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Configuration Object Manipulation Elements

Configuration Object Manipulation Elements enables all configuration objects within Configuration Server to be manipulated. The following high-level actions are supported:

  • <cfg:createObject>: Create a configuration object. Note: If the object already exists, the action fails. If an object already exists or might exist, use the <cfg:updateObject> element with the value createonupdate="true".
  • <cfg:readObject>: Read a configuration object. The child element <cfg:query> can select which object to read. Note: This action implies that only one object is to be read. If more than one object is to be read or searched, then use the <cfg:queryObjects> element to return a list of configuration objects.
  • <cfg:updateObject>: Update a configuration object.
  • <cfg:deleteObject>: Delete a configuration object.
  • <cfg:queryObjects>: Query for a list of configuration objects by using filter or query criteria that is specified in the <cfg:query> element.

Each of these high-level actions are described on the following pages. This page describes elements that are used by these actions.


Child Elements


Name Type Description Default Values
name string (required)
mode string clear, merge



Name Type Description Default Values
agentlogindbid integer
data object
result string
wrapuptime integer



Name Type Description Default Values
apprank string CfgRank
apptype string CfgAppType
data object
result string



Name Type Description Default Values
callinglistdbid integer
data object
isactive string CfgFlag
result string
share integer



Name Type Description Default Values
appdbid integer (required)
data object
isoptional string CfgFlag
result string
startuppriority integer



Name Type Description Default Values
type string CfgAppType
data object
isoptional string CfgFlag
result string
startuppriority integer
version string



Name Type Description Default Values
appparams string
appserverdbid integer
charfield1 string
charfield2 string
charfield3 string
charfield4 string
connprotocol string
data object
description string
id string
longfield1 integer
longfield2 integer
longfield3 integer
longfield4 integer
mode string CfgTraceMode
proxyparams string
result string
timoutlocal integer
timoutremote integer
transportparams string



Name Type Description Default Values
data object
number string (required)
result string
switchdbid integer (required)



Name Type Description Default Values
data object
dndbid integer
result string
trunks integer



Name Type Description Default Values
data object
dbid integer (required)
result string



Name Type Description Default Values
type string CfgObjectType
data object
dbid integer (required)
result string



Name Type Description Default Values
contractdbid integer
customersegmentdbid integer
data object
mediatypedbid integer
objectivedelta integer
objectivethreshold integer
result string
servicetypedbid integer



Name Type Description Default Values
data object
grant string (multiple) CfgPermissions
id integer (required)
recursive Boolean
result string
revoke string (multiple) CfgPermissions



Name Type Description Default Values
appparams string
charfield1 string
charfield2 string
charfield3 string
charfield4 string
connprotocol string
data object
description string
id string (required)
longfield1 integer
longfield2 integer
longfield3 integer
longfield4 integer
port string (required)
result string
transportparams string



Name Type Description Default Values
type string string, int, binary
data object
key string (required)
result string
section string (required)
value string (required)



Name Type Description Default Values
charfield1 string
charfield2 string
charfield3 string
charfield4 string
data object
description string
longfield1 integer
longfield2 integer
longfield3 integer
longfield4 integer
objectdbid integer
objecttype string CfgObjectType
resourcetype string (required) CfgResourceType
result string



Name Type Description Default Values
data object
level integer
result string
skilldbid integer



Name Type Description Default Values
data object
intervalcount integer
result string
statvalue1 integer
statvalue2 integer
statvalue3 integer
statvalue4 integer



Name Type Description Default Values
name string
data object
result string



Name Type Description Default Values
accesscode string (required)
data object
destinationsource string
dnissource string
dnsource string
extensionsource string
locationsource string
reasonsource string
result string
routetype string (required) CfgRouteType
switchdbid integer (required)
targettype string (required) CfgTargetType



Name Type Description Default Values
name string (required)
value string (required)



Name Type Description Default Values
name string (required)
value string (required)



Name Type Description Default Values
data object
key string (required)
result string
value string (required)



Name Type Description Default Values
appdbid integer (required)
data object
issystemaccount string If set to true, then logon set to system account; otherwise logon set to account specified in "persondbid" attribute true, false
persondbid integer
result string
This page was last edited on September 8, 2020, at 10:36.
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