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Configuration Options

OCX configuration file is a Yaml file with OCX settings. You need to edit the file manually after OCX is deployed and before OCX is started (or restarted). Below table contains the sample configuration options for your reference.

Section Sub-section Option Example Value Description
common port 3000 TCP port where OCX HTTP will listen for incoming browser connections
common environmentId 0000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444 GWS Environment ID as configured in GWS Services for the given configuration server
common tenantName Environment Name of the default Tenant on the configuration server that OCX should operate with
common enableStrictTransportSecurity false Force redirect to HTTPS for OCX (enable HSTS Headers).
Reserved for future use.
common jwt tokenTTL 1h JWT Token TTL (auto-logout timeout)
common jwt secret 1234567812345678123456781234567a JWT Secret, generated by the user and provisioned within GWS services
common db oracleConfigDir /usr/lib/oracle/8/server/network/admin Path to the tnsnames.ora file, which will be used by OCX to connect to Oracle using the service name provided in the Database Access Point. If this configuration option is not set, OCX will attempt to read this path from the environment variable TNS_ADMIN.
This option is Oracle-specific and can be omitted for other DBMS types.
log level 'info' Log level output
log useFile true Write logs on filesystem or in console only
log path '/mnt/logs/ocx' Directory path where OCX logs should be stored
log fileName 'ocx.log' OCX log file name
log useRotating true Enables or disables OCX logs rotation
log interval '1d' Log rotation interval
log size '100MB' Log file segment size
services platform host http://ocx.gws.genesys.com gws-service-platform host; must include protocol (http:// or https://)
This configuration option should be used with GWS which packs Configuration Service and OCS Service into a single Platform service, Example: GWS 8.6.
services platform port 80 gws-service-platform; listener port for OCX to connect with.
This configuration option should be used with GWS which packs Configuration Service and OCS Service into a single Platform service, Example: GWS 8.6.
services config host http://ocx.gws.genesys.com gws-service-configuration host; must include protocol (http:// or https://)
This configuration option should be used with GWS which has separate Configuration Service and OCS Service. Example: GWS 9.x.
services config port 80 gws-service-configuration listener port for OCX to connect with.
This configuration option should be used with GWS which has separate Configuration Service and OCS Service. Example: GWS 9.x.
services ocs host http://ocx.gws.genesys.com gws-service-ocs host; must include protocol (http:// or https://)
This configuration option should be used with GWS which has separate Configuration Service and OCS Service. Example: GWS 9.x.
services ocs port 80 gws-service-ocs listener port for OCX to connect with.
This configuration option should be used with GWS which has separate Configuration Service and OCS Service. Example: GWS 9.x.
This page was last edited on August 19, 2024, at 10:28.
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