FA Performance Source Metrics
The FA Administrator can set up to three time profiles. The time profiles can be set to any integer from 1 to 1440 and are not confined to a specific set.
Each of the statistic templates defined below specifies the following values:
DBAppSpecificIdColumnName: patternNum.
Filtered metrics are disabled by default. For information about enabling filtered metrics, see Genesys Performance Management Advisors 8.1 Deployment Guide.
Source Metric Name | Description | Metric Filter Required |
CallsHandled (nch) | Number of calls handled by the agent. | None |
CallsTransferred (nct) | Number of calls transferred by the agent. | None |
LongestTalkTime (ltt) | The longest talk time of calls handled by the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
LongestWrapTime (lacw) | The maximum amount of time an agent spent on After Call Work in the last xx minutes. | None |
Total ACD Inbound ACW Time (ACDInboundACW) | Total amount of time spent performing after-call work for inbound calls. | Yes
(Filter for ACD interactions.) |
Total ACW Time (totalACW) | Total amount of time spent performing after-call work for all voice calls. | None |
TotalHandleTime (tht) | The total amount of time an agent spent handling calls in the last xx minutes. Handle time includes talk time and after-call work. | None |
totalLoggedIn1 | NOTE: The totalLoggedIn metric cannot be viewed on the dashboard. The totalLoggedIn metric is used only for intermediate calculations. | None |
Total Non ACD Inbound ACW Time (nonACDInboundACW) | Total amount of time spent performing after-call work for inbound non-ACD calls. | Yes
(Filter for non-ACD interactions.) |
Total Not Ready Time (totalNotReady) | Total amount of time in the Not Ready state. | None |
Total Not Ready Time - Type X (totalNotReadyT X)
NOTE: Where X=1, 2, 3, ... 9. That is, there are 9 totalNotReadyT source metrics. |
The total amount of time in a specific Not Ready state. For example, in your enterprise, the Total Not Ready Time - Type 1 may be the total time spent on breaks. | Yes
(Filter for Not Ready Time. One filter required for each Type used. For example, if you define a Total Not Ready Time Type 1 and Total Not Ready Time Type 2, you require two filters.) |
Total Number of ACD Calls (ACDCalls) | Total number of ACD calls. | Yes
(Filter for ACD interactions.) |
Total Number of Consult Calls (consultCalls) | The total number of consult calls. | None |
Total Number of Internal Calls (internalCalls) | Total number of internal calls. | None |
Total Number of Non ACD Calls (nonACDCalls) | Total number of non-ACD calls. | Yes
(Filter for non-ACD interactions.) |
Total Number of Outbound Calls (outboundCalls) | Total number of outbound calls. | None |
Total Other ACW Time (otherACW) | Total amount of time spent performing after-call work for internal and consult calls, as well as after-call work that cannot be associated with any call. | None |
Total Outbound ACW Time (outboundACW) | Total amount of time spent performing after-call work for outbound calls. | None |
Total Ready Time (totalReady) | Total amount of time in the Ready state. | None |
TotalTalkTime (ttt) | The total amount of time an agent spent talking on calls in the last xx minutes. | None |
Total Time In ACD Calls (totalACD) | Total amount of time spent in ACD calls. | Yes
(Filter for ACD interactions.) |
Total Time In Consult Calls (totalConsult) | Total amount of time spent in consult calls. | None |
Total Time In Internal Calls (totalInternal) | Total amount of time spent in internal calls. | None |
Total Time In Non ACD Calls (totalNonACD) | Total amount of time spent in non-ACD calls. | Yes
(Filter for non-ACD interactions.) |
Total Time In Outbound Calls (totalOutbound) | Total amount of time spent in outbound calls. | None |
TotalWrapTime (tacw) | The total amount of time an agent spent handling calls in the last xx minutes. | None |
Web Chat
Source Metric Name | Description | Metric Filter Required |
ChatInProcess (wInProc) | Number of chat interactions currently in process for the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
ChatAccepted (wAcpt) | Number of chat interactions accepted by the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
ChatRejected (wRjct) | Number of chat interactions rejected by the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
ChatTimedOut (wTO) | Number of chat interactions timed out for the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
ChatTransferred (wTxfrs) | Number of chat interactions transferred by the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
ChatHandled (wH) | Number of chat interactions handled by the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
ChatOffered (wOffered) | Number of chat interactions offered to the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
ChatHandleTime (wHT) | Total handle time for all the chat interactions handled by the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
Source Metric Name | Description | Metric Filter Required |
EmailInProcess (eInProc) | Number of e-mail interactions currently in process for the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
EmailAccepted (eAcpt) | Number of e-mail interactions accepted by the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
EmailRejected (eRjct) | Number of e-mail interactions rejected by the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
EmailTimedOut (eTO) | Number of e-mail interactions timed out for the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
EmailTransferred (eTxfrs) | Number of e-mail interactions transferred by the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
EmailHandled (eH) | Number of e-mail interactions handled by the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
EmailOffered (eOffered) | Number of e-mail interactions offered to the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
EmailHandleTime (eHT) | Total handle time for all the e-mail interactions handled by the agent in the last xx minutes. | None |
Genesys Adapter Statistic Template Definitions for Performance Metrics
Each performance metric can be enabled for each of the three configurable Time Profiles. These time profiles can be Sliding or Growing, with any interval desired. (Genesys recommends that the time interval should divide an hour or day evenly.)
