Known Issues and Recommendations
Voice Processor
The Known Issues and Recommendations section is a cumulative list for all 9.0.x releases of Voice Processor. This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product. It includes information on when individual items were found and, if applicable, corrected. The Resolved Issues section for each release describes the corrections and may list additional issues that were corrected without first being documented as Known Issues.
See also Internationalization Issues.
Inbound or outbound calls may be marked as Consult or Transfer if they contain a consult or transfer call leg. This issue occurs because the call type that is attached to the recording metadata depends on the order of posting of metadata to RWS.
ID: GIR-24328 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
Calls are posted without the metadata retrieved from GIM such as party join or party left information, attached data, and ACW data. Call legs are not linked to their parent interaction. Also, the recordings are not posted to RWS or SpeechMiner until 24 hours after the end of the call.
This issue occurs during a scenario when a call leg ends 30 or more minutes earlier than the end of the parent call.
ID: GIR-23798 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
Calls are posted without the metadata retrieved from GIM such as party join or party left information, attached data, and ACW data. Calls are not linked to their parent interaction for secondary call legs.
This issue occurs in a specific scenario where posting of metadata to SpeechMiner fails and then, retrieval of metadata from RWS fails subsequently. This issue can be avoided by ensuring that the RWS and SpeechMiner deployments are scaled sufficiently to handle the customer's peak call load.
ID: GIR-23772 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
The following error message is displayed in the Voice Processor log file during startup:
New Relic for Node.js halted startup due to an error: Error: Invalid license key, please contact
This message is normal and it can be ignored.
ID: GIR-23518 | Found In: | Fixed In: |
Internationalization Issues
Information in this section is included for international customers. Release numbers in the Found In and Fixed In fields refer to the English (US) release of Voice Processor unless otherwise noted in the issue description.
There are no internationalization issues for this product.