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Chat Interactions

Chat interactions are a type of multimedia interactions, that make use of the InteractionChat interface, and inherit functionality from InteractionMultimedia interface. Other multimedia interactions are discussed in E-Mail Interactions and Open Media Interactions.
This chapter discusses chat interactions. It also presents SimpleChatInteraction, a new example that allows user to join chat sessions, send messages, and use the CoBrowse feature.

Chat Interaction Design

Chat State

Because InteractionChat inherits the InteractionMultimedia interface, each InteractionChat object has a status, described in the Interaction.Status inner class. The following diagram shows the possible states of a chat interaction. The only chat interactions are incoming.

Chat State Diagram

For a chat interaction, the interaction status can change due to a commonInteraction.Action, that is, a call to the corresponding method. For example, a successful Interaction.Action.ANSWER_CALL action changes the interaction status from Interaction.Status.RINGING to Interaction.Status.TALKING. The corresponding method is InteractionChat.answerCall().

Not all Interaction.Action actions are available on chat interactions. InteractionChat inherits Possible. Test if an action is possible on a chat interaction by callingInteractionChat.isPossible(Interaction.Action).

If the chat interaction has a TALKING status, the chat interaction is active in the chat session and you can take chat-specific actions on the interaction, by using methods such as:

  • sendMessage()
  • conferencePlace(), conferenceAgent()
  • clearCall()

Details about these and other methods are provided in the Handling a Chat Interaction section.

CoBrowse Interactions

The Agent Interaction (Java API) provides a CoBrowse feature through the InteractionCoBrowse interface used as a container to store URLs that your application can share with a customer at runtime. The stored URLs are then intended to be used in contact histories. For further details about the History feature, see Contact History.
The CoBrowse feature does not include any web management and is fairly simple to use. You create an InteractionCoBrowse instance by calling a standard createInteraction() method; most of the time, you will need a CoBrowse interaction when you are handling another interaction (of any type, that is e-mail, chat, voice, or open media.) To link your InteractionCoBrowse instance to an existing interaction you specific a parent interaction in parameters at its creation.

As this interaction is a used as a container, this InteractionCoBrowse instance has no status to monitor by handling events. Then, all your application is responsible is saving the InteractionCoBrowse instance.

The SimpleChatInteraction example includes a CoBrowse feature. For further details, refer to Add CoBrowse-Handling Code.


This example is similar to SimpleVoiceInteraction, which was introduced earlier. It uses the same graphical user interface and the same internal structure, inheriting from SimplePlace. When you launch this example, which is in the StandAloneExamples directory, you will see the user interface presented in the screen shot below.

For the sake of simplicity, this example is designed to handle one chat session at a time. Set up a capacity rule limiting the agent to a single chat interaction at a time in your routing strategy. For further details, see Universal Routing 7.6 Documentation.
Join a Chat Session

If the user checks the CoBrowse checkbox, SimpleChatInteraction opens a dialog box which displays the content of the child CoBrowse interaction created for the example. Then, SampleChatInteraction parses all the received chat messages, adds any URL found in the chat text to the CoBrowse interaction, and finally saves this interaction when the chat interaction terminates.

Set up Button Actions

By inheritance, SimplePlace takes care of all agent buttons located in the Simple Place panel. SimpleChatInteraction is in charge of chat buttons designed to manage the chat session, that is, Join a ringing chat session, Quit an established session, Done to mark the corresponding chat interaction as Done . The Send button enables the agent to send a chat message entered in the message panel.
The GUI program AgentInteractionGui has created buttons for each of these actions, but at this point they do nothing. SimpleChatInteraction rings these buttons to life by overloading the linkWidgetsToGui() method.
The following code snippet shows how to implement the Send button. The corresponding button action uses the contents of the chat message text area to send a message, then, it clears this text area.

// Add a send button for the chat session
sendButton = agentInteractionGui.sendChatMsgButton;
sendButton.setAction(new AbstractAction("Send") {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
 try {
   String msg = chatMsgTextArea.getText();
 } catch (Exception exception) {

Add Event-Handling Code

SimpleChatInteraction is designed to handle chat interactions. This means there needs to be interaction-related, event-handling code.
As explained in the Threading section in About Agent Interaction (Java API), the standalone examples use threads to avoid delaying the propagation of events.
In this purpose, the SimpleChatInteraction uses two threads:

  • ChatSessionInteractionEventThread to handle InteractionEvent events sent for the InteractionChat used to process the chat session.
  • InteractionChatEventThread to handle ChatEvent events sent for processing messages during the chat session.

