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Most Common System Errors

This page is a non-exhaustive list of common errors that GMS can throw in the console and in the log files of GMS.

At Start-up

Transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use

Issue: The provided jetty port is already in use.
Action: Check if another application uses this port.

Cannot connect to ConfigServer 'ConfigServer' at host '[host]', port [port], reason '[host:port] Error opening connection'

Issue: GMS cannot connect to the Configuration Server.
Action: Check your connection.

Cannot connect to ConfigServer '[ConfigServer]' at host '[host]', port [port], reason '[host:port] Error registering. Code: 5835015; Server with this name is already running'

Issue: Another GMS instance already uses this application name.
Action: Change the name of your application.

Cannot start Pelops Client for Cassandra [...]: connect timed out

Issue: GMS cannot connect to your external Cassandra cluster.
Action: Check your configuration (Cassandra section, nodes option) and/or your Cassandra cluster's status.

Service option [option name] is not configured for service [service name]

Issue: The service is not configured and the associated GMS feature will not work.
Action: Check your service configuration.

production [provider] provider can not be set for provider [push section] reason: Mandatory option [option name] not specified for provider section [push section]

Issue: You did not properly set your GMS configuration for push notification.
Action: Check the push notification section and options.

Cannot connect to LocalControlAgent 'LCA'

Issue: LCA is not installed or started on the host.
Action: Start LCA to fix the issue.

Wrong value [value] for option [option name]

Issue: You set an incorrect value for the given option. GMS will use the default value instead.
Action: Update this option's value in your configuration.

Errors in GMS Core Functionality

Failure contacting master Response is null

Issue: GMS cannot request the resource on master node, a new request is sent to the GMS master node.

Error configuring HttpClient with specified configuration [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot create the HTTP client and retrieve resources from the master node.

Content in file with .json extension is not JSON formatted. Assuming this is not a template definition file [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot parse JSON content of file with .json extension.
Action: Check the content of the JSON file in your service template file.

JSON file ([file name]) is not a template file. Template name specified doesn't match the id in the template file or template type is not specified.

Issue: The id parameter of the JSON file in the template file does not match the name of the file, or the id parameter is not set.
Action: Check the service template name and the JSON id parameter of the JSON file which is part of the service template zip file.

Cannot find jettyConfig!

Issue: GMS cannot find the <GMS_HOME>/etc/jetty-http.xml file.
Action: Check your GMS installation.

Cannot parse file [jetty file]: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot parse the content of jetty-http.xml file.
Action: Check the XML format of this file.

Error retrieving connection in jetty-http.xml [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot find the following properties in the jetty-http.xml file:

<Set name="port"><Property name="jetty.port" default="8080"/></Set>

Action: Check these properties for each server connector (HTTP, HTTPS...).

Error with Jetty Snippet! [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot find or process jetty port restriction for delivering a jetty template snippet.
Action: Check that the jettyconfig.ftl file is available in the gsg-core jar file.

Error with Jetty Snippet template! [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot process jetty port restriction in jetty template file for delivering a jetty snippet.
Action: Check that the jettyconfig.ftl file available in gsg-core jar file is valid.

Callback Service Errors

Unable to process Callback with ServiceId=[Uuid]: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot process the callback interaction.
Action: Check ORS status and your Cassandra storage.

Unable to process URS statistic [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot process URS queries.
Action: Check the URS status and configuration (url, host, port); GMS returns the default value ('0') for this query.

_chat_endpoint is empty for this service, although parameter _media_type=chat

Issue: The _chat_endpoint is empty although the media type is chat.
Action: Check the service option and the default_chat_endpoint option in the chat section.

Debug error: _chat_endpoint not found for this service although parameter _media_type=chat

Issue: The _chat_endpoint option is incorrect.
Action: Check the default_chat_endpoint option in the chat section.

Debug error: _client_timeout is empty for this service, although parameter _media_type=chat

Issue: The _client_timeout option is empty although it is required for the chat media.
Action: Check the _client_timeout option in the chat section.

Debug error: _client_timeout not found for this service although parameter _media_type=chat

Issue: The _client_timeout option is not set and GMS will use the default option value (900 seconds).
Action: Check the _client_timeout option in the chat section.

