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Configuration Options

To override options based on Attached Data an Transaction object, see the Overriding Configuration Options topic. All options supporting this feature, have in the description: "This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide."

To use these configuration options, use Genesys Administrator (or in Configurations Manager) to add the interaction-workspace section to the CloudCluster application object, then create the configuration options that you want to use in the interaction-workspace section.

Agent status


  • Default Value: Ready,NotReady,NotReadyReason,AfterCallWork,Dnd,LogOff
  • Valid Values: Comma-separated list of action names from the following list: Ready, NotReady, NotReadyReason, AfterCallWork, Dnd, LogOn, LogOff.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Defines the available agent state actions in the My Channels contextual menu. The actions are displayed in the order in which they appear in the list.


  • Default Value: Ready,NotReady,NotReadyReason,AfterCallWork,Dnd,LogOff
  • Valid Values: Ready, NotReady, NotReadyReason, AfterCallWork, Dnd, LogOff
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Defines the available agent states in the global Status menu. The agent state commands are displayed in the order in which they appear in the list.



  • Default Value: 10
  • Valid Values: An integer value greater than or equal to 0.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the duration, in seconds, that contextual warning messages are displayed in the windows of the application.


  • Default Value: 60000
  • Valid Values: An integer value greater than or equal to 0.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the duration, in milliseconds, before the session is considered closed when the connection with the server is lost.

Case Data


  • Default Value: .
  • Valid Values: A valid float separator. Typical float separators are: '.' ',' '\'
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the float separator that is used for Case data. This option should be used when the decimal symbol in the regional settings of the agent's workstation or browser is different from the one provided by the database.



  • Default Value: #385078
  • Valid Values: Valid Hexadecimal (HTML) color code
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the color of the prompt for the messages that are entered by the agent in the Chat view.


  • Default Value: #385078
  • Valid Values: Valid Hexadecimal (HTML) color code
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the color of the text of the messages that are entered by the agent in the Chat view.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies whether a chat interaction is automatically accepted and joined when a Interaction Server Invite event is received. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: #166FFF
  • Valid Values: Valid Hexadecimal (HTML) color code
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the color of the text of the messages that are entered by the target client in the Chat view.


  • Default Value: #166FFF
  • Valid Values: Valid Hexadecimal (HTML) color code
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the color of the client text in the Chat view.


  • Default Value: true
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies whether the chat session is automatically disconnected if the agent is the last party remaining in the chat session.


  • Default Value: $Agent.UserName$
  • Valid Values: A string that contains a compilation of characters and field codes from the following list: $Agent.UserName$,$Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.FullName$,$Agent.EmployeeId$.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the nickname that is used to join the chat session (presented to the customer) by a string that can contain regular characters and the field codes.
    This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies if the application prompts a confirmation message when a user click Done. This option is only available for interaction open media. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies if the application prompts a confirmation message when a user clicks End. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: #8C8C8C
  • Valid Values: Valid Hexadecimal (HTML) color code.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the color of the text for system messages in the Chat view.


  • Default Value: true
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies whether the time stamp is displayed in the Chat transcript area.


  • Default Value: true
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies whether typing notification is enabled. It should be disabled for Chat Server lower than 8.0.1.


  • Default Value: 10
  • Valid Values: From 0 to MAXINT
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Defines the duration, in seconds, that the typing notification is displayed after the last keystroke and before the agent or contact sends their message.


  • Default Value: true
  • Valid Values: true, false.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: When the value is set to true, the agent is permitted to use the Chat channel.



  • Default Value: 5,10,25,50
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated list of numbers that define the number of rows per result page from which the agent can make selections.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the possible values for the number of rows per page in the contact directory search result view.


  • Default Value: 600
  • Valid Values: An integer from 1 through 3600.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the delay, in seconds, before the cache of the result of a Universal Contact Server request is cleared.


  • Default Value: 10
  • Valid Values: An integer from 1 through 50.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the default value for the number of rows per page in the contact directory search result view. The value must be defined in the option contact.available-directory-page-size.


  • Default Value: ListView
  • Valid Values: ListView, GridView
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies which view of the Contact Directory is displayed by default. ListView: Quicker search performance and tokenized search items, but no sort on the result. GridView: Results are sortable result, but the search is less powerful, and the search items are non-tokenized.


  • Default Value: FirstName,LastName
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated value list of Attribute Value names that correspond to contact field names--for example: LastName, FirstName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the list of Contact fields that must be completed for a contact.

Contact Center Statistics


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated list of Statistic names.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the statistics that are displayed in the Contact Center Statistics tab. The statistics specified by this option match the names of the statistics defined in the options of the Application sections.



  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies whether an e-mail interaction is automatically accepted when a Interaction Server Invite event is received. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: A valid name of a Script of type Interaction Queue.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the Interaction queue in which new or reply outbound e-mails are submitted.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies a character string that specifies the name of the Business Attribute which contains the Attribute Values that are used as available addresses. These come from the addresses of e-mail interactions.


