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JavaMail Properties

E-mail Server uses the JavaMail API library 1.5.1. JavaMail can make use of numerous properties, which are documented at the following locations:

These properties are treated in different ways in eServices, depending on

  • Whether they are set internally by E-mail Server.
  • Whether they can be modified by users.

These two parameters define three different categories of property:

  • Set internally and not user-modifiable
  • Set internally and user-modifiable
  • Not set internally and user-modifiable

The next three sections list the properties in each category and describe how to set the ones in user-modifiable categories.

Set Internally, Not User-Modifiable

  • mail.pop3.class
  • mail.imap.class

Set Internally, User-Modifiable

  • mail.debug
  • mail.pop3.host
  • mail.pop3.user
  • mail.pop3.port
  • mail.pop3.connectiontimeout
  • mail.pop3.timeout
  • mail.pop3.socketFactory.class
  • mail.pop3.socketFactory.fallback
  • mail.pop3.socketFactory.port
  • mail.pop3.socks.host
  • mail.pop3.socks.port
  • mail.imap.host
  • mail.imap.user
  • mail.imap.port
  • mail.imap.connectiontimeout
  • mail.imap.timeout
  • mail.imap.socketFactory.class
  • mail.imap.socketFactory.fallback
  • mail.imap.socketFactory.port
  • mail.imap.socks.host
  • mail.imap.socks.port
  • mail.smtp.socks.host
  • mail.smtp.socks.port

You can modify these using existing configuration options in the [pop-client] and [smtp-client] sections, as shown in the following table. In this table, <protocol> is either POP3 or IMAP; for example, mail.<protocol>.timeout covers mail.pop3.timeout and mail.imap.timeout.

JavaMail Properties Controlled by Configuration Options:

JavaMail Property Configuration Option
mail.debug enable-debug
mail.<protocol>.connectiontimeout connect-timeout
mail.<protocol>.timeout protocol-timeout
mail.<protocol>.user mailbox
mail.<protocol>.host server

See the eServices Options Reference for complete information on these options.

Not Set Internally, User-Modifiable

Any of the properties not listed in the two preceding sections can be modified by creating options in E-mail Server's pop-client section. The option name is the property name. For the value, see the JavaMail documentation listed above.

Do not use this method to modify the properties, listed in the preceding section, that are controlled by configuration options.

Here is an example of adding an option to modify a JavaMail property: Some POP3 servers do not properly implement TOP, an optional POP command. This can create conflicts between the results of the TOP and RETR commands, which in turn can prevent E-mail Server from parsing the retrieved e-mail. To prevent these conflicts, you can create an option that invokes JavaMail's mail.pop3.disabletop property. The option name is mail.pop3.disabletop, it must be in the pop-client section, and its value must be true. E-mail Server then does not use TOP to retrieve messages, only RETR.

This page was last edited on April 26, 2021, at 18:47.
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