The event-handling code in ChatSessionInteractionEventThread is similar to the event-handling code in VoiceInteractionEventThread. It checks several statements to handle status changes in the processed InteractionChat instance (that corresponds to the chat session.) For further details, see Add Event-Handling Code.

The event-handling code in InteractionChatEventThread is in charge of displaying chat messages and information about users in the chat panel.

if(chatEvent.getEventType() == InteractionChatEvent.Type.MESSAGE_RECEIVED)
	displayInteractionChatMessage(chatEvent.getParty(), chatEvent.getText());
	if(sampleCoBrowseIxn != null)
else if(chatEvent.getEventType() == InteractionChatEvent.Type.DISCONNECTED)
	agentInteractionGui.writeChatMessage(" ", "You are disconnected !", AgentInteractionGui.ELSE_STYLE);
else if(chatEvent.getEventType() == InteractionChatEvent.Type.USER_JOINED)
	agentInteractionGui.writeChatMessage( chatEvent.getDate().toGMTString(), chatEvent.getParty().getNickName() + " joined", AgentInteractionGui.ELSE_STYLE);
else if(chatEvent.getEventType() == InteractionChatEvent.Type.USER_LEFT)
	agentInteractionGui.writeChatMessage( chatEvent.getDate().toGMTString(), chatEvent.getParty().getNickName() + " left", AgentInteractionGui.ELSE_STYLE);

else if(chatEvent.getEventType() == InteractionChatEvent.Type.USER_REENTER)
	agentInteractionGui.writeChatMessage( chatEvent.getDate().toGMTString(), chatEvent.getParty().getNickName() + " reentered", AgentInteractionGui.ELSE_STYLE);

Chat events do not affect the status of the chat interaction. That’s why interaction widgets don’t update on chat events.

Add CoBrowse-Handling Code

In this code example, CoBrowse is started when the user checks the CoBrowse checkbox. At that moment, SimpleChatInteraction calls its startCoBrowse() method which creates an InteractionCoBrowse instance for the current chat session, as shown here:

try {
//1. Create a new InteractionCoBrowse
  sampleCoBrowseIxn = (InteractionCoBrowse) sampleAgent.createInteraction(MediaType.COBROWSE, sampleChatIxn, sampleChatIxn.getQueue());
} catch (RequestFailedException e) {
   agentInteractionGui.writeLogMessage(e.getMessage(), "ErrorEvent on CoBrowse creation");

Then, when the application gets a chat message, it parses the message content by calling the checkURLs() method. If this method finds a URL in the text, it adds the URL to the InteractionCoBrowse instance.

test[i] = "http:"+test[i];
try {
  sampleCoBrowseIxn.addURLs(new String[]{test[i]});
} catch (RequestFailedException e) {

When the chat interaction is terminated, that is, in IDLE status, the associated CoBrowse interaction is saved and marked as done.


Handling a Chat Interaction

Chat interactions are multimedia interactions that allows an agent to manage, or participate in, a chat session. You need a single chat interaction to let your agent take part in the chat session. The chat interaction receives events for message exchanges.
Chat interactions are available in the InteractionChat interface of the com.genesyslab.ail package. The following sections detail how to use this interface.

Entering a Chat Session

You can participate in a chat session if your Agent object has successfully logged into a CHAT media in its place. Through a registered AgentListener of your Agent object, you are notified of a chat session request by receiving an InteractionEvent event about an InteractionChat object, inInteraction.Status.RINGING.

void handleInteractionEvent( InteractionEvent event ) {
  // ... Check if it is the awaited interaction
  InteractionChat myChatInteraction = (InteractionChat) event.getSource();
  // ...

To take part in the chat session, invoke the answerCall() method. If the action is successful, your application receives an InteractionEvent event, showing that the interaction is now in state TALKING. See Processing a Chat Interaction.

The agent is now one party to the chat session and the chat interaction is active in the chat session.

Assign a nickname to the agent with the InteractionChat.setNickName() method before answering the interaction. If you do not assign a nickname, the nickname is the agent’s user name.

Chat Parties

The parties of the chat session are available through the InteractionChat.getParties() method. A ChatParty object describes the nickname and visibility of each party.