Source Metric Name | Genesys Metric Name |
CallsHandled (nch) | Informiam.Interactions_Processed |
CallsTransferred (nct) | Informiam.Total_Calls_Transferred |
(totalLoggedIn) | Informiam.Total_LoggedIn_Time |
LongestTalkTime (ltt) | Informiam.Longest_Call |
LongestWrapTime (lacw) | Informiam.Longest_ACWCall |
Total ACD Inbound ACW Time (ACDInboundACW)1 | Informiam.Total_Inbound_ACW_Voice_Time |
Total ACW Time (totalACW)1 | Informiam.Total_All_ACW_Voice_Time |
TotalHandleTime (tht) | Informiam.Total_Handle_Time |
Total Non ACD Inbound ACW Time (nonACDInboundACW)1 | Informiam.Total_Inbound_ACW_Voice_Time |
Total Not Ready Time (totalNotReady)1 | Informiam.Total_NotReady_Time |
Total Not Ready Time - Type X (totalNotReadyT X) | Informiam.Total_NotReady_Time |
Total Number of ACD Calls (ACDCalls) | Informiam.Total_Number_Inbound_Unknown_Voice_Calls |
Total Number of Consult Calls (consultCalls) | Informiam.Total_Number_Consult_Calls |
Total Number of Internal Calls (internalCalls) | Informiam.Total_Number_Internal_Voice_Calls |
Total Number of Non ACD Calls (nonACDCalls) | Informiam.Total_Number_Inbound_Unknown_Voice_Calls |
Total Number of Outbound Calls (outboundCalls) | Informiam.Total_Number_Outbound_Voice_Calls |
Total Other ACW Time (otherACW) | Informiam.Total_Time_Other_ACW_Voice_Time |
Total Outbound ACW Time (outboundACW) | Informiam.Total_Outbound_ACW_Voice_Time |
Total Ready Time (totalReady) | Informiam.Total_Ready_Status_Time |
TotalTalkTime (ttt) | Informiam.Total_Talk_Time |
Total Time In ACD Calls (totalACD) | Informiam.Total_Inbound_Status_Voice_Time |
Total Time In Consult Calls (totalConsult) | Informiam.Total_Consult_Status_Time |
Total Time In Internal Calls (totalInternal) | Informiam.Total_Internal_Status_Voice_Time |
Total Time In Non ACD Calls (totalNonACD) | Informiam.Total_Inbound_Status_Voice_Time |
Total Time In Outbound Calls (totalOutbound) | Informiam.Total_Outbound_Status_Voice_Time |
TotalWrapTime (tacw) | Informiam.Total_ACW_Time |
Web Chat
Source Metric Name | Genesys Metric Name |
ChatInProcess (wInProc) | Informiam.Chat_InProcessing |
ChatAccepted (wAcpt) | Informiam.Chat_Accepted |
ChatRejected (wRjct) | Informiam.Chat_Total_Rejected |
ChatTimedOut (wTO) | Informiam.Chat_Total_TimedOut |
ChatTransferred (wTxfrs) | Informiam.Chat_Total_Transferred |
ChatHandled (wH) | Informiam.Chat_Total_Handled |
ChatOffered (wOffered) | Informiam.Chat_Total_Offered |
ChatHandleTime (wHT) | Informiam.Chat_Total_HandleTime |
Source Metric Name | Genesys Metric Name |
EmailInProcess (eInProc) | Informiam.Email_InProcessing |
EmailAccepted (eAcpt) | Informiam.Email_Accepted |
EmailRejected (eRjct) | Informiam.Email_Total_Rejected |
EmailTimedOut (eTO) | Informiam.Email_Total_TimedOut |
EmailTransferred (eTxfrs) | Informiam.Email_Total_Transferred |
EmailHandled (eH) | Informiam.Email_Total_Handled |
EmailOffered (eOffered) | Informiam.Email_Total_Offered |
EmailHandleTime (eHT) | Informiam.Email_Total_HandlingTime |