Debug error: _client_timeout_notification is not defined in chat service section

Issue: The _client_timeout_notification option is not set and GMS will use the default option value (90 seconds).
Action: Check the _client_timeout_notification option in the chat section.

Debug error: _client_timeout_notification is not defined in chat section

Issue: The _client_timeout_notification option is not set and GMS will use the default option value (90 seconds).
Action: Check the _client_timeout_notification option in the chat section.

Debug error: _client_timeout_notification is not an Integer, option set to default value: [defaultChatClientNotificationTimeout]

Issue: The _client_timeout_notification option is incorrect and GMS will use the default option value (90 seconds).
Action: Set an integer value for the _client_timeout_notification option in the chat section.

Session doesn't exist yet or was not started by GMS : [Interaction ID] = [session ID]

Issue: The session is not available in storage.

Unable to submit event to Context Services: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot use Context Service to process the callback event.

Debug error: Discarding error from ORS. Skip based on response: [message]

Issue: GMS cannot cancel the callback request in ORS.
Action: Check that ORS is up and ready.

Callback filtering criteria issue: unable to parse callback desired time [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot parse the callback desired time parameter.
Action: Check the callback desired time parameter in your configuration.

Callback filtering criteria issue: unable to configure time operation [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot register the callback time operation.
Action: Check the springframework SpEL feature.

Unable to peek EWT statistic: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot retrieve statistics about Estimated Waiting Time from Stat Server.
Action: Check the statistic request and the Stat Server configuration and status.

Unable to peek EWT statistic: parameter _vq is not defined.

Issue: GMS cannot get statistics about Estimated Waiting Time because the virtual queue parameter is missing from the query or service definition.
Action: Check your request or service. By default, GMS returns the default value ('0').

No ewt value in fetched URS Statistic

Issue: The URS response does not contain the 'ewt' key.
Action: Check URS status and configuration; the default value is returned ('0').

Unable to process Callback with ServiceId=[Uuid] - service deleted?

Issue: GMS cannot find the callback interaction in Cassandra storage. The interaction may have been deleted.

Unable to process Callback with ServiceId=[Uuid]: request probably re-scheduled later...

Issue: The desired date is not defined or not included in the slot of EWT time; the callback must be re-scheduled by the customer.

Completed Callback request ServiceId=[Uuid] : [exception]

Issue: GMS submitted a callback request to ORS and it failed.
Action: Consider updating the callback in the storage with the new callback state: completed and the reason: submit failed.

Unable to process queue metadata [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot parse or create JSON object from the callback interaction before storing it in the queue.
Action: Check your Cassandra storage.

cannot store user data for callback service: [uuid]

Issue: GMS cannot cannot access and store user data in Cassandra.
Action: Check your Cassandra status.

Chat Service

Chat Load Balancer request to [request] failed: [HTTP status]

Issue: The request sent to the WebAPI Server failed, resulting in the given HTTP status (not 200 OK).
Action: GMS automatically submits the request to another Web API Server.

Chat request failed: [request] [exception]

Issue: The request sent to the WebAPI Server failed, resulting in IO issue with the Web API Server.
Action: GMS automatically submits the request to another Web API Server.

Chat removedIdleChatJob failed. [Exception]

Issue: GMS cannot process the remove idle job for chat because of a storage issue.
Action: You should check your Cassandra status.

Chat Jobs processing error: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot schedule a new chat task in the job engine and refresh the transcript.
Action: You should check the GMS cluster status, the Cassandra status (up), and if there is a promoted master.

ChatJobWorker: Cannot perform chat refresh. Service [Service Id] not found

Issue: The service Id cannot be found. The service has been deleted or its TTL (Time Tracking Loop) has expired.
Action: Because the service expired, you should request a new session.

ChatJobWorker: Unable to retrieve data from StorageService for Service [Service Id]

Issue: The user data for the given service does not exist in storage. The user data has been deleted or its TTL (Time Tracking Loop) has expired.
Action: Because the service expired, you should request a new session.

ChatJobWorker: Error refreshing chat text for Service [Service Id]

Issue: GMS is unable to refresh the chat transcript for this chat session.
Action: Check if the chat session is already terminated or check your chat server connection.

ChatJobWorker: Unable to send push notification to client for service [service Id]

Issue: GMS is unable to push notifications to the client application.
Action: Check your push provider configuration and check the push section in GMS application options.

