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Voice Platform Resource Manager Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Mac Solaris Windows
03/24/21 General X X

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What's New

This release includes only resolved issues.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Resource Manager (RM) no longer terminates while forwarding the SIP response in TCP to an unavailable destination. Previously, RM terminated sometimes in similar scenarios.(GVP-42918)

For calls that RM rejects, it now sends the end call detail record (CDR). Previously, RM didn't send the end CDR and in GA/GAX the calls were reported forever under the In-Progress status. (GVP-42720)

The following Configuration Server-related fixes have been made:

  • RM no longer starts if it fails to read the logical resource group (LRG) from Configuration Server. Previously, it started and failed to process calls. (GVP-42654)
  • When RM is starting and fails to read from the primary Configuration Server, it now reconnects to the backup Configuration Server. Previously, RM didn't try to reconnect, resulting in a stale connection between RM and Configuration Server. (GVP-42653)
  • RM no longer stops responding when it tries to connect to an unavailable Configuration Server. Previously, if RM tried to connect to an unavailable Configuration Server, it either stopped responding or took a long time to try connecting to the backup Configuration Server. The 5-second internal default timeout was added to prevent RM from not responding when connecting to an unavailable Configuration Server. The command line parameter -cfglib-connect-tmout is used to override the default timeout interval in seconds.
    To set the timeout interval to 3 seconds:
    C:GenesysGVPResource_Manager> resourcemgr.exe -host gvp-cfg.genesys.lab -port 2020 -app GVP_Resource_Manger -cfglib-connect-tmout 3

RM no longer terminates when it tries to clean the stuck resource session of a conference call when Media Control Platform (MCP) goes offline. Previously, RM terminated sometimes on race condition where it tried to clean a stuck resource session while the MCP that handled the call went offline. (GVP-42473)

RM no longer terminates on having the same SIP AOR configured in different physical resources. Previously, it terminated when it had a duplicate SIP AOR configured in different physical resources. (GVP-41204)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on March 24, 2021, at 17:18.
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