[hide]- 1 Most Common System Errors
- 2 Chat Service
- 2.1 Chat Load Balancer request to [request] failed: [HTTP status]
- 2.2 Chat request failed: [request] [exception]
- 2.3 Chat removedIdleChatJob failed. [Exception]
- 2.4 Chat Jobs processing error: [exception]
- 2.5 ChatJobWorker: Cannot perform chat refresh. Service [Service Id] not found
- 2.6 ChatJobWorker: Unable to retrieve data from StorageService for Service [Service Id]
- 2.7 ChatJobWorker: Error refreshing chat text for Service [Service Id]
- 2.8 ChatJobWorker: Unable to send push notification to client for service [service Id]
- 3 Job Engine Errors
- 3.1 Cannot execute job: [exception]
- 3.2 Cannot delete job: [exception]
- 3.3 Cannot find master server: [exception]
- 3.4 Cannot getLastScheduledTime: [exception]
- 3.5 Cannot trackLastScheduledTime: [exception]
- 3.6 Cannot accept job: [exception]
- 3.7 Cannot reject job: [exception]
- 3.8 Cannot completed job: [exception]
- 3.9 Cannot failed job: [exception]
- 3.10 masterUrl is null or empty. Cannot send response to master
- 3.11 cannot create HTTP client for URL=[URL]
- 3.12 Failed to submit request, httpStatus=[HTTP code status]
- 3.13 ORS Service
- 3.14 Statistics Service
- 4 Cassandra Storage
- 4.1 Value for key ([key]) is undefined
- 4.2 Error in getCometClientState
- 4.3 Troubles getting binary storage item [exception]
- 4.4 Troubles getting storage data for storage: [uuid] key: [key]
- 4.5 Troubles getting storage data for storage: [uuid] key:
- 4.6 Troubles getting file for storage: [file path] key
- 4.7 Found [services list size]. Retrying in 500ms.
- 4.8 InterruptedException while waiting 500ms [exception]
- 4.9 Failure updating user resource allocation [exception]
- 4.10 Failure deleting user resource allocation ([user],[resource]) [exception]
- 4.11 Failure deleting failed master column [exception]
- 4.12 Failure creating allocation [exception]
- 4.13 Failure deleting allocation [exception]
- 4.14 Failure reading allocations [exception]
- 4.15 Unable to fetch default document for service: [service name] [exception]
- 4.16 Error retrieving file properties from storage. ([file name])
- 4.17 Error retrieving documents list from storage. Possibly, templates have not been uploaded. [exception]
- 4.18 No document in storage for service ([service name])
- 4.19 Record ([currRow]) not taken into account..
- 5 Subscription/Notification Service
- 5.1 The push service reported device, specified in subscription [subscription] to be unreachable, subscription will be removed
- 5.2 Error parsing value [target] in 'pushEnabled' list in section [section] , ignored
- 5.3 NotificationProviderFactory: error creating the sender for [provider] corresponding push will be disabled, reason: [message]
- 5.4 Cannot send notification, GCM returns following error code: [error code]
- 5.5 Error initializing C2DM, PUSH to android will be disabled : code: [error code]
- 5.6 Error initializing C2DM, PUSH to android will be disabled : message: [error message]
- 5.7 Error initializing C2DM, PUSH to android will be disabled [exception]
- 5.8 Error sending push to Apple service: [exception]
- 5.9 Error sending message through Comet: [exception]
- 5.10 url [URL] is reported to be invalid -> target unreachable
- 5.11 Error sending the message to [URL]
- 5.12 Error after sending message to [URL]
- 5.13 url , passed as deviceId ([URL]) is reported to be invalid -> target unreachable
- 5.14 Error reaching java target [target]; [exception]
Most Common System Errors
This page is a non-exhaustive list of common errors that GMS can throw in the console and in the log files of GMS.
At Start-up
Transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use
Issue: The provided jetty port is already in use.
Action: Check if another application uses this port.
Cannot connect to ConfigServer 'ConfigServer' at host '[host]', port [port], reason '[host:port] Error opening connection'
Issue: GMS cannot connect to the Configuration Server.
Action: Check your connection.
