CfgDeltaCampaign is applicable for Configuration Library/Server release 5.1.5xx and later.
- deltaCampaign — A pointer to the structure that contains information about changes made to this CfgCampaign data.
- deletedCallingListDBIDs — A pointer to the list of deleted calling list DBID(s).
- changedCallingLists — A pointer to the list of changed calling lists(every item of this list is structured as CfgCallingListInfo).
- deletedCampaignGroupDBIDs — Not in use starting from release 7.5
- changedCampaignGroups — Not in use starting from release 7.5
- deletedUserProperties — A pointer to the list of deleted user-defined properties. Has the same structure as parameter userProperties.
- changedUserProperties — A pointer to the list of user-defined properties whose values have been changed. Has the same structure as parameter userProperties.
This page was last edited on January 15, 2014, at 05:41.
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