Configuring the Options Tab for AIL
In Configuration Manager, configuration options are stored within section folders. The section folders and options are stored on the Options tab; you click a section to bring up its options. Options are described in detail below.
log Section
Miscellaneous Traces.
- Default Value: info
- Valid Values: false, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Level and size of traces to display on the standard output.
- Default Value: info, ail, 10MB, 20, zip
Valid Values: <level>, <file_name_root>, <file_max_size>, <file_number> [, zip] [, timestamped]
<level>: false, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
<file_name_root>: correct path to a file name
< file_max_size>: maximum file size in MB
< file_ number>: number of files for the rolling logs
[, zip]: to get compressed log files (optional)
[, timestamped]: to add a timestamp when a new file is created. An existing file will be replaced when it reaches file_max_size (optional)
<level>: false, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies how to write entries in log files.
- Default Value:info, 5000
Valid Values Syntax Format: <level>,<number>
<level>: false, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
<number>: any positive integer from 200-10000
<level>: false, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Level of traces to be buffered for internal purposes.
log-filter Section
For Filtering Sensitive Data to Logs.
- Default Value: copy
- Valid Values: copy, hide, skip
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the default way of logging key/value information:
- copy—copy each pair’s key and value to the log.
- hide—copy keys to the log, but replace values with strings of asterisks.
- skip—do not copy key/value pairs to the log.
log-filter-data Section
For Filtering Sensitive Data to Logs
- Default Value: copy
- Valid Values: copy, hide, skip
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description:
Specifies how to log key/value pairs for the specified <key-name> key:
- copy—copy key/value pairs to the log.
- hide—copy the key to the log, but replace values with strings of asterisks.
- skip—do not copy key/value pairs to the log for the specified key.
license Section
- Default Value: 5 (in seconds)
- Valid Values: <Any positive integer>
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Time interval, in seconds, between two successive connection attempts.
- Default Value:10
- Valid Value: <Any positive integer>
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Maximum number of successive connection attempts to the server before triggering an exception.
- Default Value: license.dat
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
Valid Values for Windows:
- <licenseserver_port1@hostname1>;<licenseserver_port2@hostname2>
- Description: A semi-colon-separated list of addresses of Flexlm license servers or explicit paths to the actual license file.
Valid Values for UNIX:
- <licenseserver_port1@hostname1>:<licenseserver_port2@hostname2>
- Description: A colon-separated list of addresses of Flexlm license servers or explicit paths to the actual license file.
dn-at-switch Section
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description:
Used when there are several switches declared in the same configuration. For example, the switch DN ID becomes 103@Xswitch.
If this option is not present, the default value is set to true to ensure 7.5 voice compatibility.
loading Section
This section is only available for the Third Party Application, not for the Third Party Server.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description:
Specifies the method of loading configuration objects (optimize client application mode):
- true—load the configuration objects when needed.
- false—load all the configuration for agent, DN, and place.
ImportantAdvised for client template.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description:
Specifies the method to load SRL objects (optimize application mode).
- If set to true: SRL trees are loaded on demand.
- If set to false: SRL trees are loaded on startup.
ImportantServer template.
multimedia Section
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: A value of true means use the addp protocol to connect to the chat server.
- Default Value: 1
- Valid Value: <Any integer>
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Threshold number of chat interactions after which an agent is seen as busy.
Not connected to routing strategy.collaboration-workbin
- Default Value: desktop-collaboration-email-workbin
- Valid Values: <Any string>
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Used for desktop collaboration feature. When inviting an agent in pull mode, the internal invitation is stored in the agent workbin.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: AIL checks if the e-mail addresses of an interaction are compliant with the RFC-822 Standard for the format of ARPA Internet text messages.
- Default Value: 1
- Valid Values: <Any integer>
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Threshold number of e-mail interactions after which an agent is seen as busy.
Not connected to routing
- Default Value: >
- Valid Values: <Any string>
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: This string precedes each line of the sender’s message when the agent replies to the e-mail.
- Default Value: On<date>,<contact> wrote:
- Valid Values: <Any string>
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies the header that precedes the sender’s message. The header can contain two dynamic values, which are <date> and <contact> .
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description: If set to true , unicode data will be retrieved from Contact Server. If set to false, non-unicode data will be retrieved from Interaction Server.
- Default Value: none
- Valid Values: Media types separated by commas
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: A comma-separated list of valid media types that will be saved in UCS. Valid media types are created and configured in the Business directory of Configuration Manager.
- Default Value: 5
- Valid Values: An integer specifying the reconnection delay in seconds
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Define the reconnection delay. If the option is not set to 0, and if AIL switches to the backup Interaction Server, it waits the reconnection delay before attempting to connect.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: When set to true, the place is automatically logged out of the Interaction Server when the last media is logged out. Otherwise, it is possible to remain logged-in from an Interaction Server point of view, without any media.
network Section
- Default Value:““
- Valid Values: Switch names separated by commas
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: A comma-separated list of switch locations for which network alternate calls are enabled.
