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Known Issues and Recommendations

Genesys Pulse

The Known Issues and Recommendations section is a cumulative list for all 9.0.x releases of Genesys Pulse. This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product. It includes information on when individual items were found and, if applicable, corrected. The Resolved Issues section for each release describes the corrections and may list additional issues that were corrected without first being documented as Known Issues.

See also Internationalization Issues.

Single Sign-On (SSO) is not supported until GWS Auth services are available on premise.

Pulse does not load custom css and js files specified via [pulse]\load_css_* or [pulse]\load_js_* options.

ID: WBRT-18441 Found In: Fixed In: 

Pulse ignores the [general]\inactivity timeout option value and the Pulse View Dashboard role privilege when determining the inactivity timeout for the current user. As a result, a 15-minute timeout of inactivity is applied to any Pulse user.

ID: WBRT-18434 Found In: Fixed In:

The User Preferences dialog does not allow Language or Time Zone settings to be changed.

ID: WBRT-18321 Found In: Fixed In: 

Long-running operations with the database (for example, importing a large number of Dashboards, Wallboards or Widget Templates) can fail with a Could not connect to the database error in the UI and a The connection is closed exception in the Pulse log when the connect_timeout, login_timeout and socket_timeout option values for Pulse DAP are too small.

Workaround: Increase the connect_timeout, login_timeout and socket_timeout option values for Pulse DAP.

ID: WBRT-18295 Found In: Fixed In: 

Attempts to move shared Dashboard, Wallboard or Widget Templates that are saved to Genesys Configuration Server with Read Only permissions set on the related CfgScript object can fail with an Internal Server Error message instead of giving the expected Access Forbidden message.

ID: WBRT-18288 Found In: Fixed In: 

Changes made on the “Alerts” tab of the Widget Template Wizard are not propagated to Widgets on Wallboards.

ID: WBRT-18069 Found In: Fixed In:

After logging in to Genesys Pulse, clicking GAX does not load the GAX page, but instead reloads the Pulse page.
Workaround: To work around this issue, reload the browser page immediately after logging in.

ID: WBRT-17122 Found In: Fixed In:

After logging in to Genesys Pulse, when creating a widget, the Advanced Alerts section on the Alerts tab is not available.
Workaround: To work around this issue, reload the browser page immediately after logging in.

ID: WBRT-16809 Found In: Fixed In:

Changes made in Refresh Rate field on the “Display Options” tab of the Widget Template Wizard are not propagated to Widgets.

ID: WBRT-17804 Found In: Fixed In:

Pulse installation fails on Windows platforms where a release of OpenJDK 11 having a 4-digit release number is installed (for example, OpenJDK
Workaround: Use a 3-digit JDK release version, such as OpenJDK 11.0.13, during the Pulse installation. After you have finished installing Pulse, the 4-digit release (for example, OpenJDK version can be used. Please change the JAVA_HOME system environment variable to whichever JDK you need.

ID: WBRT-16845 Found In: Fixed In: 

In the save dialog that appears when users save dashboards or templates, subfolders in the Scripts folder are not visible unless the user has read access to the Scripts folder, regardless of access settings configured for the subfolder. To work around this issue, grant the user read access to Scripts folder.

ID: WBRT-16519 Found In: Fixed In: 

In scenarios where a widget is edited after one or more selected objects have been renamed, the ordering of objects in the widget sometimes changes.

ID: WBRT-16518 Found In: Fixed In: 

In scenarios where the connection fails between Pulse and the Configuration Server, the Save Dashboard dialog closes immediately after opening, without any error message.

ID: WBRT-16497 Found In: Fixed In:

Users can move dashboards, wallboards, and templates to another folder even when the user has read-only access to the source folder. The file then inherits the user’s access permissions of the target folder, which potentially gives them full access to the copied file, including to edit or delete the file. To work around this issue, disable folder-based access by setting pulse/folder_based_access=false in Pulse application options.

ID: WBRT-16489 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse might not automatically restore connection to Microsoft SQL or Oracle databases if the existing connection was not properly closed by DBMS.
Workaround: Restart Genesys Pulse

ID: WBRT-15626 Found In: Fixed In:

The Grid Widget changes its size after the browser's window size is changed, but it does not go back to the original size when the browser's window size is restored.

