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Platform SDK Compatibility with Genesys Framework Components

This article provides detailed compatibility of Platform SDK protocols with the appropriate Genesys servers for each major Platform SDK release.


  • Releases 7.2 and 7.5 are no longer supported. Genesys recommends upgrading to a more recent release. (In this scenario, upgrading to Platform SDK release 7.6.x may be the easiest option.)
  • Upgrading from Platform SDK release 7.x to 8.x may require code changes and recompilation.
  • The most recent hot-fix version of each major release is supported and recommended for usage/update.

Platform SDK for Java Compatibility

Configuration Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Configuration Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Configuration
7.2 (unsupported) yes yes yes no** no**
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes* no** no**
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes yes* yes*
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes yes yes*
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

* New features of Configuration Server are not supported by old versions of Platform SDK.

** Exception on CfgRole updating occurs, and Configuration Server connection is lost. Also there is forward compatibility problem (ER# 138864945).

Universal Contact Server (UCS) Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Universal Contact Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Contacts
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist.
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)* yes yes yes*** yes**/***
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes*** yes yes yes**/***
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes*** yes yes yes****

* Contacts Protocol was added to Platform SDK for Java starting from 7.6.200.x.

** ER created for message RequestCheckForUpdates, attribute is not accepted.

*** The following new messages are available:

  • Add\Remove\UpdateDocument
  • IdentifyContact
  • AddAgentStdRespFavorite
  • GetSystemSettings
  • Get\Set\DeleteProperties
  • Add\Update\DeleteStandardResponse

**** The following new messages are available for UCS starting from release 8.1.3:

  • GetServerTime
  • Refresh

Local Control Agent Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Local Control Agent
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Management/LCA protocol
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes*
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes

* The new messages RequestSCSConnectionStatus, EventHostUnderControl, and EventNoControllingSCS are available starting with Platform SDK

Message Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Message Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Management/Message Server protocol
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes

Solution Control Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Solution Control Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Management/Solution Control Server protocol
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes*
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes

*SCS 7.6 has new attribute introduced for EventError which doesn’t exist in 7.5 protocol.

Interaction Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Interaction Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Open Media
7.2 (unsupported) yes yes yes
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes* yes*
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes** yes yes

* Order of Events: EventAgentLogout and EventPlacedInQueue have been changed in release 8.0/8.1 of the server.

** RequestHold, RequestFindInteraction, RequestDistributeEvent are unknown.

Outbound Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Outbound Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Outbound
7.2 (unsupported) * The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes**
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes

* Outbound Protocol was added to Platform SDK for Java in 7.5 release.

** Outbound Contact Server 8.1 has the optional attribute sessionId, which does not exist in earlier releases of the protocol.

Statistics Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Stat Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Statistics
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes

Stat Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Packaged Statistics (deprecated)
7.2 (unsupported) * The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes*** yes yes yes yes
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) ** yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes/no****

* Packaged Statistics Protocol was added to Platform SDK for Java in 7.5 release.

** Packaged Statistics Protocol was deprecated from Platform SDK 8.0.

*** Immediate notification functionality is not available in 7.2 Stat Server and some Java statistics are not supported by 7.2 Stat Server (JavaStat_Historical).

*** Packaged Statistics Protocol announced obsolete in 8.1.0 and officially unsupported in release 8.1.1 of Stat Server.

Universal Routing Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Universal Routing Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Routing
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) * yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes

* The protocol was added in 8.0.1 version.

T-Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Voice
7.2 (unsupported) yes yes yes no* no*
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes no* no*
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes* yes*
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes

* New functionality of TLib 8.0 is not supported by old versions of Platform SDK. The T-Server 8.1 release is actually backward compatible with release 7.6.

Chat Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Chat Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Web Media/Basic Chat and Flex Chat protocols
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes** yes*/**
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes*** yes yes yes*
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes no**** yes yes*

* ER created for Secure Key attribute which is not accepted by the protocol.

** [flex] Attribute PartyID is not accepted by messages.

*** Notify request and Notification attributes have been added in 8.1 protocol.

**** If RequestMessage sends an empty sessionId, Chat Server 7.6 closes the connection.

Callback Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Callback Server*
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Web Media/ Callback protocol
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes

* Universal Callback Server is only available in release 7.1.

Email Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Email Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Web Media/Email protocol
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes (8.0.2 no**) no**
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes (8.0.2 no**) no**
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch)* yes yes yes (8.0.2 no**) no**

* XML-based Email Protocol is deprecated in release 8.1, and replaced with ESP-based protocol.

** Email servers starting from release 8.0.2 do not support web-api port.

Email Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Web Media/ESP Email protocol
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) *** yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes

*** ESP Email Protocol was added in the 8.0.2 release of Platform SDK.

DB Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

DB Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Data Access
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) * yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes** yes yes

* Platform SDK Data Access protocol was created in the 8.0.2 release of Platform SDK, although it is still not added to Platform SDK Installation Package.

