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Log Filtering


Debug Log Level in Platform SDK protocol may affect Application performance due to huge log information output.

The aim is to introduce the ability to dynamically configure the verbosity of Platform SDK message logging. This way, production applications will be able to provide appropriate traces for troubleshooting without hurting performance with overly verbose logs.

This feature should provide ability to set message filtering, for defining which messages should be logged and which should not.

Message filter can be executed only when Debug log level is enabled.

Create and assign message filter directly

Use setLogMessageFilter() to assign custom log filter implementation for the protocol objects:

protocol.setLogMessageFilter(new MessageFilter(){
    public boolean isMessageAccepted(Message message) {
        if(message.messageId()==123) {
            return true;
        else {
              return false;

This filter allows to log messages with ID equals to 123.

It is possible to assign default filter implementation, see described below.

Use Application Template to setup filters

Application Template provides default filter implementations. This filter can read configuration and handle updates from Configuration Server.

Default filter implementation should be wired with a client protocol using FilterConfigurationHelper.bind() method.

User needs to provide application name where filter configuration was defined and Config Service (to read application):

import com.genesyslab.platform.applicationblocks.com.ConfService;
import com.genesyslab.platform.applicationblocks.com.objects.CfgApplication;
import com.genesyslab.platform.applicationblocks.com.queries.CfgApplicationQuery;
import com.genesyslab.platform.apptemplate.configuration.ClientConfigurationHelper;
import com.genesyslab.platform.apptemplate.configuration.GCOMApplicationConfiguration;
import com.genesyslab.platform.apptemplate.configuration.IGApplicationConfiguration.IGAppConnConfiguration;
import com.genesyslab.platform.configuration.protocol.types.CfgAppType;
import com.genesyslab.platform.commons.protocol.Endpoint;
import com.genesyslab.platform.reporting.protocol.StatServerProtocol;
import com.genesyslab.platform.apptemplate.filtering.FilterConfigurationHelper;
public class MyApp {
   public void init() {
        //read application settings and create protocol
        String appName = "my-app-name";                     
        CfgApplication cfgApplication = confService.retrieveObject(
                   CfgApplication.class, new CfgApplicationQuery(appName));        
        GCOMApplicationConfiguration appConfiguration =
                   new GCOMApplicationConfiguration(cfgApplication);        
        IGAppConnConfiguration connConfig = appConfiguration.getAppServer(CfgAppType.CFGStatServer);
        Endpoint endpoint= ClientConfigurationHelper.createEndpoint(
                        appConfiguration, connConfig,
         StatServerProtocol statProtocol = new StatServerProtocol(endpoint);
         //assign message filters to the protocol
         FilterConfigurationHelper.bind(statProtocol, appConfiguration, confService);
For manually created Endpoints the server host and port must match the server host and port of the IGAppConnConfiguration object (corresponds to one of the "Connections" tab entries in provided application). Otherwise the ConfigurationException "No connection object was found in application for protocol endpoint..." will be thrown. However this will not happen if the Endpoint has been created using the ClientConfigurationHelper.createEndpoint() helper.

Helper method FilterConfigurationHelper.bind() reads application configuration, instantiates filter objects, assigns them to protocol, subscribe for Configuration Server notifications, registers handlers for protocol events and so on. When filters are not required anymore, release filtering infrastructure:


Use Configuration Manager to define filters, as described below.

Define filter in Configuration Manager

Filters are defined in the application "options" tab in configuration manager.

PSDK 8.5 logfilter options1.png

Filter name must be preceded with "log-filter." prefix.

For example: "log-filter.my-filter"

Filter names cannot start with "-", "!", or space symbols. Names such as "log-filter.-somefilter" are not allowed.

Filter options are specified under the "log-filter.name" section.

Example: Define filter for T-Server channel which will show only incoming events for DNs that are types of Positions or Extension and match "2???". Events should have user data with key "ROUTING_ERROR". Here is how configuration can be done:

PSDK 8.5 logfilter options2.png

Filter options can represent one or more message attribute conditions.

    message-type = Event*
    @DN = 2???
    @AddressType = Position, Extension
    @UserData.RoutingError = *

After the filter is defined, assign it to one or more protocols on the application’s "Connection" tab.

PSDK 8.5 logfilter options3.png

PSDK 8.5 logfilter options4.png

In Application Parameters it is possible to specify one or more filters for a protocol:

log-filter = simple, error-filter, other-filter

See Filter Chain for details.

Filter Syntax

It is possible to specify one or more conditions to filter messages by their names or (and) attribute values.

List of elementary conditions evaluate with "AND" operation.

Message Type Conditions

Evaluates message name or message id.

message-type = constant value


Option Description
message-type = EventInfo Filter accepting only EventInfo message
message-type = 125,126,127 Filter accepting messages with id 125,126 and 127.
message-type = Event* Filter accepting all Events

Attribute conditions

Evaluates message attribute value.

@attribute-name = constant value


Option Description
@ReferenceId = 50 Matches ReferenceId attribute value with 50.
@DN = 2??? Matches DN attribute value with 4-character string starting from "2". Attribute values like "2999" or "2ef7" will be accepted. Value "299999" will not be accepted.
@UserData.CustomerID = 87624FAC Matches "CustomerID" key of the complex "UserData" attribute with "87624FAC" value.
@StatisticObject.ObjectId = place* Matches statistic object which name start from "place"

Attribute names

Attribute name is specified after the "@" symbol. Attribute names should match getter name of the corresponding message class. To find out attribute name, see API reference guide for the corresponding message.

