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ORS with Redis Cluster

Starting from 8.1.401.10, ORS supports using Redis for session persistence and recovery. If necessary, secure connection can be enabled between ORS and Redis.

  • Currently, ORS supports session persistence and recovery via unsecure connection to Cassandra. However, this support is valid only if Cassandra 3.x or lower is used. For example, if you upgrade Cassandra to 4.x, you cannot enable session persistence and recovery features of ORS.
  • If secure connection is enabled between ORS and Redis, performance of ORS might be impacted. Redis is also designed to be accessed by trusted clients inside trusted environments.

Advantages of using Redis over Cassandra

  • Improved ORS performance due to faster read and write operations, and in-memory storage.
  • Better support for Redis. Much faster and more stable communication. Redis is also used by many other Genesys Engage components like GWS.
  • More reliable session persistence and recovery.
This page was last edited on March 29, 2024, at 03:37.
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