UI Widgets
The Sample UI is based on independent and easily configurable components. Each component is a View in term of Backbone.js and may depend on Knowledge Agent and other 3rd party libraries. All the dependencies are managed by RequireJS in AMD-style.
When using widgets, the path to their file must be written using the .define function, which exports a constructor function to the current context. The last step is to create object (new Constructor(options)) based on this constructor and call .render() method. Some widgets (in particular : Categories, Result and Document widgets) fetch data from the server and, in this case, .fire() method must be called before .render() method. Furthermore, each widget has public object settings, with stored widget configuration, based on constructor arguments.
You can find a Basic API on the Backbone documentation page.
Search Widget
The Search widget displays the standard Search bar and has a custom placeholder and optional Clear button.
SearchWidget([options]) | Example |
Description: constructor for search widget.
new SearchWidget({
placeholder: 'What are you looking for?',
showClearButton: true,
searchButtonClickEventListeners: [function (element, options) {
console.log('Search button clicked')
}).render(); new SearchWidget({
placeholder: 'Type your question',
showClearButton: false
}).render(); |
.render(): SearchWidget | |
Description: renders the view template and updates this.el with the new HTML. |
Result Widget
The Result widget displays the search results and has optional pagination and optional embedded blocks of categories. this widget is dependent on the _gka.search() method in Knowledge Agent.
ResultWidget([options]) | Example |
Description: constructor for results widget.
new ResultWidget({
size: 2,
showAnswer: true,
charactersInAnswer: 250,
pagination: true,
highlighting: false,
moreLinkClickEventListeners: [function (element, options) {
console.log('Document selected')
}).fire().done(function(response, widget) {
}); new ResultWidget({
size: 2,
showAnswer: false,
showCategories: false
}).fire().done(function(response, widget) {
}); |
.fire(): Promise | |
Description: fetch data from the server according to passed options.
| |
.render(): ResultWidget | |
Description: renders the view template from fetched data and updates this.el with the new HTML |
Categories Widget
The Categories widget displays categories and is similar to the categories block in the Result widget or the Document widget however, in the Categories widget, only the categories are stored. The Categories widget is dependant on the _gka.getCategories() method in Knowledge Agent.
CategoriesWidget([options]) | Example |
Description: constructor for categories widget.
new CategoriesWidget({
numberOfColumns: 2,
categoryClickEventListeners: [function (element, options) {
}).fire().done(function(response, widget) {
}); |
.fire(): Promise | |
Description: fetch data from the server. | |
.render(): CategoriesWidget | |
Description: renders the view template from fetched data and updates this.el with the new HTML. |
Document Widget
The Document widget displays documents and can have an optional feedback block, a help button, and an embedded block of categories that are associated to the document. The Document widget is dependant on _gka.getFullContent() and _gka.like() methods in Knowledge Agent.
DocumentWidget([options]) | Example |
Description: constructor for document widget.
new DocumentWidget({
documentId: 'knowledgefaq_4',
feedbackType: 'BINARY',
feedbackText: 'Whether I found it relevant',
showHelpButton: true,
helpButtonText: 'I need more help',
feedbackSelectEventListeners: [function (element, options) {
helpButtonClickEventListeners: [function (element, options) {
kbId: 'knowledgefaq',
docId: 'knowledgefaq_66'
}).done(function(response, widget) {
}) new DocumentWidget({
documentId: 'knowledgefaq_4',
feedbackType: 'NONE',
showHelpButton: false
kbId: 'knowledgefaq',
docId: 'knowledgefaq_66'
}).done(function(response, widget) {
Document Widget Example 3]]<br>
new DocumentWidget({
documentId: 'knowledgefaq_4',
feedbackType: 'RATING',
feedbackText: '',
showHelpButton: true,
helpButtonText: 'Help me'
kbId: 'knowledgefaq',
docId: 'knowledgefaq_66'
}).done(function(response, widget) {
}) |
.fire(options): Promise | |
Description: fetch data from the server according to passed options.
| |
.render(): DocumentWidget | |
Description: renders the view template from fetched data and updates this.el with the new HTML. |
Filter Widget
The filter widget displays one single filter item depending on the passed configuration options and can be configured for visualization (timepicker, string input, number input).
FilterWidget(options) | Example | ||||||
Description: constructor for filter widget.
// Example (1)
var filterWidget = new FilterWidget({
type: 'INPUT',
field: 'created',
fieldAlias: 'Date',
options: {
inputType: 'DATE',
operator: 'GREATER_EQUAL',
valueChangeEventListeners: [function (element) {
console.log('date changed')
}) //Example (2)
var filter2 = new FilterWidget({
type: 'BETWEEN',
field: 'confidence',
fieldAlias: 'Confidence',
options: {
separator: 'to',
inputType: 'NUMERIC',
from: 0.4,
to: 0.9
valueChangeEventListeners: [function (element, options) {
console.log('one of two values changed')
}) | ||||||
.render(): FilterWidget | |||||||
Description: renders the view template and updates this.el with the new HTML. | |||||||
.filterJSON(): Filter | |||||||
Description: returns compiled filter object related to current widget that can be used in /search API. |
CSS Customization
All widgets have some basic CSS defined and built-in, however Styles can be managed though the browser debugger or easily overridden in a custom CSS file. HTML tags separation is based on classes and all classes used in the Sample UI are divided into different namespaces. For example, widget-classes have a _gks-_wg- prefix. Non-widget classes only use the _gks- prefix.
The Result widget supports extensions with custom filters and has a filters property, which is an array of standard objects.
Default filters are configurable along with other Knowledge Base information however only one default filter can be configured per language. Filters can be based on the basic fields of the knowledge article and custom fields (properly defined custom fields only).
All filter criteria is applied using AND logic (for example, createddate > 20140101 00:00:00 AND segment = "premium").