Change History
This section lists topics that are new or that have changed significantly since the 8.1.x release of this content.
New in Release 8.5.0
- The Deployment Guide and User's Guide were merged and restructured for usability.
- The installation prequisites were updated to include a tip about the inter-dependency between LRM and Management Framework.
- Added requirement for GVP Reporting Server to About LRM and Deploying LRM (step 20).
- The Entitlement Information and Components and Functions were updated in About LRM.
- Platform Support was updated in Deploying LRM.
- The agentgroup_enabled, binding.address, first_time_data_calculation_max_days, and lrm-retention-days configuration options were added to the LRM Application object in LRM Configuration Options.
This page was last edited on March 20, 2015, at 20:24.
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