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Classification of Events in Event Logger

The logger functionality classifies reporting events in two ways:

  • By activity type—that is, whether the activity refers to an interaction, an agent, an ESP server, or is of a custom type. The database contains tables for each type: interaction activity is stored in rpt_interaction, agent activity is stored in rpt_agent, and ESP server activity is stored in rpt_esp. Custom activity can be stored in rpt_interaction, rpt_agent, or rpt_custom, depending on the configuration in the custom-events section of the Event Logger DAP.
  • By endpoint type—that is, whether that interaction is being transmitted to a queue, strategy, agent, or ESP service. You can filter out events according to endpoint type. A few events do not have an endpoint type; you cannot filter these events.

The following table lists the events and their classifications.

Event Activity Endpoint
EventPropertiesChanged Interaction -
EventPartyAdded Interaction Agent, Strategy
EventPartyRemoved Interaction Agent, Strategy
EventRevoked Interaction Agent
EventInteractionSubmited Interaction -
EventProcessingStopped Interaction -
EventHeld Interaction -
EventResumed Interaction -
EventPlacedInQueue Interaction Queue
EventPlacedInWorkbin Interaction Queue
EventAgentInvited Interaction Agent
EventRejected Interaction Agent
EventTakenFromQueue Interaction Queue
EventTakenFromWorkbin Interaction Queue
EventAgentLogin Agent Agent State
EventAgentLogout Agent Agent State
EventDoNotDisturbOn Agent Agent State
EventDoNotDisturbOff Agent Agent State
EventMediaAdded Agent Agent State
EventMediaRemoved Agent Agent State
EventNotReadyForMedia Agent Agent State
EventReadyForMedia Agent Agent State
EventAgentStateReasonChanged Agent Agent State
EventMediaStateReasonChanged Agent Agent State
EventExternalServiceRequested ESP Server ESP Server
EventExternalServiceResponded ESP Server ESP Server
EventCustomReporting Interaction, Agent, or Custom -
This page was last edited on October 15, 2018, at 17:28.
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