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Migrate to 8.5.103

This page provides the standard Deployment Procedure for migrating to Pulse 8.5.1.

Pulse requires a staged migration. Review the available migration paths for your release.

Migrate from

To deploy this package, do the following:


  • Review all steps before performing any of them.
  • Plan a time when you can complete the installation in one continuous session.
  • This procedure is valid only for Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX) and Pulse installed with jetty.

Installation Steps

  1. Stop GAX.
  2. Uninstall Pulse release
  3. Important! Delete all of the following files if they exist in either the <GAX dir>/plug-ins or <GAX dir>/webapp/WEB-INF/lib folders:
    • jackson-annotations-2.6.0.jar
    • jackson-core-2.6.0.jar
    • jackson-databind-2.6.0.jar
  4. Ensure that protobuf-java-2.5.0.jar does not exist in the <GAX dir>/plug-ins and <GAX dir>/webapp/WEB-INF/lib folders.
  5. Start GAX.
  6. In GAX, upload the Pulse Installation Package and Template:
    1. Navigate to Administration > Installation Packages and click the plus sign.
    2. Select Installation Package Upload (template uploaded separately) and click Next.
      1. For Upload a Package, select the zipped file that contains the Pulse Installation Package (for example, \Pulse\version\linux\b1\ip, which has the Installation Package description file).
      2. For Upload an XML template, select the XML Template file (for example, Pulse.xml from the Templates Installation Package directory).
      3. For Upload an APD template, select the APD Template file (for example, Pulse.apd from the Templates Installation Package directory).
    3. Click Finish.
  7. Deploy the Pulse Installation Package and Template:
    1. Click the Pulse Installation Package to open the Properties tab.
      The Pulse Installation Package status should be complete.
    2. Click the related icon and choose Install to open the IP Deployment Wizard.
    3. Enter details in the required fields and finish the installation.
    4. Important
      The IPCommon InstallPath should be an empty folder for the Pulse installation (for example C:\genesys\GCTI\Pulse8.5.1).
  1. For a High Availability (HA) deployment repeat steps 1, 2, 4, and 7 for a second GAX.
  2. Restart GAX.
  3. Restart Pulse Collector.
  4. All users must clear their browser cache.

You have successfully completed your deployment of Pulse.

What do I do next?

This page was last edited on October 4, 2017, at 19:47.
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