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Using the Backup-Restore Utility

Starting in 8.1.3, a beta version of the command-line WFM Backup-Restore Utility (BRU) is included in the WFM Database Utility (DBU) Installation Package (IP). Unlike the WFM DBU backup file (.MDB format), which has a maximum 2 Gb file size limit, the BRU uses a new backup file format (.DB) and has no file size limit. This new backup file format, which is much faster than DBU format, is expected to replace the current backup file format in future WFM releases. The BRU supports backups for MSSQL, Oracle, and DB2 databases to the new backup file (.DB) format. The backups created by BRU are accepted by Genesys Customer Care. However, support for restoring these databases is currently limited and should not be used in production environments, since BRU is still in the beta stage and has not been fully tested.

Command Line and Usage Commands

User the following command line and usage commands syntax:

WFMBRU.exe <command> <data source> -FILE <file name>.db [<additional options>]

Table: Usage Commands

Option Description
-BACKUP Backup the WFM database to a backup file.
-RESTORE Restore the WFM database from the backup file (database is created if it does not exist).
-UPDATE Update the WFM database to the latest schema version (can be combined with -RESTORE).
Can also be used to create the latest schema on an empty database (the database is created if it does not exist).
-CLEANUP Delete all data in the database.
-DROP Drop entire database.
Can be combined with the -RESTORE and/or -UPDATE options.

Table: Data Source (Connection Strings)

Connection string Description
-DSN <OLE DB connection string> Enables specification of the OLE DB connection string directly (should not be used with –DB option)
See usage examples in Table: String Format for Various Databases for details.
-DB <Connection String> Specifies the connection in simplified syntax that is later translated into OLE DB connection string format.

Table: String Format for Various Databases

Database String format Example
Access "access;<file name>" access;backup.mdb
MSSQL "mssql;<DBMS Name>;<Database Name>;<User>;<Password>" mssql;dbhost; dbname;sa;password
MSSQL (Fast Native Client) "mssql++;<DBMS Name>;<Database Name>;<User>;<Password>" mssql++;dbhost; dbname;sa;password
Oracle "oracle;<DBMS Name>;<User>;<Password>" oracle;ORA11;scott;tiger
DB2 "db2;<DBMS Name>;<User>;<Password>" db2;DBSERVER;Jason;brody
If you plan to use the MSSQL (Fast Native Client) connection string format (see Table: String Format for Various Databases), ensure the BRU host is preinstalled with a version of the MSSQL Native Client that is the same version as the DBMS.

Table: Additional Options

Option Description
-ADMIN <admin user>@<admin password> Specifies the admin user credentials that might be necessary for operations, such as creating or dropping the database.
-SCRIPT <database script file> Specifies the WFM database script file that is used to create or update the database schema.
Must be used to create or update the WFM ETL database.
-SKIP_TABLES <comma-separated list of tables> Enables specification of the database tables that you want to exclude from the backup or restore.
The list must not contain spaces or must be encapsulated in double quotes.

Examples of Usage Command Lines

Converting an existing Access .mdb backup file to the BRU format:

WFMBRU.exe -BACKUP -DSN "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=<backup>.mdb" -FILE <backup>.db

This command does not work with WFMBRU x64, because it requires the x64 Jet driver, which does not exist. Use the 32-bit version of WFMBRU.exe.

Backup MSSQL database:

WFMBRU.exe -BACKUP -DSN "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=<DBMS Name>;Initial Catalog=<Database Name>;User ID=<User Name>;Password=<Password>;" -FILE <backup>.db

Backup Oracle database:

WFMBRU.exe -BACKUP -DSN "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=<DBMS Name>;User ID=<User Name>;Password=<Password>;" -FILE <backup>.db

Use 32-bit WFMBRU.exe if you installed the 32-bit Oracle client on your system or the 64-bit WFMBRU.exe if your Oracle client is 64-bit.

Backup DB2 database:

WFMBRU.exe -BACKUP -DSN "Provider=IBMDADB2;DSN=<DBMS Name>;User ID= <User Name>;Password=<Password>" -FILE <backup>.db

Restore to MSSQL database:

WFMBRU.exe -RESTORE -DSN "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=<DBMS Name>;Initial Catalog=<Database Name>;User ID=<User Name>;Password=<Password>;" -FILE <backup>.db

Retore to MSSQL database using native client: (super fast):

WFMBRU.exe -RESTORE -DSN "Provider=SQLNCLI;Data Source=<DBMS Name>;Initial Catalog=<Database Name>;User ID=<User Name>;Password=<Password>;" -FILE <backup>.db

Restore and Update to MSSQL database (super fast):

WFMBRU.exe -RESTORE –UPDATE -DSN "Provider=SQLNCLI;Data Source=<DBMS Name>;Initial Catalog=<Database Name>;User ID=<User Name>;Password=<Password>;" -FILE <backup>.db

Update MSSQL database to the latest schema version only:

WFMBRU.exe –UPDATE -DSN "Provider=SQLNCLI;Data Source=<DBMS Name>;Initial Catalog=<Database Name>;User ID=<User Name>;Password=<Password>;"

This page was last edited on December 28, 2015, at 15:15.
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