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Interactions On Chat Channel

file:important.png Pre-Release Notice: The information contained on this page is not considered final and is managed under the terms and conditions found in the Pre-release Agreement. This page provides the most up-to-date reference information available for this pre-release version and is restricted for use by those who have signed the Pre-release Agreement with Genesys to acquire an early version of the software.

The following operations are available:

Operation Name HTTP Operation Description Type Permissions
Accept POST This operation can be performed after a new interaction notification arrives. Accepting an interaction allows Agents to start working on it. Chat Specific Agent
Reject POST This operation can be performed after a new interaction notification arrives. Rejecting an interaction allows an Agent the opportunity to work on a different one. General Interaction Agent
SendMessage POST This operation can be performed whenever an agent wants to send a message to other chat participants. Chat Specific Agent
SendNotification POST This operation can be performed to send notifications to other chat participants (for example, 'agent typing'). Chat Specific Agent
Transfer POST This operation can be performed while working on an interaction. The interaction can be transferred to another agent or to a group of agents associated with a skill. General Interaction Agent
StopProcessing POST This operation can be performed after an agent has finished working on an interaction. General Interaction Agent
RequestChatHistory POST This operation can be performed to get the chat history. Only agents who are participating in the chat can execute this operation. Chat Specific Agent
InitiateConsulation POST This operation can be performed to initiate a consultation. Chat Specific Agent
CompleteTransfer POST This operation transforms a consultation to a transfer. Chat Specific Agent
CompleteConference POST This operation transforms a consultation to a conference. Chat Specific Agent


After successfully executing this operation, a cometD notification will come with complete chat history up until this point.

HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}


HTTP Response


"statusCode": 0


"statusCode": an integer value above 0,

For details on the statusCode value, please refer to the All Methods sub-section of the Return Values section.


HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}


HTTP Response


"statusCode": 0


"statusCode": an integer value above 0,

For details on the statusCode value, please refer to the All Methods sub-section of the Return Values section.


HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}

"notifcation":TypingStarted, TypingStopped

HTTP Response


"statusCode": 0


"statusCode": an integer value above 0,

For details on the statusCode value, please refer to the All Methods sub-section of the Return Values section.


After this request is received, the chat history will be sent via cometD notification.

HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}

"eventId", event-id-from-which-to-start-chat-history (optional)

HTTP Response


"statusCode": 0


After this request is received, a chat consultation with an agent will be started. This operation should also used for Two-Step Transfer and Two-Step Conference

HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}

"agentId": unique alpha-numeric identifier for user

HTTP Response



After this request is received, a chat interaction will be transferred to the agent with whom consultation was initiated using InitiateConsultation. This will complete the Two-Step Transfer.

HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}


HTTP Response



After this request is received, a chat interaction will be conferenced with the agent with whom consultation was initiated using InitiateConsultation. This will complete the Two-Step Conference.

HTTP Request

POST on /me/interactions/{id}


HTTP Response


See also:

This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:29.
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