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The settings resource is intended for configuration tasks that modify the behavior of existing functionality. This resource contains a list of URI's that correspond to named settings groups. Each of these groups has its own attributes and security settings.


The following operations are supported by /settings:

Operation Description Permissions
GET Returns a list of all available settings groups for the contact center Contact Center Admin


The following attributes are supported for each item that is returned by GET /settings:

Attribute Type Description Access
uri String The URI to the settings group. GET
displayName String Name that describes the settings group. GET


The following sample will return a list of all settings groups for the contact center:

GET /api/v2/settings

		"displayName":"Agent States",
Settings groups are different from features. Enabling a feature for the contact center may result in particular settings groups becoming available.

Each setting group may return the attribute "key" along with a setting array. This attribute will specify which of the setting attributes should be used as a key to identify the setting during modification (PUT) requests. If the "key" attribute is not present, "name" will be the default identifying attribute.

Supported Settings Groups

The supported Settings Groups are General and Agent States.


This group is available under the following URI: http://<host:port>/api/v2/settings/general-settings. It contains the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
countryCode String A two-character country code for the Contact Center.
countryDigits String A numerical country prefix for phone numbers.
countryName String Country name.

Agent States

Agent state is accessible by using /settings/agent-states. It allows the Contact Center Admin to define custom agent states that include reason codes.


The following operations are supported for the /settings/agent-states resource:

Operation Description Permissions
GET Returns a list of all available agent states for the contact center Contact Center Admin, Agent
POST Creates a new agent state description. Contact Center Admin
PUT Modifies an existing agent state. Contact Center Admin
DELETE Removes an agent state description from the system. Contact Center Admin


The following attributes are supported for each agent state descriptor:

Attribute Type Description Access Required
id String The unique ID (GUID) for the agent state. This ID is included in the userState of device change messages when an agent state is matched. GET Y
operationName String The unique operation name that will be used to set this state (for example, OutToLunch). GET, POST, PUT Y
displayName String Name for the state. GET, POST, PUT Y
state Enum The actual T-Server state (Ready/NotReady). GET, POST, PUT Y
workMode Enum An after call work mode. Note that modes are applicable to particular states.

For Ready: ManualIn/AutoIn/ReturnBack.

For NotReady: AfterCallWork/AuxWork/LegalGuard/NoCallDisconnect/WalkAway.

This should be enforced by the API.

reason String The reason for the agent's state (if specified, it must be unique as it will be used as a reason code). GET, POST, PUT N


Each contact center will initially have five agent state descriptions for the basic Ready/Not Ready/Offline operations that are currently in use. These five operations are read only. They cannot be deleted or modified:

{ "key" : "operationName",
  "settings" : [ { "displayName" : "AfterCallWork",
        "id" : "D3663509-3D82-4DD3-A82E-2EA8EFA02AEF",
        "operationName" : "AfterCallWork",
        "state" : "NotReady",
        "workMode" : "AfterCallWork"
      { "displayName" : "AuxWork",
        "id" : "2B36138D-C564-4562-A8CB-3C32D564F296",
        "operationName" : "AuxWork",
        "state" : "NotReady",
        "workMode" : "AuxWork"
      { "displayName" : "Not Ready",
        "id" : "900D55CC-2BB0-431F-8BF9-D3525B383BE6",
        "operationName" : "NotReady",
        "state" : "NotReady"
      { "displayName" : "Offline",
        "id" : "0F7F5003-EF26-4D13-A6Ef-D0C7EC819BEB",
        "operationName" : "Offline",
        "state" : "Logout"
      { "displayName" : "Ready",
        "id" : "9430250E-0A1B-421F-B372-F29E69366DED",
        "operationName" : "Ready",
        "state" : "Ready"
  "statusCode" : 0

To add a new "Not Ready" state called "Out to lunch":

POST /settings/agent-states

    "displayName":"Not Ready - Out to lunch",

To modify the display name of the "OutToLunch" state described above:

PUT /settings/agent-states

    "displayName":"Not Ready - Lunch!"
This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:31.
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