Review the Limitations page before planning.
This section lists the requirements for the environment where EXEC is planned to be deployed. Mandatory and optional requirements are given in the corresponding sections below.
Mandatory Environment Elements
Redis Cache
EX Engage Connector supports Enterprise Redis version 6.x. Redis Cluster mode is not supported. Customers should plan to use 2 GB of Redis memory for contact centers with 1000 agents and a call rate of 5 CAPS.
WebDAV is required only for the Recording Injection. EX Engage Connector supports any standard WebDAV server. Customers should plan to use 30 GB of WebDAV memory for contact centers with 1000 concurrent recording calls.
HTTP Load Balancer
HTTP Load Balancer is required only for the Recording Injection. EX Engage Connector supports any standard HTTP load balancer.
Container Registry
EXEC components are provided in a form of Docker containers. Customers should provide a container registry where EXEC docker containers can be hosted. Docker composer files of the EXEC components will be provisioned to pull docker containers from this registry.
Virtual Machines for the EXEC Components
Four VMs have to be created to deploy EXEC components to have each VM to carry one component instance:
- 1 VM for EX Engage Connector Config Sync (EXCS)
- 1 VM for EX Engage Connector Agent State Sync (EXAS)
- 2 VMs for 1 SIPS HA Pair for deploying EX Engage Connector Conversation Provider (EXCP)
- minimum of 2 VMs (N+1) for EX Engage Connector Recording Provider (EXRP)
VMs allocated for the EXEC components should be provisioned as follows:
- 64-bit Linux OS with kernel version 4.18 or later
- Recommended resource allocation: 2 CPU Cores, 8 GB RAM, and at least 80 GB HDD
- Docker version 20 or later
The EXEC VM must sync the system time at least once every 24 hours as the communication between the EXEC services and Genesys Cloud are very time-sensitive.
All VMs running EX Engage Connector components should belong to the same local network segment and be interconnected so that all components can communicate over the network. EXEC components can use either FQDNs or IP addresses to establish communication with each other. The connectivity table lists both incoming and outgoing connections required by the EXEC components.
Service | Direction | Protocol | Local Port | Remote Peer | Remote Peer Port | Purpose |
EXCS | Outgoing | TCP/TLS | Any | Engage Config DB | 5432 (default RDBMS listening port) | Read Engage configuration. |
EXAS | Outgoing | TCP | Any | Engage Primary Stat Server | 2060 ( default Primary Stat Server listening port) | Obtain real-time agent state data. |
EXAS | Outgoing | TCP | Any | Engage Backup Stat Server | Backup Stat Server listening port (2060) default | Obtain real-time agent state data |
EXCP | Outgoing | TCP | Any | Engage SIP Servers (multiple) | 8000 (default SIP Server default listening port) | To fetch real-time Call, DN, and VQ details from SIP Server. |
EXCP/EXAS | Outgoing | TCP | Any | EXCS | 3640 (default) | Use EXCS REST API. |
EXCS | Inbound | TCP | 3640 (default) | EXCP/EXAS/Prometheus | Any | Use EXCS REST API and scrape metrics. |
EXAS | Inbound | TCP | 3630 (default) | Prometheus | Any | Scrape metrics. |
EXCP | Inbound | TCP | 3650 (default) | Prometheus | Any | Scrape metrics. |
MCP | Outgoing | HTTP | ANY | WebDAV | 80 (default) | Post the recording files to WebDAV Server using HTTP requests. |
MCP | Outgoing | HTTP | ANY | HTTP Load Balancer | HTTP_LB_EXCP_PORT | Deliver recording metadata using HTTP POST requests. |
HTTP Load Balancer | Outgoing | HTTP | ANY | EXCP | 3650 (default) | HTTP POST proxied by HTTP Load Balancer for delivering recording metadata. |
EXCP | Outgoing | HTTP | Any | HTTP Load Balancer | HTTP_LB_EXRP_PORT | HTTP POST to HTTP Load Balancer for interaction-end with recording metadata. |
HTTP Load Balancer | Outgoing | HTTP | ANY | EXRP | 8080 (default) | HTTP POST proxied by HTTP Load Balancer to EXRP for interaction-end with recording metadata. |
EXRP | Outgoing | TCP | Any | WebDAV | 80 (default) | HTTP request by EXRP to fetch recording. |
EXCS/EXAS/EXCP | Outgoing | TCP/TLS | Any | Redis | 6379 (default) | Store config data to provide ID mapping services |
EXCS/EXAS/EXCP/EXRP | Outgoing | HTTPS | Any | Genesys Cloud | 443 | Call GC REST API. |
Bootstrap Virtual Machine
Bootstrap VM is required to execute EXEC deployment procedure by running a bootstrap Python script. Bootstrap VM specs include:
- Linux OS
- Docker version 20 or later
- Python 3.9+
- pip3 package manager
- SSH connectivity to EXEC VMs
Genesys Cloud EX Organization
The EX Organization should be created in Genesys Cloud to be used as a target for data injection by the EXEC components.
An OAuth client with grant type Client Credentials created in the EX Org to connect to GC and the EX Integration role should be assigned to the OAuth client. This client's credentials will be used by the EXEC components to connect to Genesys Cloud.
Engage Environment
EX Engage Connector components operate with Genesys core services version 8.5+ on the back-end. Ensure the following Engage components (Config DB, Stat Server, and SIP Server) are deployed and running. Also, the EXEC components should be able to communicate with Config DB, Stat Server, and SIP Server.
Optional Environment Elements
- Monitoring Solution - EXEC component provides metrics that can be consumed by Prometheus to enable effective monitoring.
- Observability Solution - Prometheus-based observability solution (Grafana) to make monitoring and alerting friendly and efficient.
- Centralized Logging Solution - Log collection systems (Filebeat/ElasticSearch, Promtail/Grafana Loki, etc) to collect and index logs in a centralized place.
- Container Monitoring Solution - third-party container monitoring tools (Portainer) to simplify management and monitoring of the EXEC containers