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Launching the Chat Session

There are two methods you can use to launch chat session:

  • startSession — Use this entry-point method to start a new chat session, with various options for controlling the shape of that session.
  • restoreSession — Use this entry-point method to launch an existing chat session. For example, in cases where a browser page with a chat window is reloaded.



Entry-point method for creating new chat session.

Returned Promise

startSession (as well as all session commands) returns a "promise" object with two chainable methods: done and fail.

done This method should be used to get access to the chat session object.
chat.startSession(options).done(function(session) {
  // session.sendMessage, session.onAgentConnected and all other method are at your disposal.
fail Resolved with an event containing an error message describing what went wrong.

Event structure:

Parameter Meaning


Code specifying the particular error


Description of error (English is default language).

For a list of possible error codes, see Error Codes.


Options are expected as a single object with named properties. For example:

    serverUrl: '...',
    username: 'Anonymous'
Option Type Default Value Mandatory Description
serverUrl string undefined Yes (except when transport option is provided) URL of the CometD chat backend if built-in CometD transport is to be used.
username string 'User' No Optional parameter. Name (nickname) of the visitor who initiated the chat session. If absent, and chat user is anonymous, default value is used.
subject string undefined No Subject of the chat session. If option is absent, parameter is left empty.
userData Object undefined No Represents a set of parameters that can\should be specified when creating the chat session.

Typical use-case: providing data obtained from a registration form.

    // Passed data will be used to identify and/or create user contact.
    userData: {
        FirstName: 'John',
        LastName: 'Doe',
        EmailAddress: 'johndoe@example.com'
Data you pass to userData is always merged with the default values of userData. userData contains the following keys:
  • source with value web
  • pageTitle with value set to current page's title, document.title
  • url with value set to the current page's URL, document.location
  • referrer with value set to the previous page's URL, document.referrer

If you need to override and of these values, pass the values along with other userData. For example, the following sets source to null and leaves startPage as is:

    userData: {
        FirstName: 'John',
        LastName: 'Doe',
        EmailAddress: 'johndoe@example.com',
        source: null
transport Object [built-in CometD transport] Only if serverURL is absent Pass custom transport instance here, if needed (for example, REST-based). By default, built-in CometD chat transport is used.
stateStorage {{read: function(): Object, write: function(Object|null)}} [internal built-in stateStorage] No Provides a method for dealing with session state persistence across page reloads. By default, built-in cookie-based state storage is used.

Note that in certain cases, the stateStorage.write method is called with a special argument, null, which means that all existing state has to be cleared. For details, see Using a third-party mechanism for chat session state persistence.

maxOfflineDuration number 5 No Time (in seconds) during which session state cookies are stored after page reload/navigation. Default is 5 seconds. If cookies expire, the chat session will not be restored via restoreSession(). This option only takes effect on default (built-in_ state storage. If custom state storage is passed, this option does not take effect.
disableWebSockets boolean false No Disable WebSockets for connections to the server. Only effective if the default transport is used. If you disable WebSockets, you should also pass this option to restoreSession().
logger function [internal console.log-based logger] No A function responsible for logging. If you pass a custom logging function to this option, the function should accept an arbitrary number of different argument types (similar to console.log).



Entry-point method for launching an already existing chat session (for example, when a browser page with a chat window was reloaded).

Returned Promise

restoreSession returns a "promise" object with two chainable methods: done and fail.

done This method should be used to get access to chat session object.
chat.restoreSession(options).done(function(session) {
  // session.sendMessage, session.onAgentConnected and all other methods are at your disposal.
fail If the restore chat operation fails because of an error (and not because the chat doesn't exist), the fail callback receives an event argument with an error property similar to startSession().fail callback.
  .fail(function(event) {
    // If there was a chat session, but restoration fails, signal failure.
    if (event.error) {
        alert('chat restoration failed');
    // If there was no chat session, bind start chat to "start chat" button
    jQuery('#myChatButton').on('click', function() {
  .done(function(session) {
    // session.sendMessage, session.onAgentConnected and all other method are at your disposal.
For a list of possible error codes, see Error Codes.


Options are expected as a single object with named properties. For example:

    maxOfflineDuration: 60
Option Type Default Value Mandatory Description
transport Object [built-in CometD transport] Yes, if custom transport was passed in startSession Pass custom transport here if needed (for example, REST-based). By default built-in CometD chat transport will be used.
stateStorage {{read: function(): Object, write: function(Object|null)}} [internal built-in stateStorage] No Provides a method for dealing with session state persistence across page reloads. By default, built-in cookie-based state storage is used.

Note that in certain cases, the stateStorage.write method is called with a special argument, null, which means that all existing state has to be cleared. For details, see Using a third-party mechanism for chat session state persistence.

maxOfflineDuration number 5 No Time (in seconds) during which session state cookies are stored after page reload/navigation. Default is 5 seconds. If cookies expire, the chat session will not be restored via restoreSession(). This option has no effect on whether custom stateStorage is passed.
disableWebSockets boolean false No Disable WebSockets for connections to the server. Only effective if the default transport is used. If you disable WebSockets, you should also pass this option to startSession().
logger function [internal console.log-based logger] No A function responsible for logging. You can pass an arbitrary number of different argument types (similar to console.log). For example: console.log.bind(console).
To find out how to control the chat session once it is started, see Controlling the chat session.
This page was last edited on October 7, 2016, at 23:42.
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