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Composite Start of Service, State, Task

Added in: 8.5.110

POST /genesys/1/cs/services_composite/start


Provides a single API call to update or create all Service, State, and Task objects in a single REST call. You can use this request to submit the JSON structures for three objects: Service, State, and Task events. If the Service object's customer_id, service_type, and contact_key do not match an active Service, the system will create one using this data, including State andTask data. Else, within the found service, it will search for the active State and Task respectively matching the state_type and the task_type specified in the request and it will create them if they are not found.

As a result, Context Services will reply with the IDs of the found and/or created Service, State, and Task resources, and a flag indicating whether they were created or not.


POST /genesys/1/cs/services_composite/start
Field Name   Type   Mandatory Description
Body Parameters
services JSON array yes JSON array of Composite Start Events.

Composite Start Event

Field Type Mandatory Description
service JSON structure yes Service Start Event.
state JSON structure yes State Start Event.
task JSON structure no Task Start Event.
associate_state_task boolean no true to associate the Task with the given State; false by default.

If you set this parameter to true, it is equivalent to providing the State ID in a request to start a Task.


The Context Management Service API answers every request with HTTP codes. The following table shows the correct response for a successful request. See HTTP Response Codes and Errors for further details on the possible codes that this operation can return.

200 OK
Header Location: ${base_uri}/services/${service_id}/tasks/${task_id}

or ${base_uri}/services/${service_id}/states/${state_id} (if the task field was not provided in the request) where:

  • ${base_uri} is the URI of the created Task.
  • ${task_id} is the Task ID.
  • ${state_id} is the State ID.
   service: { "service_id": ${service_id}, "created": "true/false" }
   state: { "state_id": ${state_id}, "created": "true/false" }
   task: { "task_id": ${task_id}, "created": "true/false" }



POST /genesys/1/cs/services_composite/start

  "services" : [
            "service": {
                "interaction_id": "123ABCAADFJ1259ACF",
                "application_type": "App_type_1",
                "application_id": 40,
                "est_duration": 60,
                "service_type": "MyService1",
                "media_type": "voice",
                "resource_id": 1183,
                "resource_type": "ResType1",
                "RelatedOffersService": [
                        "offer_name": "VIP credit card black ed.",
                        "type": 9,
                        "comments": "proposed to all client"
                        "offer_name": "3 times payment GOLD",
                        "type": 4,
                        "comments": "limited offer"
                        "offer_name": "life insurance",
                        "type": 3,
                        "comments": "healt check to be done before approval"
            "state": {
                "interaction_id": "123ABCAADFJ1259ACF",
                "application_type": "App_type_1",
                "application_id": 40,
                "resource_type": "ResType1",
                "resource_id": 1183,
                "media_type": "voice",
                "est_duration": 60,
                "state_type": "MyState1",
                "FeedbackState": {
                    "FeedbackType": "survey",
                    "rating": 7,
                    "notes": "warm welcome at frontdesk, thanks for the nice trip"
                "SatisfactionState": [
                        "rating": 2,
                        "pertinence": 8,
                        "usefull": true,
                        "place": "Terranova mexico resort"
                        "rating": 8,
                        "pertinence": 4,
                        "usefull": false,
                        "place": "Fancy resort Paris"
            "task": {
                "interaction_id": "123ABCAADFJ1259ACF",
                "application_type": "App_type_1",
                "application_id": 40,
                "resource_type": "ResType1",
                "resource_id": 1183,
                "media_type": "voice",
                "est_duration": 60,
                "task_type": "MyTask1",
                "FeedbackTask": {
                    "FeedbackType": "survey",
                    "rating": 7,
                    "notes": "warm welcome at frontdesk, thanks for the nice trip"
                "SatisfactionTask": [
                        "rating": 2,
                        "pertinence": 8,
                        "usefull": true,
                        "place": "Terranova mexico resort"
                        "rating": 8,
                        "pertinence": 4,
                        "usefull": false,
                        "place": "Fancy resort Paris"
            "associate_state_task": "true"


location: /genesys/1/cs/services/111222/tasks/555666 
    services: [
            service: {
                "service_id": 111222,
                "created": "false"
            state: {
                "state_id": 333444,
                "created": "true"
            task: {
                "task_id": 555666,
                "created": "true"
This page was last edited on July 5, 2017, at 16:44.
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