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TLS and the Application Template Application Block

If the certificate or CA certificate are not set, then using the tls option flag in a client application will create an unauthenticated connection with encryption only. To ensure TLS authentication and certificate validation are performed, you must first configure those parameters correctly.


Instead of using the Platform SDK Commons Library to configure TLS connections with hard-coded values, you can use the Platform SDK Application Template Application Block to retrieve configuration objects from Configuration Server which contain parameters that are used to configure your TLS settings.

The steps do accomplish this are as follows:

  1. Parse a configuration object.
  2. Create a TLSConfiguration object for the configuration object.
  3. Customize your TLSConfiguration object:
    • Add callback handlers.
    • For clients, set the expected host names for primary and backup servers.
  4. Create SSLContext and SSLExtendedOptions objects based on your TLSConfiguration object.
  5. Use your SSLContext and SSLExtendedOptions objects to create Endpoints and/or WarmStandbyConfiguration objects.
  6. Use your Endpoints and/or WarmStandbyConfiguration objects to create Protocol instances.

The sections below describe these steps in more detail.

If you plan on using this method to configure TLS settings, be sure that related application objects in Configuration Manager have been configured with TLS parameters.

If you aren't familiar with TLS configuration settings then please read Using the Platform SDK Commons Library to gain a better understanding of what is required.

Parsing Configuration Objects

The Platform SDK Application Template has a helper class, GConfigTlsPropertyReader, which makes it easy to extract TLS parameters from Configuration Server. When used in conjunction with TLSConfigurationParser, TLSConfigurationHelper, ClientConfigurationHelper and ServerConfigurationHelper classes, all of the connection-related options found in Configuration Server are covered. They also provide other useful functionality.

TLSConfigurationParser has two constructors:

public GConfigTlsPropertyReader(
        IGApplicationConfiguration appConfig,
        IGApplicationConfiguration.IGPortInfo portConfig);


public GConfigTlsPropertyReader(
        IGApplicationConfiguration appConfig,
        IGApplicationConfiguration.IGAppConnConfiguration connConfig);

The first one is used for server-side connections while the second is for client-side connections.

For example:

// Client side
// Prepare configuration objects
String clientAppName = "<my-app-name>";
CfgAppType targetServerType = CfgAppType.CFGTServer;
CfgApplication cfgApplication = confService.retrieveObject(
        CfgApplication.class, new CfgApplicationQuery(clientAppName));
GCOMApplicationConfiguration appConfiguration =
        new GCOMApplicationConfiguration(cfgApplication);
IGApplicationConfiguration.IGAppConnConfiguration connConfig =

// Parse TLS parameters
PropertyReader reader = new GConfigTlsPropertyReader(appConfiguration, connConfig);
TLSConfiguration tlsConfiguration = 
        TLSConfigurationParser.parseTlsConfiguration(reader, true);
// At this point, tlsConfiguration contains TLS parameters read from
// configuration objects
// Server side
// Prepare configuration objects
String serverAppName = "<my-app-name>";
String portID = "secure";
CfgApplication cfgApplication = confService.retrieveObject(
        CfgApplication.class, new CfgApplicationQuery(serverAppName));
GCOMApplicationConfiguration appConfiguration =
        new GCOMApplicationConfiguration(cfgApplication);
IGApplicationConfiguration.IGPortInfo portConfig =

// Parse TLS parameters
PropertyReader reader = new GConfigTlsPropertyReader(appConfiguration, portConfig);
TLSConfiguration tlsConfiguration = 
        TLSConfigurationParser.parseTlsConfiguration(reader, false);

Customizing TLS Configuration

When Configuration objects are used as a source of TLS parameters, they can also provide values for expected host names.


