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History REST API

The Web Engagement History REST API reference lists all the RESTful elements that you can use to access the web history stored by the Genesys Web Engagement Backend Server.

Resource Access Template

To access resources, you must respect the following syntax:

Method <schema>://<server>:<port>/backend/data/<resourceName>[/<resourceId>[/<sub-resourceName>]]
  • <method> is GET or POST.
  • <schema> is http or https.
  • <server> is the hostname or the IP address of the Web Engagement Backend Server.
  • <port> is the port of the Web Engagement Backend Server.
  • <resourceName> is the name of the requested resource.
  • <resourceId> is the identifier of the requested resource.
  • <sub-resourceName> is the name of a sub-resource.

For instance, to retrieve the list of identities on MyHostname, you can use the following request:

GET http://MyHostname:9081/backend/data/identities

To retrieve a given identity, you need its identifier:

GET http://MyHostname:9081/backend/data/identities/pat.thompsom@genesys.com

To retrieve the pages of user pat.thompsom@genesys.com, you can use the following request:

GET http://MyHostname:9081/backend/data/identities/pat.thompsom@genesys.com/pages


The History REST API contains the following resources:

Note that each resource chapter lists all the operations available with the resource's path, not all the operations related to the resource. For instance, the Event Resource chapter lists all the methods associated with the backend/data/events/ path. Additional methods to retrieve events for a given identity are available in the Identity Resource chapter. You can also use the Operations Index to get the complete list of available operations.

This page was last edited on January 5, 2015, at 14:57.
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