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E-mail Interactions


Provides information for email address and interaction management.

E-mail Address

E-Mail Address Fields
Field Type Required Description
address string yes The email address.
personal string no The personal part of the email address, for instance, a displayable such as a localized name.

Inbound E-mail

Inbound emails are email interactions which are received by the application or the Genesys Solution.

E-mail In
Field Type Required Description
Inbound-specific fields
from E-mail Address no The sender’s email address.
reply_to E-mail Address no The address used to reply.
to E-mail Address[] no The list of recipient addresses, as an array of email addresses.
cc E-mail Address[] no The list of addresses for copied recipients, as an array of email addresses.
sent_date date/time no The UTC Wikipedia ISO 8601 date/time at which the email was sent.
Common Interaction fields
customer_id string yes The ID of the customer.
interaction_id string yes The Genesys GUID (or Call ID) for the interaction.
status integer yes Possible statuses:
  • 0-NEW
entity_type integer yes Possible types:
  • 0-EMAIL_IN
  • 2-CHAT
  • 7-INTERACTION (open media)
type string yes The type of the interaction (such as inbound, outbound, etc.)
sub_type string no The application-specific subtype which further classifies the attribute "type".
media_type string yes The media type of the interaction:
  • voice
  • email
  • chat
  • callback
  • and so on.
parent_id string no The ID of the parent interaction, if applicable.
thread_id string no The ID of the thread to which this interaction should be appended, or the ID of the interaction at the root of the thread.
external_id string no The reference identifier for an external system.
owner_id integer no The DB ID of the Person who owns the interaction. (The Person is an object defined in the Genesys Configuration Server.)
creator_app_id integer yes The DB ID of the application that created the interaction.
start_date date/time yes The UTC time of the interaction's creation, using the ISO 8601 representation: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[mm]:[ss].[SSS]Z
end_date date/time no The UTC time of the interaction's end, using the ISO 8601 representation:[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[mm]:[ss].[SSS]Z
timeshift integer no The number of minutes to add to or to substract from the specified UTC ISO 8601 time in order to get the local time of the interaction's creation.
category_id string no The category assigned to this interaction by the Classification Server or the desktop's manual override.
allow_children Boolean no True if child interactions can be added.
Default value is true.
subject string no An arbitrary textual subject for the interaction.
stopped_reason string no The application-specified reason for which the interaction ended.
text text no Plain text for the interaction.
structured_text url no The URL of the interaction's structured text.
structured_text_mime string yes if structured_text The mime type for the structured text, if specified (such as text/html). Mandatory if the parameter "structured_text" is specified.
binary_content url no The URL of the the interaction's binary content..
binary_content_mime string yes if binary_content The mime type for the binary content, if specified (such as text/html).
binary_content_size integer yes if binary_content The size of the binary content in bytes. Mandatory if the parameter "binary_content" is specified.
udata hash no A hash of key value pairs for the user data attached to the interaction.

Outbound E-mail

Outbound emails are email interactions which are sent from the application or from the Genesys Solution.

E-mail Out
Field Type Mandatory Description
Outbound-Specific fields
from E-mail Address no The sender’s email address.
reply_to E-mail Address no The email address used to send a reply.
to E-mail Address[] no The list of recipient addresses, as an array of email addresses.
cc E-mail Address[] no The list of addresses for copied recipients, as an array of email addresses.
bcc E-mail Address[] no The list of addresses for blind-copied recipients, as an array of email addresses.
sent_date date/time no The UTC<ref>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601</ref> date/time at which the email was sent.
reference_id integer no Contains the external identifier (message ID) of the parent interaction.
reviewer_id integer no The application-specified ID of the Person who reviewed the email.
standard_response_id string no The ID of the standard response item from which this email was generated.
Common Interaction fields
customer_id string yes The ID of the customer.
interaction_id string yes The Genesys GUID (or Call ID) for the interaction.
status integer yes Possible statuses:
  • 0-NEW
entity_type integer yes Possible types:
  • 0-EMAIL_IN
  • 2-CHAT
  • 7-INTERACTION (open media)
type string yes The type of the interaction (such as inbound, outbound, etc.)
sub_type string no The application-specific subtype which further classifies the attribute "type".
media_type string yes The media type of the interaction:
  • voice
  • email
  • chat
  • callback
  • and so on.
parent_id string no The ID of the parent interaction, if applicable.
thread_id string no The ID of the thread to which this interaction should be appended, or the ID of the interaction at the root of the thread.
external_id string no The reference identifier for an external system.
owner_id integer no The DB ID of the Person who owns the interaction. (The Person is an object defined in the Genesys Configuration Server.)
creator_app_id integer yes The DB ID of the application that created the interaction.
start_date date/time yes The UTC time of the interaction's creation, using the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 ISO 8601 representation]: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[mm]:[ss].[SSS]Z
end_date date/time no The UTC time of the interaction's end, using the ISO 8601 representation: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[mm]:[ss].[SSS]Z
timeshift integer no The number of minutes to add to or to substract from the specified UTC time in order to get the local time of the interaction's creation.
category_id string no The category assigned to this interaction by the Classification Server or the desktop's manual override.
allow_children Boolean no True if child interactions can be added.
Default value is true.
subject string no An arbitrary textual subject for the interaction.
stopped_reason string no The application-specified reason for which the interaction ended.
text text no Plain text for the interaction.
structured_text url no The URL of the interaction's structured text.
structured_text_mime string yes if structured_text The mime type for the structured text, if specified (such as text/html). Mandatory if the parameter "structured_text" is specified.
binary_content url no The URL of the the interaction's binary content..
binary_content_mime string yes if binary_content The mime type for the binary content, if specified (such as text/html).
binary_content_size integer yes if binary_content The size of the binary content in bytes. Mandatory if the parameter "binary_content" is specified.
udata hash no A hash of key value pairs for the user data attached to the interaction.
This page was last edited on April 27, 2017, at 10:23.
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