TLSConfiguration tlsConfiguration = ...;

// Client side
// Prepare configuration objects
String clientAppName = "<my-app-name>";
CfgAppType targetServerType = CfgAppType.CFGTServer;
CfgApplication cfgApplication = confService.retrieveObject(
        CfgApplication.class, new CfgApplicationQuery(clientAppName));
GCOMApplicationConfiguration appConfiguration =
        new GCOMApplicationConfiguration(cfgApplication);
IGApplicationConfiguration.IGAppConnConfiguration connConfig =

// TLS-specific part
IGApplicationConfiguration.IGServerInfo primaryServer =
IGApplicationConfiguration.IGServerInfo backupServer =

// Or:
// tlsConfiguration.setExpectedHostname(backupServer.getHost().getName());

Creating SSLContext Objects

SSLContext and SSLExtendedOptions are created either using TLSConfigurationHelper or with TLSConfiguration shortcut methods:


SSLContext sslContext =
SSLExtendedOptions sslOptions =
// The same as above, using shortcut methods:
sslContext = tlsConfiguration.createSslContext();
sslOptions = tlsConfiguration.createSslExtendedOptions();

Configuring TLS for Client Connections

Platform SDK has a helper class, ClientConfigurationHelper, that makes it easier to prepare connections for client applications. This class has the following methods:

public static Endpoint createEndpoint(
        IGApplicationConfiguration appConfig,
        IGAppConnConfiguration connConfig,
        IGApplicationConfiguration targetServerConfig);
public static Endpoint createEndpoint(
        IGApplicationConfiguration appConfig,
        IGAppConnConfiguration connConfig,
        IGApplicationConfiguration targetServerConfig,
        boolean tlsEnabled,
        SSLContext sslContext,
        SSLExtendedOptions sslOptions);
public static WarmStandbyConfiguration createWarmStandbyConfig(
        IGApplicationConfiguration appConfig,
        IGAppConnConfiguration connConfig);
public static WarmStandbyConfiguration createWarmStandbyConfig(
        IGApplicationConfiguration appConfig,
        IGAppConnConfiguration connConfig,
        boolean primaryTLSEnabled,
        SSLContext primarySSLContext,
        SSLExtendedOptions primarySSLOptions,
        boolean backupTLSEnabled,
        SSLContext backupSSLContext,
        SSLExtendedOptions backupSSLOptions);

Two of these methods simply accept TLS-specific parameters and pass them through to the Endpoint and WarmStandbyConfiguration instances being created. A code sample using the createEndpoint() method is shown here:

String clientAppName = "<my-app-name>";
CfgAppType targetServerType = CfgAppType.CFGTServer;
CfgApplication cfgApplication = confService.retrieveObject(
        CfgApplication.class, new CfgApplicationQuery(clientAppName));

GCOMApplicationConfiguration appConfiguration =
        new GCOMApplicationConfiguration(cfgApplication);

IGAppConnConfiguration connConfig =

// TLS preparation section follows
PropertyReader reader = new GConfigTlsPropertyReader(appConfiguration, connConfig);
TLSConfiguration tlsConfiguration = 
        TLSConfigurationParser.parseTlsConfiguration(reader, true);

// TLS customization code goes here...
// As an example, host name verification is turned on
IGApplicationConfiguration.IGServerInfo targetServer =

// Get TLS configuration objects for connection
SSLContext sslContext = tlsConfiguration.createSslContext();
SSLExtendedOptions sslOptions = tlsConfiguration.createSslExtendedOptions();
boolean tlsEnabled = tlsConfiguration.isTlsEnabled();
// TLS preparation section ends

Endpoint epTSrv = ClientConfigurationHelper.createEndpoint(
        appConfiguration, connConfig,
        tlsEnabled, sslContext, sslOptions);

TServerProtocol tsProtocol = new TServerProtocol(epTSrv);

Configuring Warm Standby

In cases when the target server has a backup in warm standby mode, configuration requires a little extra effort, as shown in the following code sample.

Note: Configuring TLS for primary and backup servers in Warm Standby mode has some specifics that may not be obvious. Primary and backup servers typically share the same settings. Thus, when a server is selected as a backup for another server (the primary server), Configuration Manager copies settings from the primary server to the backup server to make them the same. This is also true of TLS settings, and the same TLSConfiguration object can be used to configure both the primary and backup connections. On the other hand, primary and backup servers usually reside on different hosts. This means that if a hostname check is used, each of these servers must have different expectedHostname parameter values. This is not hard to do, as the following code sample demonstrates, but it is not always obvious.

