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Outbound Schedules

Outbound schedules are Script objects used to run Dialing Sessions. These scripts are specific to the Outbound Contact Solution, and must be of type Outbound Schedule. The Outbound Schedules page allows you to define the schedule for a Dialing Session.

To create an Outbound Schedule:

  1. Go to Outbound Schedules menu.
  2. Update the information for the fields provided in the below table:
Name The name of the Schedule. This field is mandatory. Specify a name that is unique within the Configuration Database (in an enterprise environment) or within the Tenant (in a multi-tenant environment).
Any OCS Allows you to select Outbound Contact Server that will execute this Outbound Schedule. Selecting Any OCS denotes that this Outbound Schedule will be executed by all Outbound Contact Servers. In deployments with a pair of primary and backup Outbound Contact Servers, select either Any OCS or the name of the primary Outbound Contact Server.
Define recurrence of the Outbound Schedule section Allows you to define the recurrence for the schedule. The following options are available:
  • Daily - The Schedule runs on a daily basis.
  • Weekly - The Schedule runs on a weekly basis.
  • Monthly - The Schedule runs on a monthly basis.
  • Once - The Schedule runs only once on the specified date.
Start Condition section Allows you to specify how often and when the Schedule is to recur. This section has different options depending on the recurrence type you have selected:
  • Repeat every - Enter the frequency of how often the Schedule run, and enter the time in the time selector. Enter the frequency of how often the Schedule run, and enter the time in the time selector.
    • For Daily Schedules, the default value = 1 (every day).
    • For Weekly Schedules, the default value for frequency is 1 (every week), and you must specify one or more days of the week.
    • For Monthly Schedules, the default value for frequency is 1 (every month), and you must specify one or more days of the month. Note: This field does not appear for Schedules of recurrence Once.
  • From - The date on which the Schedule is to start running.
  • Until - A future date to specify when the Schedule is to stop running. Note: This field does not apply to Schedules of recurrence Once
  • at - Allows you to specify the time when the schedule should be started
Stop conditions section Allows you to specify when the Schedule should stop. The following options are available:
  • Stop at - Time when the Schedule should to stop running.
  • Stop after - Time after when the Schedule should stop after running for a specific amount of time. Enter this time in hours (maximum 28) and minutes (maximum 59).
Expand/Collapse Click Expand All to view all campaign groups associated with each campaign template.

Click Collapse All to hide all campaign groups and contact lists associated with each campaign template.

Add Campaign Group Allows you to add a Campaign Group to the Schedule.

3. Click Create in root folder to create the Schedule in the root folder.

This page was last edited on April 8, 2024, at 10:54.
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