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Tenant Utilization Reporting Service

This report provides current utilization information for Tenants in the system. Each report contains a manifest section.

Web Service Endpoint

This report is available at the web service endpoint /ems-rs/RT/tenants/usage

Input Parameters

This report accepts the following Request URI parameters:

Parameter Description
tenant-id This describes the set of Tenants that the report will contain. If the tenant-id is not specified, then results for all Tenants in the system are returned.

Output Format

The output for this report is organized as a sequence of <tenant-usage> elements within enclosing elements <tenant-usage-report> </tenant-usage-report>. Each <tenant-usage> element contains information about a single Tenant. It contains information about the number of currently in-progress calls, number of calls arriving this hour, and today, peak number of calls seen today for the Tenant with the time at which the peak occurred, var stats for today, plus various other information. It conforms to the RelaxNG schema TenantUsageReport.rng. Download the GVP RNG Schemas An example report body for this report is as follows:

      <tenant href="/tenants/1" name="Environment" /> 
      <limits /> 
        <in-progress count="0" /> 
        <arrived last-updated="2010-02-04T16:40:39.829Z">
          <this-hour count="6" > 
            <calls type="INBOUND" count="6" /> 
            <calls type="OUTBOUND" count="0" /> 
          <today count="97">
            <calls type="INBOUND" count="96" /> 
            <calls type="OUTBOUND" count="1" /> 
        <peak today="4" time="2010-02-04T16:39:47.73Z" last-updated="2010-02-04T16:40:39.829Z">
          <calls type="INBOUND" count="3" /> 
          <calls type="OUTBOUND" count="1" /> 
        <today count="94">
        <call-result type="SUCCESS" count="8" last-updated="2010-02-04T16:40:00Z" />
        <call-result type="FAILED" count="17" last-updated="2010-02-04T16:40:00Z" /> 
        <call-result type="REJECTED" count="2" last-updated="2010-02-04T16:45:00Z" /> 
        <call-result type="UNKNOWN" count="67" last-updated="2010-02-04T16:45:00Z" /> 
    <tenant-usage> . . . </tenant-usage>
This page was last edited on July 17, 2020, at 16:06.
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