String clientAppName = "<my-app-name>";
CfgAppType targetServerType = CfgAppType.CFGStatServer;
CfgApplication cfgApplication = confService.retrieveObject(
        CfgApplication.class, new CfgApplicationQuery(appName));

GCOMApplicationConfiguration appConfiguration =
        new GCOMApplicationConfiguration(cfgApplication); 

IGAppConnConfiguration connConfig =

// TLS preparation section follows
PropertyReader reader = new GConfigTlsPropertyReader(appConfiguration, connConfig);
TLSConfiguration tlsConfiguration = 
        TLSConfigurationParser.parseTlsConfiguration(reader, true);

IGApplicationConfiguration.IGServerInfo primaryServer =
IGApplicationConfiguration.IGServerInfo backupServer =

// Configure TLS for Primary
SSLContext primarySslContext = tlsConfiguration.createSslContext();
SSLExtendedOptions primarySslOptions = tlsConfiguration.createSslExtendedOptions();
boolean primaryTlsEnabled = tlsConfiguration.isTlsEnabled();
// Configure TLS for Backup
SSLContext backupSslContext = tlsConfiguration.createSslContext();
SSLExtendedOptions backupSslOptions = tlsConfiguration.createSslExtendedOptions();
boolean backupTlsEnabled = tlsConfiguration.isTlsEnabled();
// TLS preparation section ends
WarmStandbyConfiguration wsConfig =
                appConfiguration, connConfig,
                primaryTlsEnabled, primarySslContext, primarySslOptions,
                backupTlsEnabled, backupSslContext, backupSslOptions);

StatServerProtocol statProtocol =
        new StatServerProtocol(wsConfig.getActiveEndpoint());

WarmStandbyService wsService = new WarmStandbyService(statProtocol);

Configuring TLS for Servers

Platform SDK has a helper class, ServerConfigurationHelper, that makes it easier to prepare listening sockets for server applications. This class has the following methods:

public static Endpoint createListeningEndpoint(
        IGApplicationConfiguration application,
        IGApplicationConfiguration.IGPortInfo portInfo);
public static Endpoint createListeningEndpoint(
        IGApplicationConfiguration application,
        IGApplicationConfiguration.IGPortInfo portInfo,
        boolean tlsEnabled,
        SSLContext sslContext,
        SSLExtendedOptions sslOptions);

The overloaded version of the createListeningEndpoint() method accepts TLS parameters and passes them through to the Endpoint object that is being created. The following code sample shows how this is done:

String serverAppName = "<my-app-name>";
String portID = "secure";
CfgApplication cfgApplication = confService.retrieveObject(
        CfgApplication.class, new CfgApplicationQuery(appName));
GCOMApplicationConfiguration appConfig =
        new GCOMApplicationConfiguration(cfgApplication);
IGApplicationConfiguration.IGPortInfo portConfig =

// TLS preparation section follows
PropertyReader reader = new GConfigTlsPropertyReader(appConfiguration, portConfig);
TLSConfiguration tlsConfiguration = 
        TLSConfigurationParser.parseTlsConfiguration(reader, false);
// TLS customization code goes here...
// As an example, mutual TLS mode is turned on
// Get TLS configuration objects for connection
SSLContext sslContext = tlsConfiguration.createSslContext();
SSLExtendedOptions sslOptions = tlsConfiguration.createSslExtendedOptions();
boolean tlsEnabled = tlsConfiguration.isTlsEnabled();
// TLS preparation section ends

Endpoint endpoint = ServerConfigurationHelper.createListeningEndpoint(
        appConfig, portConfig,
        tlsEnabled, sslContext, sslOptions);
ExternalServiceProtocolListener serverChannel =
        new ExternalServiceProtocolListener(endpoint);

The contents of this page only apply to Java implementations.

This page was last edited on March 15, 2017, at 20:37.
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