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"How To" Videos

This topic features a collection of videos from the Genesys Vimeo channel that demonstrate some of the most commonly used features of Workspace Agent Desktop.

Logging in and going Ready

  • Logging in to Workspace Agent Desktop
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Logging in to Workspace
  • Using the status controls
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Status Controls
  • Quick tour of the Main Window
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Main View Overview

Handling voice calls

  • Taking a Voice Call
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Taking a Voice Call
  • Transferring a call to an Agent Group
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Transferring to an Agent Group
  • How to make a new call
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Finding a Contact
  • How to mute/unmute and control the volume of a call
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Controlling your microphone and speakers

Using a web phone

  • Web Phone Browser Communications Overview
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Using a Web Phone
  • Using the Browser Communications Diagnostics Tool to Troubleshoot Call Quality Problems
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Troubleshooting call quality issues

Outbound Campaigns

Here are four tutorial videos that give you a quick overview of being an agent in an Outbound Campaign. The first video introduces Outbound Campaigns, the second demonstrates Predictive and Progressive (automatic) campaigns, the third demonstrates Preview (manual) campaigns, and the fourth demonstrates Push-Preview (semi-automatic) campaigns.

  • Overview
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Outbound Campaign Overview
  • Automatic record retrieval (and scheduling a callback)
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Automatic Mode
  • Manual record retrieval
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Manual Mode
  • Semi-automatic record retrieval
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Semi-automatic Mode

Handling email

  • Receiving a new email
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Receiving a new email
  • Sending an outgoing email
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Sending an email
  • Forwarding an email as an attachment
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Forwarding an email as an attachment
  • Forwarding an email in-line
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Forwarding an email in-line
  • Using the forward combination menu
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Using the forward combination menu

Handling chats

  • Handing a chat interaction with a customer
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Handling a chat
  • Sending a URL to your customer
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Sending weblinks to your contact

Handling Workitems

  • Handing a workitem interaction
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Handling a workitem

Finding and managing contacts

  • How to find a contact using the Team Communicator
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Finding a Contact
  • Contact Directory Overview
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Contact Directory Overview
  • Finding Contacts using Quick Search
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Contact Directory Quick Search
  • How to view details as a grid or list in the Contact Directory
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Contact Directory Viewing Details as a Grid or a List
  • How to call or email a contact using the Contact Directory
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Contact Directory Phone and E-mail

Finding Interactions

  • Contact History Tab
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Contact History
  • Contact History Quick Search
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Contact History:Quick Search
  • Contact History Advanced Search
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Contact History: Advanced Search
  • My History Quick Search
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: My History: Quick Search
  • My History Advanced Search
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: My History: Advanced Search
  • Interaction Search Quick Search
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Interaction Search: Quick Search
  • Interaction Search Advanced Search
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Show video: Interaction Search: Advanced Search

Browser history

  • Viewing the Browser History of Your Customers
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Viewing the Browser History of Your Customers

Instant Messaging in your organization

  • Sending and receiving texts with others in your organization
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Texting with others in your organization

Using supervisor features

Supervisors can use the Team Lead Workbins

  • Team Lead Workbins Overview
RedVideoButton2.PNG [+] Watch video: Team Lead Workbins Overview
This page was last edited on November 15, 2023, at 22:50.
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