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Using Kerberos Authentication in Platform SDK


Beginning with release 8.1.401.04, Platform SDK for .NET supports Kerberos-based single sign-on authentication with Configuration Server. There are two scenarios available for implementation, described in more detail below:

Using Service Principal Name (SPN)

SPN is an identifier which, when combined with user credentials, can uniquely identify access to a requested service. To use SPN, your application must set the ServicePrincipalName field that is part of AbstractChannel.Endpoint.

Code Example: Connect to Configuration Server Using SPN

var protocol = new ConfServerProtocol(new Endpoint(host, port) { ServicePrincipalName = spn })
  ClientApplicationType = clientApp,
  ClientName = clientName

Microsoft Specific Note: SPN has to be registered in Active Directory using the setspn.exe utility. See the Microsoft teachnet documentation for details. To execute commands with this utility, a user must have the required access rights.

Platform SDK for .Net can only acquire tickets that are compatible with GSS API (RFC 2743).

Using Independently Acquired Tickets

Platform SDK can also use independently acquired tickets that are in byte array data form. In this case, the application has to assign a ticket acquirer to the protocol instance, as shown in the following code example.

Code Example: Connect to Configuration Server Using Raw Data GSS Kerberos Ticket

var protocol = new ConfServerProtocol(new Endpoint(host, port))
  ClientApplicationType = clientApp,
  ClientName = clientName,
  KerberosTicketAcquirer = new RawDataTicketAcquirer(rawTicketData)

The previous example is only applicable for tickets that are compatible with GSS API (RFC 2743).

Configuration Server also supports pure Kerberos tickets without a GSS envelope, such as those obtained using the MIT Kerberos library. In this case, your application should use the second constructor for RawDataTicketAcquirer:

RawDataTicketAcquirer(byte[] arguments, bool isGSSTicket)

If isGSSTicket is set to false, then a registration message is created with another attribute designed for pure Kerberos tickets.

Code Example: Connect to Configuration Server Using Raw Data Pure Kerberos Ticket

var protocol = new ConfServerProtocol(new Endpoint(host, port))
  ClientApplicationType = clientApp,
  ClientName = clientName,
  KerberosTicketAcquirer = new RawDataTicketAcquirer(rawTicketData, false)
This page was last edited on July 3, 2014, at 16:17.
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