  • Default Value: true
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the format of a new outbound e-mail. When set to 'true', new e-mail will be formatted in HTML.


  • Default Value: true
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies whether the text of the original inbound e-mail is included in the outbound reply e-mail. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: A valid name of a Script of type Interaction Queue.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the Interaction Queue in which outbound e-mails are placed when agents click 'Send' or 'Send Interim'. This options is used only when Interaction Workflow does not set 'Queue for New Interactions' when it is routing Inbound E-mails to Agents.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies if the application prompts a confirmation message when the user clicks Done. This option is only available for interaction open media. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: >
  • Valid Values: Any valid character string.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: For outbound e-mail that is formatted as plain text, specifies the characters that are used to quote the contents of the inbound e-mail interaction in the outbound e-mail interaction body.


  • Default Value: On <date>, <contact> wrote:
  • Valid Values: Any valid character string.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the character string that is used to introduce the quoted inbound e-mail content in the body of the outbound e-mail. The following tags can be used: <contact>, <date>. These tags are replaced respectively by the contact name and the date and time of the interaction when they appear in the outbound e-mail.


  • Default Value: auto
  • Valid Values: auto, html, plain-text
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the format of an outbound e-mail reply:
    • auto: outbound e-mail reply format is the same as corresponding inbound e-mail.
    • html: outbound e-mail reply format is forced to html.
    • plain-text: outbound e-mail reply format is forced to plain text.


  • Default Value: Re:
  • Valid Values: Any valid character string.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the reply-prefix that is added to subject of the inbound e-mail.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: Any valid character string.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the row number of the signature by a string that can contain regular characters and the following field codes: $Agent.LastName$,$Agent.FirstName$,$Agent.FullName$. <n> is starting at 0. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: true
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: When the value of this option is set to true, the agent is permitted to use the E-mail channel.



  • Default Value: ^[\(\)\-\.\+\d\s\*#]*[0-9]+[\(\)\-\.\+\d\s\*#]*$
  • Valid Values: A regular expression.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the regular expression that identifies a phone number in the chat or SMS transcript. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: 0123456789+
  • Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. All special characters that are valid Windows file names.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the characters that are permitted when building a request to the T-Server that relies on a phone number. Any other characters from the original string coming from the User Interface are removed. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.



  • Default Value: true
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: When the value of this option is set to true, the agent is permitted to use the Facebook channel.



  • Default Value: History,CaseData
  • Valid Values: History, CaseData
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Defines the content of the Case Information area in the interaction. The CaseData key enables the display of the attached data that is defined by the interaction.case-data.format-business-attribute option. The History key enables the display of interaction history information. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in the Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Business Attribute values that are used to filter and render attached data in the interaction.
    This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.
    You can define the display order of Business Attribute Values by creating an interaction-workspace section in the annex of the Business Attribute, then add the interaction.case-data.order option. This option is a comma-separated list of Business Attributes Value Names that specifies the order of the Business Attribute Values. The Attributes Values that are not listed in interaction.case-data.order option are put at the bottom of the list.


  • Default Value: #FFBA00
  • Valid Values: Valid Hexidecimal (HTML) color code.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the color of the border of the Case Data view frame. Examples: #FFBA00 for a Gold color, #6F7074 for a Silver color, #B8400B for a Bronze color. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: #15428B
  • Valid Values: Valid Hexidecial (HTML) color code
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the color of the foreground of the Case Data view header. Example #FFFFFF for white color. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies whether it is mandatory for the agent to set a disposition code before Marking Done an interaction. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Prevents changes to the disposition code after a voice interaction has been released. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: DispositionCode
  • Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the key that is used to populate attached data or a user event when a disposition code is submitted to the back-end system, such as T-Server, Interaction Server, and Contact Server. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Enables the adding of attached data to the interaction in UserEvent. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: DispositionCode
  • Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies a character string that specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Attribute Values that are used as an enumerated value for a disposition code. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: An attached data key name (string). The list is provided in the Attached Data in the strategy.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Enables the overriding of certain application options by using a transaction object. This option provides the key name of the attached data that contains the list of transaction objects.



  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: Name of a valid Script object of type Interaction Queue
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the name of the Interaction Queue that is used by the 'routing-based' feature for Chat. The following attached data are added by Worskpace: IW_RoutingBasedOriginalEmployeeId,IW_RoutingBasedTargetId,IW_RoutingBasedTargetType,IW_RoutingBasedRequestType.