ID: WBRT-15075 Found In: Fixed In:

The Download Widget menu item does not download data for _GBK_ (Group By Key) statistics configured for the Widget, into a CSV file. Instead, it downloads only regular statistics values.

ID: WBRT-17174 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse User Interface continuously reloads when different installations of Genesys Pulse use the same hostname.

ID: WBRT-15184 Found In: Fixed In:

The Select All checkbox in Dashboard, Wallboard, and Widget Template Management interfaces does not work when the Search by Column function is enabled.
Workaround: Disable the Search by Column function.

ID: WBRT-14405 Found In: Fixed In: 

The Widget Count column of the Widget Management screen does not show the actual values after remove operations are performed from the same screen.
Workaround: Use the Refresh button.

ID: WBRT-14037 Found In: Fixed In:

Widgets' locations on the tab are changed after switching between tabs or after refreshing the page.

ID: WBRT-14173 Found In: Fixed In:

Alert Widget cannot be edited by users without Pulse Manage Users privilege.
Workaround: Create new Alert Widget to select another set of dashboards to monitor.

ID: WBRT-14033 Found In: Fixed In:

Some operations with Genesys Pulse in the Internet Explorer browser might fail with the "Could not connect to the server" message due to an issue with the embedded Jetty server.

ID: WBRT-13462 Found In: Fixed In:

There is no clear indication that User Preferences could not be saved when Genesys Pulse is in Read-Only mode.

ID: WBRT-13407 Found In: Fixed In:

The database upgrade script for Oracle pulse_upgrade_09.0.004.00_oracle.sql does not work.

ID: WBRT-13264 Found In: Fixed In:

Users on the Widget Management screen might not be deleted nor expanded in some cases.

ID: WBRT-13241 Found In: Fixed In:

If the Language specified via GAX User preferences and the browser's interface language is not available among installed Language Packs, Genesys Pulse interface does not fall back to English, instead untranslated resources are shown.
Workaround: Adjust the browser interface language or change the language specified via GAX User preferences.

ID: WBRT-13088 Found In: Fixed In:

The Use System Settings option selected for Language or Time Zone in GAX User preferences is not picked up by the Genesys Pulse User preferences.

ID: WBRT-13055 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse interface uses an invalid Time Zone if the Time Zone, specified via GAX User preferences, is removed.
Workaround: Change the Time Zone to the available one using Genesys Pulse User preferences menu.

ID: WBRT-13024 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse ignores the [general]/session_timeout option and uses the default 1800 sec (30 min) timeout instead.

ID: WBRT-13477 Found In: Fixed In:

It is possible to choose the Configuration Unit or Site folder when saving Dashboard, Wallboard, or Widget Template (related CfgScript object can be saved only in the appropriate sub-folder). As a result, such saved Dashboard, Wallboard, or Widget Template is displayed under the "Unknown Folder".

ID: WBRT-13973 Found In: Fixed In:

Because of a long index name (more than 30 characters), the database initialization script fails in Oracle deployments using Oracle 12c R1 and below. Starting with Oracle 12c R2, the maximum length of most identifiers is 128 characters, so the index name does not cause script execution errors in Oracle 12c R2 and higher deployments.
Workaround for Oracle 12c R1 and below: Use the database initialization script (pulse_init_oracle.sql) from the previous 9.0.002.xx release family.

ID: WBRT-12654 Found In: Fixed In:

Management screens might become not accessible by keyboard navigation after Move operations on the folder, which is not expanded.

ID: WBRT-12388 Found In: Fixed In:

Management screens might become not accessible by keyboard navigation after Search operations with no results.

ID: WBRT-12384 Found In: Fixed In: 

Widget Management screen displays the total number of widgets instead of filtered widgets when the user performs filtering.

ID: WBRT-12341 Found In: Fixed In:

The Stacked Bar Chart values are not accessible by keyboard navigation.

ID: WBRT-12175 Found In: Fixed In: 

Widgets on the Wallboard launched to full screen might overlap each other in rare conditions.
Workaround: Visit the Wallboard tab, containing overlapped widgets, and relaunch to full screen afterward.