Handling Chat Events

To handle discussion, chat interactions send text messages and receive InteractionChatEvent event with a registered InteractionChatListener. These events also propagate chat errors and party changes during the chat session. The InteractionChatEvent.Type inner class lists the possible InteractionChatEvent types.

The following code snippet implements an InteractionChatListener class:

class ExampleChatListener implements InteractionChatListener {
  public void handleInteractionChatEvent (InteractionChatEvent chatEvent)
      /// Management of the chat event

To receive InteractionChatEvent events, register your InteractionChatListener on your InteractionChat. When registering, you can get all the events exchanged during the chat session before you are connected, as shown in the following code snippet:

<tt>InteractionChatEvent[] allPreviousEvents =</tt> myChatInteraction.addChatListener(new ExampleChatListener(), true); // previous events are returned.
You can also get all these events after registration, by calling the InteractionChat.getEvents() method.

Handling Chat Messages

To send a message, call the sendMessage() method of the InteractionChat interface. The message is sent to all parties of the chat session.

myChatInteraction.sendMessage( "This is a chat message" );

Incoming InteractionChatEvent events of type InteractionChatEvent.Type.MESSAGE_RECEIVED correspond to chat messages. To read the message, use the getText() method of the InteractionChatEvent that is sent to your InteractionChatListener.

void handleInteractionChatEvent(InteractionChatEvent chatEvent ) {
	// Testing if the event is a chat message
	if(chatEvent.getEventType() == InteractionChatEvent.Type.MESSAGE_RECEIVED)
		// Displaying the message
		String message = chatEvent.getText();
		String sender = chatEvent.getParty().getNickName();
		System.out.println("From: "+sender+"\n>"+message+"\n");
You can also access all received messages of the session by calling the InteractionChat.getMessages() method.

Handling Typing

To notify the parties that the user is typing a message, call the InteractionChat.typingStarted() method of the InteractionChat interface. The InteractionChatEvent.START_TYPING event is sent to all parties of the chat session.


Incoming InteractionChatEvent events of type InteractionChatEvent.Type.TYPING_STARTED correspond to that typing notification. To get the name of the party who is typing, use the getParty() method of the InteractionChatEvent.

void handleInteractionChatEvent(InteractionChatEvent chatEvent ) {
	// Testing if the event is a chat message
	if(chatEvent.getEventType() == InteractionChatEvent.Type.TYPING_STARTED	)
		// Displaying the message
		String sender = chatEvent.getParty().getNickName();
		System.out.println(sender+" is typing...");

If the user stops (without submitting the message), invoke the InteractionChat.typingStopped() method to notify other parties. Parties will receive the InteractionChatEvent.Type.TYPING_STOPPED event.

Push URL

Your application can now push a URL to the chat applications of other parties by calling the InteractionChat.pushURL() method.


The chat application for each participant then receives the InteractionChatEvent.Type.PUSH_URL event, which contains the pushed URL, which can be retrieved from the InteractionChatEvent.getText() method.

void handleInteractionChatEvent(
		InteractionChatEvent chatEvent ) {
	// Testing if the event is a chat message
	if(chatEvent.getEventType() == InteractionChatEvent.Type.PUSH_URL)
		// Getting the URL
		String message = chatEvent.getText();
		// ... Display the URL ...


The conference feature allows an agent to invite another agent to join the chat session by using the InteractionChat.conferenceAgent() or InteractionChat.conferencePlace() method.
The following code snippet creates a chat conference with the agent agent1.

myChatInteraction.conferenceAgent("agent1", //agent who should join.
ChatParty.Visibility.INT,	// only agents can see him or her.
"reason for joining"); //a string reason.
The agent agent1 receives an InteractionEvent for a InteractionChat in Interaction.Status.RINGING. If this agent answers the chat interaction, he joins the chat session.

Terminating the Chat Session

To disconnect the chat session, invoke the InteractionChat.releaseCall() method. After receiving the InteractionEvent for Interaction.Status.IDLE, use the markDone() method to properly save and clean the interaction.

The e-mail server can have a strategy to send the transcript of the chat interaction to the contact. In this case, to disconnect, use clearCall() or transferToQueue() instead of releaseCall(). The transcript is automatically sent to the contact.
Chat event flow is shown in Processing a Chat Interaction.

Processing a Chat Interaction
This page was last edited on January 7, 2014, at 15:26.
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