Job Engine Errors

Cannot execute job: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot start the job.
Action: Check the GMS configuration, check the Cassandra storage.

Cannot delete job: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot delete the job.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.

Cannot find master server: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot get the master server.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.

Cannot getLastScheduledTime: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot get the last scheduled time.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.

Cannot trackLastScheduledTime: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot get the last scheduled time.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.

Cannot accept job: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot accept job.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.

Cannot reject job: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot reject the job.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.

Cannot completed job: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot complete the job.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.

Cannot failed job: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot process in the task manager the 'failed' request from a job worker.

masterUrl is null or empty. Cannot send response to master

Issue: GMS cannot send request to the master node.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.

cannot create HTTP client for URL=[URL]

Issue: GMS cannot create the HTTP client for sending request to the master node.
Action: Check the GMS configuration.

Failed to submit request, httpStatus=[HTTP code status]

Issue: GMS cannot send the HTTP request to the master node.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and master node status.

ORS Service

Service type is not configured for service: [service name]

Issue: This service does not exist in GMS application configuration.
Action: Check your service application.

Error with parameter [key]; exception: [exception]

Issue: The value set for the given key is incorrect.
Action: Modify the input value for this key.

handleCalendarService: parameter nDays is ot ouf Range [1, 366], actual value is: [days]. It will be reset to 1.

Issue: The number-of-days input parameter of this service is out of range and is reset to 1.
Action: You should set a proper value for this parameter.

Unable to release resource: _access_number

Issue: GMS cannot release the resource with the given access number.

_client_timeout option is not defined in chat service section

Issue: The _client_timeout option is missing in the chat service section of your GMS configuration.
Action: You must set this option.

_client_timeout option is not an Integer, option set to default value: 900

Issue: The _client_timeout option (in the chat service section of your GMS configuration) is not set to an integer value and its default value (900 seconds) was used instead.
Action: Check this option's value in your configuration.

Statistics Service

Unable to read configuration: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot read the tenant data in the Configuration Server.

Error updating statistic value for stat: [statistic]

Issue: GMS cannot add the statistic value to the cache.
Action: Check your Cassandra storage.

Unable to peek statistic for: [statistic], error: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot retrieve the statistic value from Stat Server.
Action: Check the Stat Server status, then, check that your statistic request and parameters are correct.

URSStatisticService: Remote Request failed ([HTTP status code])

Issue: The URS request failed.
Action: Read the URS response for additional details.

StatisticService: objectType not valid.

Issue: The object type of the statistic request is not valid.
Action: Check the objectType parameter.

peekStatistic/getElement/EventCurrentTargetStateSnapshot: key=[reference id], value is null, take value from local cache

Issue: GMS cannot find the statistic value of this reference in the cache. GMS will use the value from the local variable instead.

StatisticService: HandleConnectionFailure: [statistic server context]

Issue: A connection failure occurred. WarmStandby is trying to setup a new connection using the configuration information for primary/backup statistic servers defined in GMS connections.

Cannot convert to String value [state value]

Issue: GMS cannot transform the statistic object into a JSON string value.

StatisticService: ChannelError [cause]

Issue: The Stat Server raised a channel error.

Unable to retrieve Statistic for String conversion

Issue: GMS cannot convert the statistic object into a JSON string because the retrieved object is null.

Cassandra Storage

Value for key ([key]) is undefined

Issue: This input key parameter has no value and will not be stored.

Error in getCometClientState

Issue: GMS cannot get data for comet client state and will use default values.
Action: Check comet client status and your Cassandra storage.

Troubles getting binary storage item [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot get the binary storage for a key.
Action: Check key value and your Cassandra storage.

Troubles getting storage data for storage: [uuid] key: [key]

Issue: GMS cannot get the data storage for a key for an uuid and returns a null value.
Action: Check the uuid value, the key value, and your Cassandra storage.

Troubles getting storage data for storage: [uuid] key:

Issue: GMS cannot get the last refresh time for the chat session.

Troubles getting file for storage: [file path] key

Issue: GMS cannot get the file content of this file path.

Found [services list size]. Retrying in 500ms.

Issue: Found several services that match. There is a Cassandra NTP synchronization issue in this cluster. The deletion process is in progress and was not taken into account instantaneously.

