The following section lists the prerequisites required to run the Data Uploader application.
For KPI uploads:
- Must be a Performance DNA Administrator.
- An AWS API key if you are running an AWS instance of Performance DNA.
- Each imported KPI must have a matching Base Data Definition by name or alias.
- A manually generated OAuth2 Refresh Token if the tenant is using OAuth2 as an authentication method for their API and the OAuth2 provider does not support loop-back URLs.
- A base fact batch size for the Landlord. Note: The base fact batch size can be set by logging in as the Tenant Admin/Landlord and navigating to the Global Settings page. The default is 10,000.
For OrgData uploads:
- Must be a Performance DNA Administrator.
- An AWS API key if you are running an AWS instance of Performance DNA.
- A manually generated OAuth2 Refresh Token if the tenant is using OAuth2 as an authentication method for their API and the OAuth2 provider does not support loop-back URLs.
- OrgData must be already setup within the system with a matching OrgData file name configuration.
This page was last edited on July 2, 2019, at 13:37.
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