- Default Value: 0
- Valid Values: An integer specifying the timeout in seconds, 0 to deactivate
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: If non-zero, a failed network consult is automatically reconnected after the specified timeout in seconds.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Switch names separated by commas
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: A comma-separated list of switch locations for which network complete conference is enabled.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Switch names separated by commas
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: A comma-separated list of switch locations for which network consultation call is enabled.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true , false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: If true , network reconnect is possible only after receiving a network response to a network consult.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Switch names separated by commas
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: A comma-separated list of switch locations for which network reconnect feature is enabled.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Switch names separated by commas
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: A comma-separated list of switch locations for which the reroute feature is enabled.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Switch names separated by commas
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: A comma-separated list of switch locations for which network single step transfer feature is enabled.
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: Switch names separated by commas
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: A comma-separated list of switch locations for which network complete transfer is enabled.
outbound Section
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true , false
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description: If set to true , enables the use of the new 7.5 API with the OutboundChain class, and abandons the InteractionVoiceOutbound class.
signature Section
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true , false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: If true , add the agent name at the begin of the signature of an e-mail, after the prefix.
line1, line2....lineN
- Default Value: ""
- Valid Values: <Any string>
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Used to define the lines of an e-mail signature.
- Default Value: "--"
- Valid Values: <Any string> , <empty string>
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Use this option to set a separator string before your signature. If this option is set to <empty string> , there is no additional line in the standard signature.
voice Section
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: After restart.
- Description:
Use this option to customize substitute behavior. When set to true, the virtual position DN that is created when an agent logs in will be replaced with the extension DN in the place.
- Default Value: all
Valid Values: all, external, manual, none
- all—Any voice call uses the database.
- external—Internal calls do not use the database.
- none—No voice call uses the database.
- manual—AIL will no longer manage the automatic contact lookup and the creation of voice interactions in the UCS database. In this mode, your application is responsible for the following actions:
Fetching (or creating) the ContactServerId DBID for each contact by using another Genesys component, or by calling the contactManager.findOrCreateContact() AIL method.
Attaching the ContactServerId DBID to the AIL voice interaction by calling the InteractionVoice.setContactId() method.
Saving contact records and interactions in the UCS database by calling the or InteractionVoice.markDone() AIL methods.
Fetching (or creating) the ContactServerId DBID for each contact by using another Genesys component, or by calling the contactManager.findOrCreateContact() AIL method.
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: This option specifies the use of the UCS database for voice calls when Contact Server DB is connected.
- Default Value: -1
- Valid Values: <Any positive integer>
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: For Nortel Communication Server 2000 (DMS 100) switch only. Specifies how many digits should be kept at the end of a DN number to get its dialable number. For example, if the DN number is 1001234567 and this option is set to 4 , this DN is called from 4567. If the value is -1 or if the resulting transformation does not provide a correct number, the former number is used.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Option to send all events to RoutingInteractionlisteners . Default is false (to receive only NEW , IDLE , and INFO -CHANGES events). Set to true to receive all the events.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Use this option to disable the attachment of GCS_* data when transferring a phone call.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Enables every means necessary to maintain uniqueness of interaction IDs.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: If set to true , an interaction sends an InteractionEvent with the POSSIBLE_CHANGED event reason, if the interaction’s possible actions have changed due to the status change of another related interaction (consult, primary). If set to false, you will not receive those events.
- Default Value: -1
- Valid Values: <Any integer>
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: The length of time, in minutes, that an interaction can be IDLE before it can be silently removed when one or more further interactions become IDLE . This option is intended to prevent memory leaks by removing IDLE interactions in AIL. Set to -1 to disable this option.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately
- When a request for complete transfer or complete conference is sent to TServer, two connection IDs must be passed in two parameters. AIL passes the connection ID of the main call as the first argument, and that of the consult call as the second argument.
If set to true, this option reverts the previous behavior of AIL, which was to pass the connection ID of the call that is currently on hold as the first argument and that of the call currently talking as the second argument.
kworker Section
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: If set to true , an interaction on the CTI-Less T-Server is automatically marked done when it is released.
- Default Value: true
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: If set to true , a newly created interaction is automatically dialed.
- Default Value: false
- Valid Values: true, false
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies whether the reroute capability is enabled or disabled.
- Default Value: <location>
- Valid Values: switch1,...,switchN
- Changes Take Effect: Immediately.
- Description: Specifies which switch locations can receive rerouted calls. This option is used only if the reroute option is set to true. If set to the default value, rerouting is to any switch. If set to another valid value, rerouting is restricted to the specified switches.
This page was last edited on January 7, 2014, at 16:01.
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