the statusCode value, please refer to the All Methods sub-section of the Return Values section.


This operation can be performed to send notifications to other chat participants that the agent has stopped typing.

HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}


HTTP Response


"statusCode": 0


"statusCode": an integer value above 0,

For details on the statusCode value, please refer to the All Methods sub-section of the Return Values section.


After this request is received, the chat history will be sent via CometD notification.

HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}

"eventId", event-id-from-which-to-start-chat-history (optional)

HTTP Response


"statusCode": 0


This operation allows the agent to leave a currently active conference. When agents leave a conference, the last remaining agent retains ownership of the interaction.

HTTP Request

"agentId":a unique Agent identifier

HTTP Response





See also:

This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:29.
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