For example:


equals to filter condition

"@StatisticObject.ObjectType = ... "

To access sub element of the complex attribute (KeyValueCollection, CompoundValue), specify the name of inner element. Names should be delimited with "." symbol:


Supported attribute types

Currently supported message attribute types:

  • string,
  • int,
  • enum,
  • KeyValueCollection,
  • CompoundValue (complex attributes like StatisticObject.)

If attribute has complex type, it is possible to specify matching condition only for one of its inner elements of a simple type: string, integer or enum. For example, here is how to specify condition for "TenantName" element of the complex "StatisticObject" attribute:

@StatisticObject.TenantName = 101

Constant values

Condition can have one or more constant values, delimited with ",". If one of the specified constants

matching attribute value (or message name), condition will return true.

Constant values supports wildcards:

Symbol Description
* Any sequence of symbols.

For example, "Event*" matching any message name, starting from Event

? Any symbol at specified position.

For example, 555?5 will match 555A5 or 55505 strings.

\ Escape symbol.

For example, 555\?5 will match only 555?5 string.

Constant examples:

@AgentPlace =  place1000
@AgentPlace = place*
@AgentPlace = place100??
@AgentPlace = place110, place120, place2??

Inverted conditions

It is possible to invert attribute condition or message condition result by specifying "#not" prefix:

#not message-type = RequestAgentLogin


#not @DN = 10

Empty filters

Filter with empty options will return negative evaluation result. It can be used to deny all messages for a protocol object.

Stateful filters

Sometimes user doesn't know what attribute value should be specified in a filter condition. For example, in Statistic protocol, the ReferenceId attribute (which uniquely identifies EventInfo message with statistic data), initializing at a runtime, during statistic opening. To find out ReferenceId value, user needs to search corresponding RequestOpenStatistic in logs.

Use case: trace EventInfo messages with any statistic for "place100".

Default log filter implementation allows to save attribute value from one message and re-use it to trace other messages.

Configuration sample:

    message-type = RequestOpenStatistic
    @StatisticObject.ObjectId = place100
    trace-on-attribute = ReferenceId
    trace-until-message-type = EventStatisticClosed

When filter meets condition ( "RequestOpenStatistic" message with "place100" statistic object), the ReferenceId is added to the list of saved values.

When filter receives message ("EventInfo" in statistics protocol) with ReferenceId matching to any of the saved values, it allows to log the messages. More then one statistics for "place100" could be opened, so it is possible to store several ReferenceId values.

When filter receives "EventStatisticClosed" with ReferenceId matching to any of the previously saved values, this value is removed from the list. When values list is empty, no messages could be logged.

Note 1: Filters processing messages only when debug log level is enabled. In order to save ReferenceId value, debug log level should be enabled before RequestOpenStatistic is sent to server.

Note 2: Saved values are cleared upon protocol close.

Note 3: Number of saved values is limited to 1024 to prevent high memory consumption upon incorrect filter conditions. It can be changed with system property "com.genesyslab.platform.filtering.valuelist.capacity". Changing to greater value is not recommended.

Filter Chain

List of filters on the "Connection tab" represent a filter chain. By default, filter chain evaluates filter results as "OR" expression. If one of the filter accept message message will be logged and other filters will not be evaluated. Filters can be of two types: "accept" and "deny" filters

Use cases

Filter type Use case


User exactly knows criteria by which messages should be logged. For example, log all Events and Requests with "DN" attribute "2000".
deny User see a lot of unneeded messages in log with common data. User can specify "deny" filter to truncate those messages.

Filter chain behavior

Filter type Message evaluation result Filter chain behavior
accept (default) TRUE\FALSE If TRUE - allow log, do not execute other filters. Otherwise, execute next filter. Deny log if last filter returned FALSE
deny TRUE\FALSE If TRUE - deny log, do not execute other filters. Otherwise, execute next filter. Allow log if last filter returned FALSE


Filter name, prefixed with "-" means "deny" filter. Names without prefix mean "accept" filter.


"log-filter = -filter"
"log-filter = f1, f2, -f3". 

Filter result negation

Optionally, it is possible to invert message evaluation result for a filter with "!" symbol.


"log-filter = !filter"
"log-filter = f1, !f2, f3"
"log-filter = f1, -f2, -!f3".

Special filters

While delivering message from TCP connection to the client's receiver (or in opposite direction), Platform SDK can trace message on the different points of its way:

2014-07-31 15:07:38,168 [New I/O worker #1] DEBUG otocolMessagePackagerImpl  - New message #2
2014-07-31 15:07:38,168 [New I/O worker #1] DEBUG ns.protocol.DuplexChannel  - Complete message handling: 2

It is possible to disable such log entries with special filter "skip-trace-msg". This filter can be specified as a stand-alone filter, or can be used together with other filters in a filter chain:


log-filter = skip-trace-msg
log-filter = filter-1, filter-2, filter-n, skip-trace-msg
This page was last edited on January 19, 2015, at 18:15.
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