Installing Language Packs
Skills Management Language Packs
Language packs add support for different locales to the Skills Management suite. The language packs are available from the Skills Management release package, e.g. LanguagePackSetup-Italian_v4.7.6.msi.
Installation of Language Packs
Language packs are located in the Skills Management release package as msi installers. Skills Management should be installed before running the language pack installer. The steps below assume that you are installing a language pack onto a web server where Skills Management was installed using one of the automated installers. Follow the steps below to install a language pack:
- Ensure that the release package is on each web server that is hosting the Skills Management sites and services
- Ensure that Skills Management is installed on each server hosting the Skills Management suite
- Double click relevant language pack installer for your required language. The installer will run and close; no user input is required and no notice will be given when the installer has completed. The installer will locate the existing Skills Management folders and add or replace the language files where required.
Once a language pack has been installed, switching your browser to prioritise the new language will result in Optimizer and Portal appearing in the new language.
Installing a language pack onto a manually installed Skills Management instance
If Skills Management was installed manually, the language pack installer will install the language files onto the drive with the most space available under: [Drive letter]/Skills Management/. The files created by the installer will then need to be manually copied into the relevant folders. Follow the steps below to complete the language pack installation onto a Skills Management instance that was installed manually:
Locate the language files created by the installer, these will be located in the drive with the most free disk space; [Drive letter]/Skills Management.
This folder will contain a ‘Services’ and ‘Websites’ folder. For each folder in the services and websites folder:
- Copy the ‘App_GlobalResources’ folder from the service/website folder.
- Locate the relevant service/website folder on the web server, this can be found by right clicking on the relevant service/site in IIS and clicking the ‘Explore’ option.
- If an App_GlobalResources folder already exists in the service/website folder, copy the content of the App_GlobalResources folder from the folder created by the language pack installer into the main service’s/site’s App_GlobalResources folder. Alternatively, simply copy the App_GlobalResources folder from the folder created by the language pack installer into the main service’s/site’s folder.
- Browse to the [Drive]/Skills Management/Portal/Scripts/Resources/ folder. Copy the content of this folder to: [your Portal directory]/Scrips/Resources/ folder.
The language pack will only be used when the required language is specified as the preferred language in your web browser.
Upgrading Language Packs
To upgrade your language pack, simply run the new language pack .msi file on each web server.