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Multilingual Processing in Chat Server


Genesys Chat can process multiple languages simultaneously, including:

  • Chat transcript messages. The data is transferred in UTF-16.
  • Attached data (such as first name, last name, subject, and so on) and ESP messages (submitting messages to chat session from the strategy). The data is transferred in UTF-8. There are the following requirements:
    • Chat Server must be running with UTF-8 locale; details are in "Internal Locale of Chat Server" below.
    • If UCS is running on Windows, its startup script (ContactServerDriver.ini) must be configured to use ‑Dfile.encoding=UTF-8. If UCS is running on UNIX, no special configuration is required.
    • Routing strategies must send data in UTF-8 encoding.
  • Chat Server can be configured to send inactivity system messages in different languages.

Internal Locale of Chat Server

The encoding and locale that Chat Server uses internally are determined by the following, in order of priority:

  1. The command line parameter -codepage. The value of the parameter must be a valid and enabled encoding name. To use UTF-8 on Windows platform the value must be UTF-8.
  2. Connection to a Configuration Server that is running in multi-language mode, which sets Chat Server's internal locale to UTF-8.
  3. The current system locale.

Sending Chat Messages from Routing Workflows

To send messages in different languages to a chat session from a workflow the following is required:

  • Chat Server runs in UTF-8 mode.
  • Workflow (strategies) must be created:
    • Either by Interaction Routing Designer of version 8.1.400.10 or later (if URS is used).
    • Or by any version of Composer (if ORS is used).
This page was last edited on October 12, 2018, at 18:35.
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