How Do I View the Aggregation Query?
The Scheme files for the Genesys-provided hierarchies include high-level constructions that employ macros. These macros simplify development of SQL queries but make it difficult to see the actual queries that are passed to the RDBMS. This page describes where and how to view these queries.
Using LogLevel=FINEST Logs Database Queries
To view the actual SQL queries for the interval-based aggregates (in which subhour data is stored in tables rather than views), you must submit a request to reaggregate data for any range of time and then run aggregation with the finest log level of detail:
Procedure: Viewing SQL Queries for Interval-Based Aggregates
Purpose: Use this procedure to view the SQL queries for the interval-based aggregates.
Using the -insertPendingAgg runtime parameter (described in Reaggregating Data over a Certain Time Range), submit a request to reaggregate an existing range of data. The following command, for example, accomplishes this for all aggregates:
java -jar agg\GIMAgg.jar -user=<name> -pass=<password> -jdbcurl=<URL> -insertPendingAgg <AGR_SET>:<START>:<END>
TipYour Info Mart does not have to contain contact center data, but it must be initialized in such a way that the DATE_TIME table is populated. -
Run aggregation (in either integrated or autonomous mode) with the log level set to FINEST:
java -jar agg\GIMAgg.jar -user=<name> -pass=<password> -jdbcurl=<url> -log=<filename> -levelOfLog=.:FINEST
RAA outputs the results of this request and the SELECT statements issued for all database queries—including those for the interval-based aggregate tables.
printQuery Logs RAA Queries
In autonomous mode, you can also specify the -printQuery runtime parameter on the command line:
- to view a particular query:
java -jar ./agg/GIMAgg.jar -printQuery <queryName>
- where:
- <queryName> is any query that is known to the aggregation engine.
- to output a particular query to a file:
java -jar ./agg/GIMAgg.jar -printQuery <queryName> > <sqlfile>
- where:
- <queryName> is any query that is known to the aggregation engine, or (in Release 8.5.003 and later) ALL , to print all existing queries.
- <sqlfile> is the name of the log file.
- For example:
java -jar ./agg/GIMAgg.jar -printQuery QUEUE > logfile.sql
Executing this command with this parameter requires no connection to Info Mart. For more information about the -printQuery parameter, refer to its description in the Reporting and Analytics Aggregates Deployment Guide.