InterruptedException while waiting 500ms [exception]

Issue: Sleep interrupted. There is a Cassandra NTP synchronization issue in this cluster. The deletion process is in progress and was not taken into account instantaneously.

Failure updating user resource allocation [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot update the resource for a user.

Failure deleting user resource allocation ([user],[resource]) [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot delete the resource for a user.

Failure deleting failed master column [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot delete the master node of the cluster. Action: Check your node status and your Cassandra storage.

Failure creating allocation [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot store resource allocation.
Action: Check the allocation object and your Cassandra storage status.

Failure deleting allocation [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot delete the resource allocation.
Action: Check the resource name and your Cassandra storage status.

Failure reading allocations [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot read the resource allocations.
Action: Check the list of resources list and your Cassandra storage status.

Unable to fetch default document for service: [service name] [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot read the document for a service template.
Action: Check the service and file name parameters, the service template directory, and your Cassandra storage.

Error retrieving file properties from storage. ([file name])

Issue: GMS cannot read the document file properties.
Action: Check the service template directory and your Cassandra storage.

Error retrieving documents list from storage. Possibly, templates have not been uploaded. [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot read the service template properties.
Action: Check the service template directory and your Cassandra storage.

No document in storage for service ([service name])

Issue: No document exists for this service name.
Action: Check the service name parameter, the service template directory, and your Cassandra storage.

Record ([currRow]) not taken into account..

Issue: GMS cannot process the calculation of the given slice for the report.

Subscription/Notification Service

The push service reported device, specified in subscription [subscription] to be unreachable, subscription will be removed

Issue: GMS cannot push notification on the given device.
Action: Check notification device detail, or check push notification provider.

Error parsing value [target] in 'pushEnabled' list in section [section] , ignored

Issue: GMS cannot parse the comma-separated value list in the 'pushEnabled' option.
Action: Check the 'pushEnabled' option in the push provider section of your configuration.

NotificationProviderFactory: error creating the sender for [provider] corresponding push will be disabled, reason: [message]

Issue: GMS cannot create a provider for the push section.
Action: Check the options set in the push section of this provider.

Cannot send notification, GCM returns following error code: [error code]

Issue: GMS cannot send notifications to the GCM provider.
Action: Check options in this section for this provider, check GCM provider.

Error initializing C2DM, PUSH to android will be disabled : code: [error code]

Issue: GMS cannot send notification to a C2DM provider.
Action: Check options in this section for this provider, check C2DM provider.

Error initializing C2DM, PUSH to android will be disabled : message: [error message]

Issue: GMS cannot send notification to a C2DM provider.
Action: Check options in this section for this provider, check C2DM provider.

Error initializing C2DM, PUSH to android will be disabled [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot send notification to a C2DM provider.
Action: Check C2DM provider,

C2DM is to be shut down completely as of July 30, 2015. Existing C2DM developers are encouraged to migrate to Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM).

Error sending push to Apple service: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot send notification to a Apple Push Notification Service provider.
Action: Check options in this section for this provider, check APNS provider.

Error sending message through Comet: [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot send notification to a Comet provider.
Action: Check options in this section for this provider, check GMS Comet provider.

url [URL] is reported to be invalid -> target unreachable

Issue: GMS cannot submit a POST request to a custom HTTP provider with the given URL,.
Action: Check custom HTTP option in GMS application push section

Error sending the message to [URL]

Issue: GMS cannot send a notification to custom HTTP/HTTP Callback provider with this URL.
Action: Check custom HTTP/HTTP Callback option in GMS application push section, check custom HTTP/HTTP Callback server

Error after sending message to [URL]

Issue: GMS cannot send a notification to HTTP Callback provider with this URL.
Action: Check HTTP Callback option in GMS application push section, check HTTP Callback server.

url , passed as deviceId ([URL]) is reported to be invalid -> target unreachable

Issue: GMS cannot create a POST request for a HTTP Callback provider with this URL.
Action: Check HTTP Callback option in GMS application push section.

Error reaching java target [target]; [exception]

Issue: GMS cannot send notifications to the Java Callback provider.
Action: Check Java Callback option in GMS application push section.

This page was last edited on April 11, 2018, at 19:02.
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