Genesys T-Server and UCMA Connector for Skype for Business Release Notes
Release Date | Release Type | Restrictions | AIX | Linux | Solaris | Windows |
02/03/17 | Hot Fix | X |
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What's New
This release includes only resolved issues.
Resolved Issues
This release contains the following resolved issues:
When T-Server receives EventAttachedDataChanged from SIP Server during remote treatments, it now correctly attaches User Data to the call. Previously, T-Server did not attach that User Data to the call. (LYNC-2640)
A calling party can no longer hear a ringtone and an audible treatment when a call is routed to an agent. Now, only one audio source is connected to the calling party. The following T-Server configuration option sip-treatments-continuous is introduced:
Setting: TServer section, Application level
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately for all new calls
Enables or disables a routing strategy treatment to be continuously played until the routing destination has answered the call:
- true: A routing strategy treatment is played continuously until the routing destination has answered the call.
- false: As soon as routing is requested, a ringtone is played until the routing destination has answered the call.
Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release
This release of T-Server is built with T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.