Cannot connect to ConfigServer '[ConfigServer]' at host '[host]', port [port], reason '[host:port] Error registering. Code: 5835015; Server with this name is already running'
Issue: Another GMS instance already uses this application name.
Action: Change the name of your application.
Cannot start Pelops Client for Cassandra [...]: connect timed out
Issue: GMS cannot connect to your external Cassandra cluster.
Action: Check your configuration (Cassandra section, nodes option) and/or your Cassandra cluster's status.
Service option [option name] is not configured for service [service name]
Issue: The service is not configured and the associated GMS feature will not work.
Action: Check your service configuration.
production [provider] provider can not be set for provider [push section] reason: Mandatory option [option name] not specified for provider section [push section]
Issue: You did not properly set your GMS configuration for push notification.
Action: Check the push notification section and options.
Cannot connect to LocalControlAgent 'LCA'
Issue: LCA is not installed or started on the host.
Action: Start LCA to fix the issue.
Wrong value [value] for option [option name]
Issue: You set an incorrect value for the given option. GMS will use the default value instead.
Action: Update this option's value in your configuration.
Errors in GMS Core Functionality
Failure contacting master Response is null
Issue: GMS cannot request the resource on master node, a new request is sent to the GMS master node.
Error configuring HttpClient with specified configuration [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot create the HTTP client and retrieve resources from the master node.
Content in file with .json extension is not JSON formatted. Assuming this is not a template definition file [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot parse JSON content of file with .json extension.
Action: Check the content of the JSON file in your service template file.
JSON file ([file name]) is not a template file. Template name specified doesn't match the id in the template file or template type is not specified.
Issue: The id parameter of the JSON file in the template file does not match the name of the file, or the id parameter is not set.
Action: Check the service template name and the JSON id parameter of the JSON file which is part of the service template zip file.
Cannot find jettyConfig!
Issue: GMS cannot find the <GMS_HOME>/etc/jetty-http.xml file.
Action: Check your GMS installation.
Cannot parse file [jetty file]: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot parse the content of jetty-http.xml file.
Action: Check the XML format of this file.
Error retrieving connection in jetty-http.xml [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot find the following properties in the jetty-http.xml file:
<Set name="port"><Property name="jetty.port" default="8080"/></Set>
Action: Check these properties for each server connector (HTTP, HTTPS...).
Error with Jetty Snippet! [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot find or process jetty port restriction for delivering a jetty template snippet.
Action: Check that the jettyconfig.ftl file is available in the gsg-core jar file.
Error with Jetty Snippet template! [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot process jetty port restriction in jetty template file for delivering a jetty snippet.
Action: Check that the jettyconfig.ftl file available in gsg-core jar file is valid.
Callback Service Errors
Unable to process Callback with ServiceId=[Uuid]: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot process the callback interaction.
Action: Check ORS status and your Cassandra storage.
Unable to process URS statistic [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot process URS queries.
Action: Check the URS status and configuration (url, host, port); GMS returns the default value ('0') for this query.
_chat_endpoint is empty for this service, although parameter _media_type=chat
Issue: The _chat_endpoint is empty although the media type is chat.
Action: Check the service option and the default_chat_endpoint option in the chat section.
Debug error: _chat_endpoint not found for this service although parameter _media_type=chat
Issue: The _chat_endpoint option is incorrect.
Action: Check the default_chat_endpoint option in the chat section.
Debug error: _client_timeout is empty for this service, although parameter _media_type=chat
Issue: The _client_timeout option is empty although it is required for the chat media.
Action: Check the _client_timeout option in the chat section.
Debug error: _client_timeout not found for this service although parameter _media_type=chat
Issue: The _client_timeout option is not set and GMS will use the default option value (900 seconds).
Action: Check the _client_timeout option in the chat section.
Debug error: _client_timeout_notification is not defined in chat service section
Issue: The _client_timeout_notification option is not set and GMS will use the default option value (90 seconds).
Action: Check the _client_timeout_notification option in the chat section.
Debug error: _client_timeout_notification is not defined in chat section
Issue: The _client_timeout_notification option is not set and GMS will use the default option value (90 seconds).
