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Complete State

ApiRef2.png POST /services/${service_id}/states/${state_id}/end
Available since:


This operation terminates the state and updates its information with the body content.


Completes the state
Method POST
URL /services/${service_id}/states/${state_id}/end
Field Name   Type   Mandatory Description
URI Parameters
${service_id} integer yes The unique 64-bit ID of the related service.
${state_id} integer yes The 32-bit ID of the state to complete.
Body: State End Event<ref>This body can contain fields from the State End Event resource.</ref>
session_id string no The ID of the related session (for instance, the orchestration session or any other business session). Limited to 32 characters.
interaction_id string no The ID of the interaction at the service event's creation. Limited to 50 characters.
application_type long or string no The unique ID associated with the type or class<ref name="business">

Refer to Configuration Options for more details on Business Attribute mapping.</ref> of application which issued the state event. May be used to group related applications, potentially across resource types.

application_id integer no The Genesys DB ID for the application which issues the state event, such as a GVP VoiceXML application, Orchestration SCXML application, etc.
resource_type long or string no The unique ID associated with the type or class<ref name="business"/> of resource providing the related service (e.g. GVP, Agent Desktop, Orchestration).
resource_id integer no The unique DB ID for the specific resource which provides the related service. For instance:
  • The Genesys DB ID of a specific GVP or orchestration platform
  • The DB ID of a given agent, according to the context.
media_type long or string no The media type<ref name="business"/> applicable to the given state, such as e-mail, voice, chat, etc.
disposition long or string no The unique ID for the business disposition<ref name="business"/> assigned to the given state. For instance, this can be the DB ID of a Business Attribute used to enumerate a given organization’s business dispositions.
disposition_desc string no The text description which provides additional context on the business disposition. Limited to 64 characters.
timestamp date/time no The UTC time at which the service event was raised, with a precision of milliseconds, using the ISO 8601<ref name="iso8601">See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601</ref> representation: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[mm]:[ss].[SSS]Z.
Information.png If the application does not specify this timestamp, the server adds it when the service event is processed.
<extension name> Extension (single-valued)
or Extension[] (multi-valued)
no State extension. Your application can add as many state extensions as needed, as long as you created corresponding Extension Schema with the Create State Extension Schema operation.

<references />


The Context Management Service API answers with HTTP codes for every request. The following table shows the correct response for a successful request. See HTTP Response Codes and Errors for further details on the possible codes that this operation can return.

HTTP code 200
HTTP message OK


The following sample completes a state and updates the associated single-valued extension "Feedback". It assumes that you are using integers for values.

 POST /services/6739/states/5362/end
  "disposition": 10,
  "disposition_desc": "SUCCESS",
     "notes":"warm welcome at frontdesk, thanks for the nice trip"


 200 OK

The following sample completes a state and updates the associated single-valued extension "Feedback". It assumes that you configured business values, which allow string values.

 POST /services/6739/states/5362/end
   "disposition": 10,
   "disposition_desc": "SUCCESS",
     "notes":"warm welcome at frontdesk, thanks for the nice trip"


 200 OK

The following sample completes a state and updates the associated single-valued extension "Feedback" and multi-valued extension "Satisfaction".

 POST /services/6739/states/5362/end
  "disposition": 10,
  "disposition_desc": "SUCCESS",
    "notes":"warm welcome at frontdesk, thanks for the nice trip"
  "Satisfaction": [
    "place":"Terranova mexico resort"
     "place":"Fancy resort Paris"


 200 OK
This page was last edited on November 23, 2017, at 14:03.
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