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Customizing E-mail Server

List of Forbidden Headers

E-mail Server does not allow certain headers to be added to outbound e-mail. These excluded headers are listed in the file com/genesyslab/icc/emailserver/ForbiddenHeaders.properties, contained in esj.jar, which is normally located in \GCTI\eServices 8.1.0\E-mail Server Java\<E-Mail Server Application name>\lib.

You can modify this list by extracting ForbiddenHeaders.properties to the <E-Mail Server Application name> directory, then editing the content. E-mail Server will then use this modified file. If there is no such file in the <E-Mail Server Application name> directory, E-mail Server uses the one in esj.jar.

Customizing the Format of External Resource E-mails

E-mails from external resources are received in plain text format. You can customize the format in which these e-mails are presented.

Chat Transcripts

Ordinarily when including the transcript of a chat session in an e-mail, the transcript is appended to the end of the e-mail. To insert the transcript somewhere else, place the tag [ChatTranscript] where you want the transcript to appear. You can do this in the plain text or the HTML version or both. The following figure shows an example (click to enlarge).

Chat Transcript Tag in Standard Response
This page was last edited on October 28, 2018, at 13:55.
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