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Modify LINEAR Rule Body





Optional parameter:

  • ?checkInComment=My change (check in comment appears in audit tab and package history tab for the rule)

Request Body

         "label":"Age is between ",
         "sentence":"Age is between {age_low} and {age_high}",
            " and ",
         "label":"Decision is ",
         "sentence":"Decision is \"{decision}\"",

Response Body

   "name":"1st Date",
   "description":"Basic criteria",
         "label":"Age is between ",
         "sentence":"Age is between {age_low} and {age_high}",
            " and ",
         "label":"Decision is ",
         "sentence":"Decision is \"{decision}\"",

HTTP Status Codes

  • 200 Successful—Response body provided
  • 401 Unauthorized—APIToken not valid
  • 403 Forbidden—User does not have permission for the specified tenant ID or package ID, or does not have proper permission to perform this operation.
  • 404 Not Found—could not find specified rule ID.
  • 412 Precondition Failed—Rule was not locked first
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity—Rule does not validate
"message": "Validation Failed",
  "errors": [
      "message": "Validation error 1"
      "message": "Validation error 2"
  • 503—Service Unavailable


User must have RULE_MODIFY permission. User must have rule LOCKED. To modify something in LINEAR rule body, pass entire rule body (all conditions/actions), regardless of whether they were updated or not (eg, this is a total replacement of rule body). If the change causes the rule to not validate, a 422 will be returned with a list of "compiler errors". The changes have still been committed.

This page was last edited on May 16, 2017, at 08:20.
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