Action: Check the _client_timeout_notification option in the chat section.
Debug error: _client_timeout_notification is not an Integer, option set to default value: [defaultChatClientNotificationTimeout]
Issue: The _client_timeout_notification option is incorrect and GMS will use the default option value (90 seconds).
Action: Set an integer value for the _client_timeout_notification option in the chat section.
Session doesn't exist yet or was not started by GMS : [Interaction ID] = [session ID]
Issue: The session is not available in storage.
Unable to submit event to Context Services: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot use Context Service to process the callback event.
Debug error: Discarding error from ORS. Skip based on response: [message]
Issue: GMS cannot cancel the callback request in ORS.
Action: Check that ORS is up and ready.
Callback filtering criteria issue: unable to parse callback desired time [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot parse the callback desired time parameter.
Action: Check the callback desired time parameter in your configuration.
Callback filtering criteria issue: unable to configure time operation [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot register the callback time operation.
Action: Check the springframework SpEL feature.
Unable to peek EWT statistic: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot retrieve statistics about Estimated Waiting Time from Stat Server.
Action: Check the statistic request and the Stat Server configuration and status.
Unable to peek EWT statistic: parameter _vq is not defined.
Issue: GMS cannot get statistics about Estimated Waiting Time because the virtual queue parameter is missing from the query or service definition.
Action: Check your request or service. By default, GMS returns the default value ('0').
No ewt value in fetched URS Statistic
Issue: The URS response does not contain the 'ewt' key.
Action: Check URS status and configuration; the default value is returned ('0').
Unable to process Callback with ServiceId=[Uuid] - service deleted?
Issue: GMS cannot find the callback interaction in Cassandra storage. The interaction may have been deleted.
Unable to process Callback with ServiceId=[Uuid]: request probably re-scheduled later...
Issue: The desired date is not defined or not included in the slot of EWT time; the callback must be re-scheduled by the customer.
Completed Callback request ServiceId=[Uuid] : [exception]
Issue: GMS submitted a callback request to ORS and it failed.
Action: Consider updating the callback in the storage with the new callback state: completed and the reason: submit failed.
Unable to process queue metadata [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot parse or create JSON object from the callback interaction before storing it in the queue.
Action: Check your Cassandra storage.
cannot store user data for callback service: [uuid]
Issue: GMS cannot cannot access and store user data in Cassandra.
Action: Check your Cassandra status.
Chat Service
Chat Load Balancer request to [request] failed: [HTTP status]
Issue: The request sent to the WebAPI Server failed, resulting in the given HTTP status (not 200 OK).
Action: GMS automatically submits the request to another Web API Server.
Chat request failed: [request] [exception]
Issue: The request sent to the WebAPI Server failed, resulting in IO issue with the Web API Server.
Action: GMS automatically submits the request to another Web API Server.
Chat removedIdleChatJob failed. [Exception]
Issue: GMS cannot process the remove idle job for chat because of a storage issue.
Action: You should check your Cassandra status.
Chat Jobs processing error: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot schedule a new chat task in the job engine and refresh the transcript.
Action: You should check the GMS cluster status, the Cassandra status (up), and if there is a promoted master.
ChatJobWorker: Cannot perform chat refresh. Service [Service Id] not found
Issue: The service Id cannot be found. The service has been deleted or its TTL (Time Tracking Loop) has expired.
Action: Because the service expired, you should request a new session.
ChatJobWorker: Unable to retrieve data from StorageService for Service [Service Id]
Issue: The user data for the given service does not exist in storage. The user data has been deleted or its TTL (Time Tracking Loop) has expired.
Action: Because the service expired, you should request a new session.
ChatJobWorker: Error refreshing chat text for Service [Service Id]
Issue: GMS is unable to refresh the chat transcript for this chat session.
Action: Check if the chat session is already terminated or check your chat server connection.
ChatJobWorker: Unable to send push notification to client for service [service Id]
Issue: GMS is unable to push notifications to the client application.
Action: Check your push provider configuration and check the push section in GMS application options.
Job Engine Errors
Cannot execute job: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot start the job.
Action: Check the GMS configuration, check the Cassandra storage.