ID: WBRT-12089 Found In: Fixed In: 

There is no intermediate (partially selected) state on "Select All" check boxes in Management Screens.

ID: WBRT-12042 Found In: Fixed In:

The scrollable content of the Text Widget, List Widget, and Donut Widget is not accessible by keyboard navigation.

ID: WBRT-11838 Found In: Fixed In: 

Languages which are set in Internet Explorer 11 via the "Settings / Internet Options / Languages" dialog could not be detected by Genesys Pulse. The language of the browser interface is used instead.
Workaround: Change the browser interface language by setting an appropriate language pack for Internet Explorer 11 or use newer Microsoft Edge browser.

ID: WBRT-11713 Found In: Fixed In:

Quick filter on Data view might reset filtering after switching between tabs.
Workaround: Update the quick filter value to restore filtering.

ID: WBRT-13006 Found In: Fixed In:

The historical chart on the List widget might show the same data for 15 minutes and day intervals in rare conditions.

ID: WBRT-12240 Found In: Fixed In:

Thresholds with the 0 (zero) value are not displayed on the Line and Time Tracking Charts.

ID: WBRT-11856 Found In: Fixed In:

The Grid Widget or Data View may show "No Rows To Show" when the Agent Group is selected for the widget and all objects have been removed from the group and added back to the group.
Workaround: Switch between dashboard tabs.

ID: WBRT-11550 Found In: Fixed In:

In rare cases, Genesys Pulse cannot start Aeron Media Driver on Windows with the AeronError in the log.
Workaround: Restart Genesys Pulse.

ID: WBRT-13561 Found In: Fixed In: 

It is possible to inject JavaScript code to the Text Widget content using API.

ID: WBRT-13061 Found In: Fixed In:

The Grid Widget and Data View that contain statistics with Group By columns might reset the vertical scroll position within the next data update.

ID: WBRT-12275, WBRT-11792 Found In: Fixed In: 

Day and Month on the Wallboard footer are never translated to the language of the Genesys Pulse interface.

ID: WBRT-11766 Found In: Fixed In:

The Reset Column Width option on the Data View might work in an unexpected way.

ID: WBRT-11728 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse installation procedure requires OpenJDK installed from the MSI distribution package on Windows.

ID: WBRT-11572 Found In: Fixed In:

Extra spaces between letters might be shown in the pinned version of the Text Widget.

ID: WBRT-11422 Found In: Fixed In:

Names of statistics or objects, which are using some special symbols, might be shown incorrectly on the Line and Grid Widgets.

ID: WBRT-11397 Found In: Fixed In:

Extra scrollbars might be shown in the Grid Widget after expanding the GroupBy statistic.

ID: WBRT-11349 Found In: Fixed In:

Text format settings in the Text Widget and Text Widget template cannot be saved without a text. Text style, color, and size settings reset to default once the text is deleted.

ID: WBRT-11328 Found In: Fixed In: 

The dashboard configuration is not saved for a new Genesys Pulse user if Dashboards or Widgets were configured right after the first login.
Workaround: Refresh the page after the first login and before changing the Dashboard or Widget configuration.

ID: WBRT-10760 Found In: Fixed In:

Java Virtual Machine might terminate unexpectedly with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION while executing AlertProcessor on a Windows host that has a low amount of system resources.

ID: WBRT-10746 Found In: Fixed In: 

The Summary panel in the Widget Management screen displays incorrect object list for the selected widget when the widget has objects with By Group selected.

ID: WBRT-10745 Found In: Fixed In:

The custom visualization using historical data cannot be displayed.

ID: WBRT-10706 Found In: Fixed In:

When Advanced Alerts is configured, Pulse does not produce the expected alert notifications for GroupBy statistics.

ID: WBRT-15358 Found In: Fixed In: 

Current user sessions do not work after switchover between HA pair of Configuration Server or Configuration Server Proxies if the host and backup_host properties specified in the pulse.properties file are not exactly the same (IP address vs fully qualified domain name vs hostname) as the Name property of host configuration objects where Configuration Server or Configuration Server Proxies are running or the IP Address field is set for host configuration objects.
Workaround: The current session work is restored once the user re-logins.

ID: WBRT-13072 Found In: Fixed In: 

Switchover between HA pair of Configuration Server Proxies does not work.

