Deploying new localization files to your system
Once you have a set of translated resource files, you need to deploy them to Skills Management. The process for doing this varies slightly for the different products, as described below.
Deploying Files to Performance DNA and Portal
- Copy your .resx resource files into the App_GlobalResources folder of the relevant web site
- For Portal, also copy the JavaScriptLibraryResources.<your_locale>.js file to the Scripts/Resources folder.
- The files will automatically be picked up and used.
- The files will be chosen when the user has their default browser language set to the same language as provided in the localized files.
Deploying Files to Training Manager / Notifications client
For Training Manager and the Notifications client an additional step is required, as the resource files need to be pre-compiled before they can be used in a Windows application.
The locale can be represented by either two-letter language code (e.g. “fr” for French, “sv” for Swedish) or a longer country-specific language code (e.g. “sv-se” for Swedish (Sweden), “sv-fi” for Swedish (Finland)).
You can generate the files yourself, using some command line utilities, or you can upload your file to the DLL generator utility provided by Silver Lining solutions.
Using the website to generate the files
Browse to and follow the instructions there.
Please note that if you want to have a different OS to software language e.g. Italian language on a en-US Windows install then you should take the Italian resource file and rename to en-US before running through the tool. E.g. rename to DisplayText.en-US.resx and then run it through the tool above.
Generating the files yourself (Training Manager)
If you do not have the Resgen.exe and al.exe utilities installed, you can download them as part of the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 from the Microsoft website.
1. Use the Resgen.exe utility to convert your resx file into a .resource file.
- resgen DisplayText.<your_locale>.resx SkillsManager.DisplayText.<your_locale>.resources
- You need to use the .Net 2.0 version of resgen.
2. Use Al.exe (Assembly Linker) utility to compile the resource files into DLLs.
- al /t:lib /embed: SkillsManager.DisplayText .<your_locale>.resources /culture:<your_locale> /out:<your_locale>\Training Manager.resources.dll
- You need to use the .Net 2.0 version of Assembly linker.
3. Copy the created folder in the bin folder of your solution (eg. bin/pl for Polish, or bin/sv for Swedish)
4. The files will automatically be picked up and used.
The files will be used when the user has their default Windows language set to the same language as provided in the localized files.
Generating the files yourself (Notifications Client)
1. Use the Resgen.exe utility to convert your resx file into a .resource file.
- resgen ResourceStrings.<your_locale>.resx SilverLining.Skills Management.Apps.Notifications.ResourceStrings.<your_locale>.resources
- You need to use the .Net 2.0 version of resgen.
2. Use Al.exe (Assembly Linker) utility to compile the resource files into DLLs.
- al /t:lib /embed: SilverLining.Skills Management.Apps.Notifications.ResourceStrings .<your_locale>.resources /culture:<your_locale> /out:<your_locale>\ SilverLining.Skills Management.Apps.Notifications.resources.dll
- You need to use the .Net 2.0 version of Assembly linker.
3. Copy the created folder in the bin folder of your solution (eg. bin/pl for Polish, or bin/sv for Swedish)
4. The files will automatically be picked up and used.
5. The files will be used when the user has their default Windows language set to the same language as provided in the localized files.