Cannot delete job: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot delete the job.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.
Cannot find master server: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot get the master server.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.
Cannot getLastScheduledTime: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot get the last scheduled time.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.
Cannot trackLastScheduledTime: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot get the last scheduled time.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.
Cannot accept job: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot accept job.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.
Cannot reject job: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot reject the job.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.
Cannot completed job: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot complete the job.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.
Cannot failed job: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot process in the task manager the 'failed' request from a job worker.
masterUrl is null or empty. Cannot send response to master
Issue: GMS cannot send request to the master node.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and your Cassandra storage.
cannot create HTTP client for URL=[URL]
Issue: GMS cannot create the HTTP client for sending request to the master node.
Action: Check the GMS configuration.
Failed to submit request, httpStatus=[HTTP code status]
Issue: GMS cannot send the HTTP request to the master node.
Action: Check the GMS configuration and master node status.
ORS Service
Service type is not configured for service: [service name]
Issue: This service does not exist in GMS application configuration.
Action: Check your service application.
Error with parameter [key]; exception: [exception]
Issue: The value set for the given key is incorrect.
Action: Modify the input value for this key.
handleCalendarService: parameter nDays is ot ouf Range [1, 366], actual value is: [days]. It will be reset to 1.
Issue: The number-of-days input parameter of this service is out of range and is reset to 1.
Action: You should set a proper value for this parameter.
Unable to release resource: _access_number
Issue: GMS cannot release the resource with the given access number.
_client_timeout option is not defined in chat service section
Issue: The _client_timeout option is missing in the chat service section of your GMS configuration.
Action: You must set this option.
_client_timeout option is not an Integer, option set to default value: 900
Issue: The _client_timeout option (in the chat service section of your GMS configuration) is not set to an integer value and its default value (900 seconds) was used instead.
Action: Check this option's value in your configuration.
Statistics Service
Unable to read configuration: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot read the tenant data in the Configuration Server.
Error updating statistic value for stat: [statistic]
Issue: GMS cannot add the statistic value to the cache.
Action: Check your Cassandra storage.
Unable to peek statistic for: [statistic], error: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot retrieve the statistic value from Stat Server.
Action: Check the Stat Server status, then, check that your statistic request and parameters are correct.
URSStatisticService: Remote Request failed ([HTTP status code])
Issue: The URS request failed.
Action: Read the URS response for additional details.
StatisticService: objectType not valid.
Issue: The object type of the statistic request is not valid.
Action: Check the objectType parameter.
peekStatistic/getElement/EventCurrentTargetStateSnapshot: key=[reference id], value is null, take value from local cache
Issue: GMS cannot find the statistic value of this reference in the cache. GMS will use the value from the local variable instead.
StatisticService: HandleConnectionFailure: [statistic server context]
Issue: A connection failure occurred. WarmStandby is trying to setup a new connection using the configuration information for primary/backup statistic servers defined in GMS connections.
Cannot convert to String value [state value]
Issue: GMS cannot transform the statistic object into a JSON string value.
StatisticService: ChannelError [cause]
Issue: The Stat Server raised a channel error.
Unable to retrieve Statistic for String conversion
Issue: GMS cannot convert the statistic object into a JSON string because the retrieved object is null.
Cassandra Storage
Value for key ([key]) is undefined
Issue: This input key parameter has no value and will not be stored.
Error in getCometClientState
Issue: GMS cannot get data for comet client state and will use default values.
Action: Check comet client status and your Cassandra storage.
Troubles getting binary storage item [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot get the binary storage for a key.
Action: Check key value and your Cassandra storage.
Troubles getting storage data for storage: [uuid] key: [key]
Issue: GMS cannot get the data storage for a key for an uuid and returns a null value.
Action: Check the uuid value, the key value, and your Cassandra storage.
Troubles getting storage data for storage: [uuid] key:
Issue: GMS cannot get the last refresh time for the chat session.
Troubles getting file for storage: [file path] key
Issue: GMS cannot get the file content of this file path.
Found [services list size]. Retrying in 500ms.
