Asterisk as a Media Server
In order for Asterisk to work as a media server integrated with SIP Server, you must enhanced the Asterisk dialing plan with several Genesys macros and global variables as described in this section.
Configuring Asterisk
Dialing Plan Global Variables
You must add the following list of global variables to the [globals] section of the Asterisk dialing plan.
FIND_CLT_REGEX=${SIP_PREFIX}play=[ ]*(music/collect).*
FIND_PLY_REGEX=${SIP_PREFIX}play=[ ]*([^>\;]*)[>\;].*
FIND_REP_REGEX=${SIP_PREFIX}repeat=[ ]*([^>\;]*)[>\;].*
FIND_REC_REGEX=${SIP_PREFIX}record=[ ]*([^>\;]*)[>\;].*
DEFAULT_FILE_TO_PLAY= /var/lib/asterisk/moh/fpm-calm-river
Variable DEFAULT_FILE_TO_PLAY points to the default music file that is played for the Genesys treatments. In the example, above it refers to the voice file, which comes with Asterisk (if Asterisk is installed in the standard directory). You can change this reference to any other file in the actual deployment.
Dialing Plan Macro to Perform Genesys Treatments
You must add this treatment to the Asterisk dialing plan to perform Genesys treatments.
; ${ARG1} - SIP_HEADER(To)
; IF treatment == CollectDigits
exten => s, 1, Answer
exten => s, 2, Set(collect=$["${ARG1}":"${FIND_PLY_REGEX}"])
exten => s, 3, GotoIf($[$["${collect}"="music/collect"] | $["${collect}"="music/silence"]] ? 15 : 20)
exten => s, 15, macro(get-digits,${collect})
exten => s, 16, Goto(s,99)
; ELSE IF treatment == record
exten => s, 20, Set(rec_file=$["${ARG1}":"${FIND_REC_REGEX}"])
exten => s, 21, Set(ply_file=$["${ARG1}":"${FIND_PLY_REGEX}"])
exten => s, 22, GotoIf($[${LEN(${rec_file})} != 0] ? 30 : 40)
; Recording Treatment
exten => s, 30, GotoIf($[${LEN(${ply_file})} = 0] ? 32 : 31)
exten => s, 31, Playback(${ply_file}) ;
exten => s, 32, Record(genesys-rec-${rec_file}.wav) ;can't detect|report dtmf
exten => s, 33, Goto(s,98)
; Play treatment
exten => s, 40, GotoIf($[${LEN(${ply_file})} = 0] ? 41 : 43)
exten => s, 41, Set(ply_file=${DEFAULT_FILE_TO_PLAY})
exten => s, 42, Goto(s,44)
exten => s, 43, Set(ply_count=$["${ARG1}":"${FIND_REP_REGEX}"])
exten => s, 44, GotoIf($[$[${LEN(${ply_count})} = 0] | $["$ply_count" = "forever"]]? 50 : 60)
; Playback forever
exten => s, 50, Playback(${ply_file})
exten => s, 51, GotoIf($[${PLAYBACKSTATUS}=FAILED] ? 52 : 50) ;Goto(s, 50)
exten => s, 52, Goto(s, 99)
; Counted playback
; here probably possible to use background()
exten => s, 60, Playback(${ply_file}) ; Playback
exten => s, 61, Set(ply_count=$[${ply_count} - 1])
exten => s, 62, GotoIf($[$[${ply_count} > 0] & $[${PLAYBACKSTATUS} = SUCCESS]] ? 61 : 98)
exten => s, 98, Hangup
exten => s, 99, NoOp(end-withot-hagup)
Dialing Plan Macro to Collect DTMF Digits
You must add this treatment to the Asterisk dialing plan to collect DTMF digits. Replace <COLLECT-MESSAGE-PLACEHOLDER> in the macros below with the name of the file to play to announce digit collection.
[macro-get-digits] exten => s,1, GotoIf($[$[${ARG1}=music/collect] | $[${ARG1}=music/silence]] ? 2 : 3) exten => s,2, Set(ARG1=silence/2) exten => s,3,Read(dncdigits,<COLLECT-MESSAGE-PLACEHOLDER>,1,s) exten => s,4,SendText(Signal=${dncdigits}) exten => s,5, Goto(macro-get-digits,s,3)
Dialing Plan Macro to Create a Conference
You must add this treatment to the Asterisk dialing plan to organize a conference using the Asterisk MeetMe application.
[macro-conf] exten => s, 1, Set(conf_id=$["${ARG1}":"${FIND_COF_REGEX}"]) exten => s, 2, NoOp(${ARG1}) exten => s, 3, GotoIf($[${LEN(${conf_id})} != 0] ? 4 : 20) exten => s, 4, Set(rec_file=$["${ARG1}":"${FIND_REC_REGEX}"]) exten => s, 5, GotoIf($[${LEN(${rec_file})} != 0] ? 6 : 8) exten => s, 6, MeetMe(${conf_id},drq) exten => s, 7, Goto(s,20) exten => s, 8, MeetMe(${conf_id},dq) exten => s, 20, NoOp()
Integrating Genesys Macros into the Dialing Plan
The Asterisk dialing plan all macros provided above. This section suggests one possible way to do that. Add the following macro in the dialing plan:
[moh_conf_treatment] include => macro-treatment exten => annc, 1, macro(treatment,${SIP_HEADER(To)}) exten => _co[n]f=., 1, macro(conf,${SIP_HEADER(To)})
You must include this macro into the context used to process agent calls. If there is no special context created for this purpose, you must include macro into the default dialing plan context.
[default] include => moh_conf_treatment
Media Files
Media files used for the Genesys treatments should be placed into the standard Asterisk sounds directory. The default location of this directory is:
Call recordings created by Asterisk are also stored in this directory. There are two types of recordings, which can be activated by SIP Server:
- Regular (proxy mode)
- Emergency
By default, names of the recordings made in regular mode are prefixed with genesys-rec. Names of the emergency recordings start with the meetme-conf-rec prefix. In both cases, the name prefix is followed by a conference ID.
Configuring DN Objects
SIP Server utilizes media services through the DNs of type Voice over IP Service configured under the Switch object. The Voice over IP Service DNs have a service-type configuration option, which defines the kind of service this DN can provide. SIP Server selects an appropriate DN when the client application requests a media service.
When you use Asterisk as a media server for SIP Server, you should configure the Voice over IP Service DNs with the following service-type values in the SIP Server Switch object:
- mcu
- treatment
- recorder
- music
For information about configuring DNs for different types of services, see the "SIP Device Configuration" topic of the SIP Server Deployment Guide.