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Configured Services

Create Services


After you load the template, you can create a new service. The loaded service templates are available in the drop-down list on the creation form.

Select a template and fill in the form. Based on this information, the interface pre-populates the service parameters that match a scenario configuration and grant usage of GMS APIs.

Learn which template to use for given scenarios and APIs here. Read more about builtin and ors services here.

Click the Create button and fill in your service information. Select your template, then click Save.

An information message confirms the service creation. GMS-UI-PopUpMessage.png

The new service appears in the list of Configured Services. You can now configure your service.

The service is also created in the service.{service-execution-name} section of your GMS configuration. The URLs used by the Service API are dependent on the name of the service that you have just created. Services are available at the following URL:


For instance, if you create a service named match-interaction, then {service-execution-name} is match-interaction and the service is available at:


To use a service, start by allocating resources to this service with a create service request. Note that for some builtin services, this may not be necessary.

Configure your Service

Key parameters for the service are automatically populated with the appropriate default values.

For cluster configurations, all changes made in a service will be replicated into the entire GMS cluster.

The parameters have the following characteristics:

Mandatory Parameters


Mandatory parameters are identified with a lock icon; you cannot rename or remove them.

Optional Parameters


Optional parameters are identified with a pencil icon when hovering; you can rename, edit, and remove them.

Advanced Parameters


Advanced parameters are mandatory parameters used for advanced customization purposes. By default, they are hidden, but you can display them by enabling the Advanced Parameters selector.

Request Parameters


Request parameters are identified in the Description. You can use these parameters in your queries to the Callback Services API.

Edit Values


Editable values are identified with a pencil icon when hovering over them. Just click to edit the field.

The interface will display pre-defined values if they exist, and you can read the Description field for more information about the option.

Add New Parameters


In the service panel, click Add New to add a new parameter, fill in the form, and save the parameter. A popup message displays the operation result.

Search for Services and Options


The services can be filtered in the GMS-UI-searchloupe.png Search Items box. You can also filter the parameters displayed for the selected service or display them by category.

This page was last edited on October 6, 2017, at 14:17.
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