Issue: Found several services that match. There is a Cassandra NTP synchronization issue in this cluster. The deletion process is in progress and was not taken into account instantaneously.
InterruptedException while waiting 500ms [exception]
Issue: Sleep interrupted. There is a Cassandra NTP synchronization issue in this cluster. The deletion process is in progress and was not taken into account instantaneously.
Failure updating user resource allocation [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot update the resource for a user.
Failure deleting user resource allocation ([user],[resource]) [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot delete the resource for a user.
Failure deleting failed master column [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot delete the master node of the cluster. Action: Check your node status and your Cassandra storage.
Failure creating allocation [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot store resource allocation.
Action: Check the allocation object and your Cassandra storage status.
Failure deleting allocation [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot delete the resource allocation.
Action: Check the resource name and your Cassandra storage status.
Failure reading allocations [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot read the resource allocations.
Action: Check the list of resources list and your Cassandra storage status.
Unable to fetch default document for service: [service name] [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot read the document for a service template.
Action: Check the service and file name parameters, the service template directory, and your Cassandra storage.
Error retrieving file properties from storage. ([file name])
Issue: GMS cannot read the document file properties.
Action: Check the service template directory and your Cassandra storage.
Error retrieving documents list from storage. Possibly, templates have not been uploaded. [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot read the service template properties.
Action: Check the service template directory and your Cassandra storage.
No document in storage for service ([service name])
Issue: No document exists for this service name.
Action: Check the service name parameter, the service template directory, and your Cassandra storage.
Record ([currRow]) not taken into account..
Issue: GMS cannot process the calculation of the given slice for the report.
Subscription/Notification Service
The push service reported device, specified in subscription [subscription] to be unreachable, subscription will be removed
Issue: GMS cannot push notification on the given device.
Action: Check notification device detail, or check push notification provider.
Error parsing value [target] in 'pushEnabled' list in section [section] , ignored
Issue: GMS cannot parse the comma-separated value list in the 'pushEnabled' option.
Action: Check the 'pushEnabled' option in the push provider section of your configuration.
NotificationProviderFactory: error creating the sender for [provider] corresponding push will be disabled, reason: [message]
Issue: GMS cannot create a provider for the push section.
Action: Check the options set in the push section of this provider.
Cannot send notification, GCM returns following error code: [error code]
Issue: GMS cannot send notifications to the GCM provider.
Action: Check options in this section for this provider, check GCM provider.
Error initializing C2DM, PUSH to android will be disabled : code: [error code]
Issue: GMS cannot send notification to a C2DM provider.
Action: Check options in this section for this provider, check C2DM provider.
Error initializing C2DM, PUSH to android will be disabled : message: [error message]
Issue: GMS cannot send notification to a C2DM provider.
Action: Check options in this section for this provider, check C2DM provider.
Error initializing C2DM, PUSH to android will be disabled [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot send notification to a C2DM provider.
Action: Check C2DM provider,
Error sending push to Apple service: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot send notification to a Apple Push Notification Service provider.
Action: Check options in this section for this provider, check APNS provider.
Error sending message through Comet: [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot send notification to a Comet provider.
Action: Check options in this section for this provider, check GMS Comet provider.
url [URL] is reported to be invalid -> target unreachable
Issue: GMS cannot submit a POST request to a custom HTTP provider with the given URL,.
Action: Check custom HTTP option in GMS application push section
Error sending the message to [URL]
Issue: GMS cannot send a notification to custom HTTP/HTTP Callback provider with this URL.
Action: Check custom HTTP/HTTP Callback option in GMS application push section, check custom HTTP/HTTP Callback server
Error after sending message to [URL]
Issue: GMS cannot send a notification to HTTP Callback provider with this URL.
Action: Check HTTP Callback option in GMS application push section, check HTTP Callback server.
url , passed as deviceId ([URL]) is reported to be invalid -> target unreachable
Issue: GMS cannot create a POST request for a HTTP Callback provider with this URL.
Action: Check HTTP Callback option in GMS application push section.
Error reaching java target [target]; [exception]
Issue: GMS cannot send notifications to the Java Callback provider.
Action: Check Java Callback option in GMS application push section.