ID: WBRT-13018 Found In: Fixed In:

Widget Template changes cannot be propagated to deactivated widgets.

ID: WBRT-12344 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse is not installing Out-Of-Box templates after restart (if templates were removed), even when the install_templates option is set to true.

ID: WBRT-12108 Found In: Fixed In:

Having multiple Genesys Pulse instances on the same database schema might lead to duplicated Advanced Alert records displayed on the Alerts panel of the Widget Wizard.

ID: WBRT-11853 Found In: Fixed In:

When GAX application is not installed on the host, Genesys Pulse cannot be installed via GAX IP Deployment wizard. Follow the Install Genesys Pulse from the Installation Package instead.
Workaround for users with GAX versions prior to Follow the same procedure and execute the following additional steps:

  • From the Genesys Pulse installation folder, within the dbtool folder create the dbtool.cfg configuration file with the following entries:
    • gax.url=http://<GAX server host>:<GAX server port>/gax
    • gax.username=<username for login to GAX server>
    • gax.password=<password for login to GAX server>
  • From the command line, run: dbtool -up <path to Pulse.xml file from the Templates Installation Package directory>.
ID: WBRT-11429 Found In: Fixed In: Will Not Fix

Statistics might be not grouped by type on the Time Tracking view. This leads to an ability to select statistics of more than two different types.
Workaround: Switch between Genesys Pulse tabs.

ID: WBRT-10609 Found In: Fixed In:

The value for statistics with the Status display format might disappear for some time in case of configured Quick updates for this widget.

ID: WBRT-10599 Found In: Fixed In:

Axis for one of the selected statistics types on the Time Tracking view might not be visible.
Workaround: Do not select the Status statistic together with the Time statistic.

ID: WBRT-10568 Found In: Fixed In:

After migration from the 8.5.108 version, all widgets that were deactivated by Widget Management will be activated. To keep them inactive, do any of the following:

  • Remove all inactive widgets by Widget Management before the migration.
  • Deactivate widgets by Widget Management after the migration.
ID: WBRT-10432 Found In: Fixed In: 

The AlertProcessor might permanently leave an information about triggered alerts in its local database, if the widget for a triggered alert is deleted while the AlertProcessor is stopped and not restarted long after.

ID: WBRT-10332 Found In: Fixed In: 

If you start or stop Genesys Pulse from GA or SCI using the pulse_starup.bat file, then Genesys Pulse status appears incorrect in Windows Services. To view the synchronized status in Windows Services, GA, and SCI, you must manually edit the Genesys Pulse application in Configuration Server and update the Command Line to pulse_service.exe and specify the Command Line Arguments (for example, -service Genesys Pulse -immediate -app Genesys Pulse application name).

ID: WBRT-10057 Found In: Fixed In: 

A removed widget can appear in the Widget Management for the current user if the user has not visited the Dashboard or Wallboard containing the removed widget.
Workaround: Navigate to the Dashboard or Wallboard containing the removed widget.

ID: WBRT-11580 Found In: Fixed In:

Cannot move Dashboard, Wallboard, or Widget Template object between folders in Configuration Server even when the [pulse]\folder_based_access option is enabled.
Workaround: Move the object to the Genesys Pulse folder first and then move to the desired folder in Configuration Server.

ID: WBRT-15352 Found In: Fixed In:

Sensitive usernames information is used in API requests from Genesys Pulse User Interface.

ID: WBRT-12371 Found In: Fixed In:

It is not possible to edit the template or create a new widget from the imported from another environment template in case when Genesys Pulse Collector(s) were assigned manually to that template and the Manual Collector Binding feature is disabled in the targeted environment.
Workaround: Enable the Manual Collector Binding feature by setting the value of the Genesys Pulse option enable_manual_collector_binding to true. After the template editing or widget creation is finished, the feature can be disabled.

ID: WBRT-10639 Found In: Fixed In:

An object selected in the legend of Line Chart Widget that has statistic as a headline mode is not preserved between page reloads and data updates.

ID: WBRT-11840 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse uses configuration of Aeron only from Genesys Pulse Collector, configured on the same host.

