Knowledge Center Server migration
Migrating from 8.5.x to 9.0.0 Knowledge Center Server
Knowledge Center Server does not support migration of the indexed data from 8.5.x Knowledge Center Server to 9.0.0 Knowledge Center Server.
To benefit from the new version of Elasticsearch used by the 9.0.0 product and optimized structure of the data you need to re-publish (re-index) all active knowledge bases into the 9.0.0 Knowledge Center Server.
If you are using Knowledge Center CMS this will happen automatically as soon as you:
- migrate you knowledge data to Knowledge Center CMS 9.0.0
- configure scheduled synchronization or run manual publishing within CMS
It is recommended you backup your data indexed in the 8.5.x cluster before shutting it down in case you might want to use things like historical information in the future. This page was last edited on May 29, 2018, at 20:42.
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