  • Default Value: OneStepTransfer
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: OneStepTransfer.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the list of 'routing-based' actions that an agent is allowed to perform.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: Blank or a comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Defines the list of targets that are contacted through the 'routing-based' mechanism for the requests that are defined in the option intercommunication.chat.routing-based-actions.
    Note: The targets 'AgentGroup' and 'Skill' are always addressed through routing; therefore, they are not affected by this option.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: The name of a valid Script object of type Interaction Queue
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the name of the Interaction Queue that is used by the 'routing-based' feature for E-Mail. The following attached data are added by Worskpace: IW_RoutingBasedOriginalEmployeeId,IW_RoutingBasedTargetId,IW_RoutingBasedTargetType,IW_RoutingBasedRequestType.


  • Default Value: OneStepTransfer
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: OneStepTransfer.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the list of 'routing-based' actions that an agent is allowed to perform.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the list of targets that are contacted through the 'routing-based' mechanism for the requests that are defined in the option intercommunication.email.routing-based-actions.
    Note: The targets 'AgentGroup' and 'Skill' are always addressed through routing; therefore, they are not affected by this option.


  • Default Value: MakeCall,OneStepConference,InitConference,OneStepTransfer,InitTransfer
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid operation names from the following list: MakeCall, OneStepTransfer, InitTransfer, InitConference, OneStepConference.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Defines the list of routing-based actions that an agent may perform.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated list of valid object types from the following list: Agent, RoutingPoint, TypeDestination.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Defines the list of targets that are contacted through the 'routing-based' mechanism for the requests that are defined in the option intercommunication.voice.routing-based-actions.
    Note: The targets 'AgentGroup' and 'Skill' are always addressed through routing; therefore, they are not affected by this option.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: A call number name in the following format: $dn_name$.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Determines the call number that is used by the routing-based feature. The following attached data are added by Worskpace: IW_RoutingBasedOriginalEmployeeId,IW_RoutingBasedTargetId,IW_RoutingBasedTargetType,IW_RoutingBasedRequestType.



  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated list of KPI names.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Defines the KPIs that are displayed to the agent. The KPI names refer to the names of the Application Option sections that are defining the KPIs.

Login Voice


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: A valid NotReady Reason.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: If the Voice channel is automatically set to NotReady when the agent logs in, this option defines the NotReady Reason code.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies whether the voice channels are in the Ready state at login.

Team Communicator


  • Default Value: true
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: When this option is set to true, Workspace clears the team communicator search text box when the interaction is initiated by pressing 'Enter' or by clicking on one of the medias of team communicator results. When it is set to false, this option clears the team communicator search text box only when the interaction is initiated by pressing 'Enter'


  • Default Value: Agent,AgentGroup,RoutingPoint,Skill,Contact
  • Valid Values: A comma-separated value list of filter items to be displayed in the team communicator, for example: Agent,AgentGroup,RoutingPoint,Skill,Contact.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the list of filters that an agent can use to search for contacts and internal targets by using the team communicator. The object types are presented in the specified order.


  • Default Value: 10
  • Valid Values: An integer value from 1 through 50.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the maximum size of the suggestion list that is displayed while an agent is entering a contact or target name.


  • Default Value: 10
  • Valid Values: An integer value from 1 through 50.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the number of recent internal targets to display in the list of recent targets.


  • Default Value: 500
  • Valid Values: An integer value from 1 through 5000.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the request start timer wait interval, in milliseconds, between the last key pressed and the beginning of the search through the contact database.



  • Default Value: History,CaseData
  • Valid Values: History, CaseData
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Defines the content of the Case Information area in the toast interaction preview. The CaseData key enables the display of the attached data that is defined by the toast.case-data.format-business-attribute option. The History key enables the display of interaction history information. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy, as described in the Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: Letters A to Z and a to z. Numbers 0 through 9. The underscore and space characters.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the name of the Business Attribute that contains the Business Attribute Values that are used to filter and render attached data in the toast interaction preview.
    This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.
    You can define the display order of Business Attribute Values by creating an interaction-workspace section in the annex of the Business Attribute, then add the toast.case-data.order option. This option is a comma-separated list of Business Attributes Value Names that specifies the order of the Business Attribute Values The Attributes Values that are not listed in option toast.case-data.order are put at the bottom of the list.



  • Default Value: true
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: When the value of this option is set to true, the agent is permitted to use the Voice channel.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the application is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies whether a voice interaction is automatically answered when a EventRinging message is received. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies if an interaction should be closed automatically if a Release message is received. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.


  • Default Value: false
  • Valid Values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies whether Workspace displays a confirmation message when the agent clicks 'End'. This option can be overridden by a routing strategy as described in this Deployment Guide.



  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: The name of a valid Script object of type Interaction Workbin that is owned by Agents.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: Specifies the name of the workbin to be used to store draft e-mail.


  • Default Value: An empty string.
  • Valid Values: Specifies the name of a valid Script object of type Interaction Workbin that is owned by Agents.
  • Changes take effect: When the session is started or restarted.
  • Description: The name of the workbin that is to be used to store inbound e-mail for later processing, after an agent explicitly saved the e-mail or submitted an outbound reply.
This page was last edited on September 9, 2013, at 18:53.
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