ID: WBRT-10961 Found In: Fixed In: 

It is not possible to store Dashboards, Wallboards, and Templates in folders inside Configuration Unit or Site folders of Configuration Server.

ID: WBRT-12092 Found In: Fixed In:

The Abandoned formula in the Out-Of-Box Chat Queue Activity template mistakenly includes the current number of waiting chats.

ID: WBRT-12010 Found In: Fixed In:

Grid widgets that contain statistics with Group By columns show drill-down rows when no Group By columns selected.

ID: WBRT-12302 Found In: Fixed In:

The excessive number of unnecessary database transactions that are opened for data requests might lead to low Genesys Pulse performance under high load when many frequent data requests are received.

ID: WBRT-12157 Found In: Fixed In:

After Quick Updates, widgets with GroupBy statistics and agents selected By Group might show rows for the agent, removed from the selected Agent Group, for a short period of time.

ID: WBRT-11798 Found In: Fixed In:

Different values of the [pulse]database_max_active_connections option has no effect when Genesys Pulse is connected to Oracle database, the default value of 8 is always used.

ID: WBRT-12158 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse might show a continuous spinner during login attempt when Configuration Server is unavailable.

ID: WBRT-8626 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse becomes unresponsive while switching between dashboards.
Workaround: Reduce the number of widgets per dashboard (especially grid and line widgets).

ID: WBRT-7020 Found In: Fixed In: 

The Genesys Pulse User menu does not provide the ability to set a user's home page or change the user or system preferences.

ID: WBRT-6785 Found In: Fixed In:

Lists in Wizards might display partial data after switching between tabs and returning to previous steps.
Workaround: Scroll the list up or down until the data appears.

ID: WBRT-12177, WBRT-6966 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse does not immediately update Agents added to an Agent Group (including Virtual Agent Groups that use scripts) in widgets with Quick updates enabled. Genesys Pulse updates the agents when you receive a full snapshot.

ID: WBRT-4900 Found In: Fixed In: 

If a shared Dashboard or Wallboard without any title was published using API, it might cause the "Unknown Error" error message on Dashboard/ Wallboard management screens, Create/Open Dashboard/ Wallboard, and Publish Dashboard/ Wallboard modal dialogs.
Workaround: Remove shared Dashboard or Wallboard without a title using API.

ID: WBRT-11468 Found In: Fixed In:

Currently, daylight saving time (DST) works only if the user preferences are set to anything other than system settings in GAX. When the user preferences are set to system settings, the system preferences show DST time correctly if use local is selected. Selecting a specific timezone in system preferences with a certain offset will hard code the offset to be literally what is shown, without adjusting for DST.

ID: WBRT-8275 Found In: Fixed In: 

When users are removed from the configuration, Genesys Pulse continues to write snapshots for widgets that belong to those users.

ID: WBRT-6735 Found In: Fixed In: 

If downloads for Dashboards, Wallboards, Templates, and Widgets do not start automatically in Safari browser, you have to save files manually.

ID: WBRT-8075 Found In: Fixed In:

The Line Widget not available in the widget wizard when objects are selected By Group.

ID: WBRT-5282 Found In: Fixed In: Will Not Fix

The login screen does not respect user's preferred language specified in browser settings even when the appropriate language pack is installed.

ID: WBRT-11085 Found In: Fixed In:

You cannot use compatibility mode in Internet Explorer, even if you are using a supported version.

ID: WBRT-6857 Found In: Fixed In: 

The object display name format, configured in Genesys Pulse Collector option object-name-format may not correspond to the object display format in the Object picker of Wizard. It works for Widget display only, but not for the Object selector.

ID: WBRT-3186 Found In: 8.1.401.03 Fixed In: 

The Display Options tab of the Widget Wizard is not working correctly for the Line Chart Widget when the selected headline statistic is removed from the widget by the propagated Widget Template change with the unchecked "Overwrite Display Options for selected widgets" option.

ID: WBRT-12410 Found In: Fixed In:

Internationalization Issues

Information in this section is included for international customers. Release numbers in the Found In and Fixed In fields refer to the English (US) release of Genesys Pulse unless otherwise noted in the issue description.

There are no internationalization issues for this product.

This page was last edited on July 19, 2024, at 11:16.
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