** EventError is not received on RequestOpenDatabase with incorrect parameters.

Platform SDK for .NET Compatibility

Configuration Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Configuration Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Configuration
7.2 (unsupported) yes yes yes no*** no***
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes** no*** no***
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes yes** yes**
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes**
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

* Access to new objects (for example, CFGRole) occurs without exceptions being thrown. This behavior can result in a hang-up without response.

** New features of Configuration Server are not supported by old releases of Platform SDK.

*** Protocol cannot connect to Configuration Server because of a schema error; ConfServerProtocol XSD schema compiler throws the exception. (ER# 270711494 for Configuration Server 8.0.x)
Also there is a forward-compatibility issue (ER# 138864921).

Universal Contact Server (UCS) Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Universal Contact Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Contacts
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) * yes yes yes** yes**
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes** yes yes yes**
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes** yes yes yes***

* Contacts Protocol was added to Platform SDK for .NET starting from release 7.6.000.x.

** The following new messages are available with the 8.x releases of UCS and Platform SDK:

  • Add\Remove\UpdateDocument
  • IdentifyContact
  • AddAgentStdRespFavorite
  • GetSystemSettings
  • Get\Set\DeleteProperties
  • Add\Update\DeleteStandardResponse

*** The following new messages are available for UCS starting from release 8.1.3:

  • GetServerTime
  • Refresh

Local Control Agent Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Local Control Agent
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Management/LCA protocol
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes*
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes

* New messages RequestSCSConnectionStatus, EventHostUnderControl, EventNoControllingSCS are available from release of Platform SDK.

Message Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Message Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Management/Message Server protocol
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes

Solution Control Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Solution Control Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Management/Solution Control Server protocol
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes

Interaction Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Interaction Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Open Media
7.2 (unsupported) yes yes yes
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes* yes*
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes** yes yes

* Known issue (ER): New attribute _attr_itx_is_held is not accepted by the messages.

** RequestHold, RequestFindInteraction, and RequestDistributeEvent are unknown.

Outbound Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Outbound Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Outbound
7.2 (unsupported) yes yes yes
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes*
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes

* Outbound Contact Server 8.1 has new optional attribute sessionId, which does not exist in earlier versions of the protocol.

Statistics Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Stat Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Statistics
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes

Stat Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Packaged Statistics (deprecated)
7.2 (unsupported) yes
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes** yes yes yes yes
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch)* yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch)* yes yes yes yes/no***

* Packaged Statistics Protocol was deprecated since 8.0.

** Immediate notification functionality is not available in 7.2 Stat Server and some Java category statistics are not supported by 7.2 Stat Server (JavaStat_Historical).

*** Packaged Statistics Protocol announced obsolete in 8.1.0 and officially unsupported in release 8.1.1 of Stat Server.

Universal Routing Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Universal Routing Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Routing
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) * yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes

* The protocol was added in 8.0.1 release.

T-Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Voice
7.2 (unsupported) yes yes yes no* no*
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes no* no*
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes* yes*
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes yes

* New functionality of TLib 8.0 is not supported by old versions of Platform SDK. The T-Server 8.1 release is actually backward compatible with version 7.6.

Chat Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Chat Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Web Media/Basic Chat and Flex Chat protocols
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes yes*
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes** yes yes yes*
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes no*** yes yes

* ER created for Secure Key attribute which is not accepted by the protocol.

** Notify request and notification attributes has been added in 8.0/8.1 protocol.

*** If RequestMessage sends an empty sessionId, Chat Server 7.6 closes the connection.

Callback Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Callback Server*
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Web Media/ Callback protocol
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes

* Universal Callback Server is only available in release 7.1

Email Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

Email Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Web Media/Email protocol
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes (8.0.2 no**) no**
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) yes yes yes (8.0.2 no**) no**
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch)* yes yes yes (8.0.2 no**) no**

* XML-based EmailProtocol is deprecated in 8.1 branch – it is replaced with ESP-based protocol.

** Email servers starting from 8.0.2 do not support web-api port.

Email Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Web Media/ESP Email protocol
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) *** yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes yes

*** EspEmail Protocol was added in Platform SDK release 8.0.2.

DB Server Protocol Compatibility Matrix

DB Server
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.1
Platform SDK Data Access
7.2 (unsupported) The protocol does not exist
7.5 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
7.6 (7.6.2 is the supported branch)
8.0 (8.0.2 is the supported branch) * yes yes yes
8.1 (8.1.3 is the supported branch) yes** yes yes

* Platform SDK Data Access protocol was created in Platform SDK 8.0.2 version, though it is still not added to Platform SDK Installation Package.

** EventError is not received on RequestOpenDatabase with incorrect parameters.

This page was last edited on September 26, 2013, at 15:01.
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