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Interactions API Operations

file:important.png Pre-Release Notice: The information contained on this page is not considered final and is managed under the terms and conditions found in the Pre-release Agreement. This page provides the most up-to-date reference information available for this pre-release version and is restricted for use by those who have signed the Pre-release Agreement with Genesys to acquire an early version of the software.


The following operations are supported on /interactions:

HTTP Operation Description Permissions
GET Returns the list of all currently active interactions for this Contact Center.
  • Contact Center Admin
  • Agent

The following operations are supported on /me/interactions:

HTTP Operation Parameters Description Response Sample Permissions
GET fields=* Returns the list of interactions that are currently being handled by the agent. {"statusCode":0,"interactions":[same message format as comes via cometD notifications for interactions]} Agent
GET N/A Returns a list of interaction URIs that are currently being handled by the agent. {"statusCode":0,"uris":["http://.../api/v2/interactions/00009a8T8Y130123"]} Agent

The following operations are supported on /interactions/{id}:

HTTP Operation Description Permissions
GET Returns interaction details for a given interaction. Agent
PUT Updates a given interaction. The actual operation depends on the interaction's channel. Agent

The following operations are supported on me/interactions/{id}:

Operation Name HTTP Operation Description Permissions
Accept POST This operation can be performed after a new interaction notification arrives. Accepting an interaction allows Agents to start working on it. Agent
Reject POST This operation can be performed after a new interaction notification arrives. Rejecting an interaction allows an Agent the opportunity to work on a different one. Agent
StopProcessing POST This operation can be performed after an agent has finished working on an interaction. Agent
PlaceInQueue POST This operation can be performed on an interaction so that another person can continue processing it. Agent
UpdateProperties POST This operation can be performed on an interaction that an agent is currently working on. Agent
PlaceInWorkbin POST This operation places an interaction into a specified workbin. Agent
GetWorkbinContent POST This operation will get the contents of a given workbin. Agent
Transfer POST This operation transfers interaction ownership from one Agent to another Agent. Agent
StartConference POST This operation allows Agents to initiate a conference with another Agent on a specific interaction. Agent
EndConference POST This operation lets Agents leave a currently active conference. Agent


This operation can be performed after a new Interaction invitation notification arrives. It is essentially one of two options an agent (User) has regarding an Interaction invitation: accepting it or rejecting it. Choosing this action will associate the Interaction to the agent. This association or "ownership" will continue until that agent performs a Complete, Transfer, or Re-direct action on the aforementioned Interaction. A successful request will result in an empty http-200 response. In most cases, the true response will arrive on the cometd topic (channel) /v2/me/interactions/.

Please refer to Email Accepted for details on the actual response for email Interactions.

Input Parameters

POST on /me/interactions/{id}








This operation can be performed after a new Interaction invitation notification arrives. It is essentially one of two options an agent has regarding an Interaction invitation: accepting it or rejecting it. A successful request will result in an empty http-200 response, and compels the System to present the Interaction to another Agent.

Input Parameters

POST on /me/interactions/{id}








This operation can be performed after an Agent accepts an interaction. This marks the end of the Agent's ownership of the interaction.

This is typically called when an Agent (User) has finished working on an interaction

Input Parameters

POST on /me/interactions/{id}








This operation can be performed after an Agent accepts an Interaction. This marks the end of the Agent's ownership of the interaction.

This is typically called when an Agent (User) has finished working on an interaction

Input Parameters

POST on /me/interactions/{id}








This operation can be performed on an interaction that agent is working on.

Input Parameters

POST on /me/interactions/{id}

     "field1" : value1,
     "field2" : value2,
     "field3" :
         "fieldA" : valueA,
         "fieldB" : valueB







This operation will place an interaction into a specified workbin.









This operation will return the contents of a given workbin. The contents will come as a cometD message.









A list of InteractionStateMessages; it will contain the same information as found in new notification messages.


This operation transfers interaction ownership from one Agent to another Agent. Functionality may vary from different media types. Further details can be found within the media type sub-topics.


"targetId":a unique Agent identifier

HTTP Response






This operation allows Agents to initiate a conference with another Agent on a specific interaction; it allows two Agents to work on the same Interaction simultaneously. To leave a conference, users must make an EndConference request.

Currently, functionality is limited to conferencing. Monitoring and coaching functionality is currently not available. Further details can be found within the media type sub-topics.

HTTP Request

"agentId":a unique Agent identifier

HTTP Response





Cometd Response Message

The full response will vary depending on the media type.

Cometd Notification Messages

This notifies the remaining Agents on the conference that an Agent has left the conference.

The full response will vary depending on the media type.


This operation allows Agents to leave a currently active conference.

When Agents leave a conference, the last remaining Agent will retain Interaction ownership.

HTTP Request

"agentId":a unique Agent identifier

HTTP Response





See also

Refer to the following topics for more information about the Interactions API:

This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:29.
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