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Section: settings
Default Value: none
Valid Values: all, fired, none
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables calculating various statistics and attaching them to the interaction's user data at the end of the chat session. Possible values are:

  • none: Do not attach anything.
  • all: Attach all possible statistics (both encountered and non-encountered).
  • fired: Attach only statistics that were encountered during the course of the chat session.

Note: Genesys recommends that you change the value of this option from the default value of "none" to "fired" if you deploy Historical Reporting for either Chat or Bot Gateway.


Section: settings
Default Value: never
Valid Values: always, never, noagents, noanswer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Modified: 8.5.301.06

Specifies how Chat Server handles chat interactions (in Interaction Server) when the chat session is finished. Possible values:

  • always: interactions are always stopped when the chat session is finished (not recommended value).
  • never: interactions are never stopped by Chat Server (recommended value).
  • noagents: interactions are stopped only if there are currently no agents or supervisors in the session (use value wisely).
  • noanswer: interactions are stopped only if no agents ever joined the session - in other words, the session was never answered (use value wisely).

Note: When the chat session is closing, it ignores the presence of bot participants when evaluating this option (in other words, bot participants are not considered "agents"). The legacy "true" and "false" values are also supported and converted to new values as following:

  • "false" is interpreted as "never"
  • "true" is interpreted as "noanswer"

By default, Chat Server does not stop any interaction after the chat session is finished. Instead, Chat Server updates the IsOnline interaction property to false and attaches reporting statistics. If your deployment includes Genesys Info Mart reporting, Genesys recommends that you set the value of this option to "noanswer", to enable accurate reporting of abandoned chats. In all other deployments, Genesys recommends that you set the value of this option to "never", and have the agent desktop and/or a workflow stop the interaction. Values other than "never" must be used cautiously, as stopping the interaction from Chat Server may lead to conflicts with updates from the agent desktop.


Section: settings
Default Value: none
Valid Values: all, fired, none
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables calculating various statistics and attaching them to the interaction's user data at the end of the chat session. Possible values are:

  • none: Do not attach anything.
  • all: Attach all possible statistics (both encountered and non-encountered).
  • fired: Attach only statistics that were encountered during the course of the chat session.

Note: Genesys recommends that you change the value of this option from the default value of "none" to "fired" if you deploy Historical Reporting for either Chat or Bot Gateway.

Chat Server Reporting Statistics


After a chat session is finished, Chat Server attaches the following list of reporting statistics to the user data of the interaction in Interaction Server:

  • Chat session end reason codes – always attached, no configuration required.
  • Chat session transcript statistics – controlled by the attach-session-statistics option.
Starting with release 8.5.107, Chat Server attaches reporting statistics and then stops the interaction (if required by the configuration and scenario). Previously, Chat Server was not able to attach the specified reporting statistics if the stop-abandoned-interaction option was set to a value, different from the default value never and the corresponding scenario occurred.

Chat Session End Reason Codes

The following reason codes describe what triggered the end of a chat session and how it was triggered:

  • csg_SessionEndedBy – The type of participant that triggered the chat session closure.
  • csg_SessionEndedReason - The description of how a chat session was closed.
  • csg_SessionEndedAgent - The indication of agent presence in chat session. Please note that in this reason code, only human (in other words, non-bot) agents who are visible to a customer are taken into account.
Value Description Notes
CLIENT Denotes a customer This value is provided whenever a client leaves the chat session first. For example, this value will be set when a client leaves while the session continues due to the presence of an agent and ended later by an agent.
AGENT, SUPERVISOR, BOT Denotes either agent, supervisor or chat bot participant This type is provided only when:
  • A session is closed because the actor (agent/supervisor/bot) sent the Release request with the close if no more agents, or force close after-action; or
  • A session without a customer during the course of this chat session is closed because the actor sent a Release request.
SYSTEM Denotes a server/system See the csg_SessionEndedReason table for possible reasons.
Value Description Possible values for csg_SessionEndedBy
DISCONNECT The participant left due to a disconnect (basic protocol) or a flex timeout expiration (denotes disconnect in flex protocol). CLIENT, AGENT, SUPERVISOR, BOT
QUIT The participant left a chat session in a normal way (flex logout or basic self-release request, that is with the keep alive after-action). CLIENT, AGENT, SUPERVISOR, BOT
FORCE The participant left a chat session in a normal way and requested the session to be closed (either close if no more agents or force closure after-action). AGENT, SUPERVISOR, BOT
INACTIVE Chat Server closed a chat session due to activated inactivity control monitoring. SYSTEM
DB_ERROR Chat Server closed a chat session because it received the non-recoverable error from UCS while attempting to save the intermediate chat transcript (only possible when the transcript-save-on-error option is set to close). SYSTEM
Value Description Notes
ABSENT Session considered as abandoned. No agent (in other words, not-bot participant visible to client) ever joins chat session.
PRESENT Session considered as not abandoned. At least one agent is still participating in chat session during the moment of chat session closure.
VISITED Session could be considered either as abandoned or not abandoned - depending on business requirements. At least one agent participated in chat session, but no agents were present at the moment of chat session closure.

Chat Session Transcript Statistics

Chat Server attaches General and Extended reporting statistics, based on the attach-session-statistics option settings.

In the General Statistics table, an agent means both an agent and a supervisor, when either of those is visible to a customer. For example, it does not count/include an activity for an agent who is coaching another agent, or for a supervisor who monitors the session silently.

General Statistics

General Statistics
KVP key name implemented Description
csg_MessagesFromAgentsCount The total number of all messages sent by all agents (messages which are visible to customer). Note: There can be several agents in a chat session, for example, conferences, transfers, and others.
csg_MessagesFromAgentsSize The total size of all messages sent by agents.
csg_MessagesFromCustomersCount The total number of messages sent by customers.
csg_MessagesFromCustomersSize The total size of all messages sent by customers.
csg_PartiesAsAgentCount The number of parties that participated in a session as agents.
Only unique parties are counted. For example, if the same party joins the session several times, it only counts as one for the purpose of this statistic.
csg_PartiesAsCoachCount The number of parties that participated in a session in the coaching mode (for example, an agent joins with the VIP visibility).
Only unique parties are counted. For example, if the same party joins the session several times, it only counts as one for the purpose of this statistic.
csg_PartiesAsMonitorCount The number of parties that participated in a session in the monitoring mode (for example, a supervisor join with the INT visibility).
Only unique parties are counted. For example, if the same party joins the session several times, it only counts as one for the purpose of this statistic.
csg_SessionTotalTime The total duration of a chat session from the time it was created until it was completely finished/closed in Chat Server.
This does not include the time between Chat Session End and Mark Done as the interaction can still be handled by an agent.
csg_SessionUntilFirstAgentTime The duration of the waiting period, or the period of time a customer waits until the first agent (visible to a customer) joined the session.
The 0 (zero) value has two alternative interpretations: no agents ever joined the session (if csg_PartiesAsAgentCount=0) or an agent joined immediately when the session was started (if csg_PartiesAsAgentCount>0).
csg_SessionUntilFirstReplyTime The period of time until the first agent submits the first visible to a customer greeting/message into a chat session.
csg_SessionWithCustomerTime The period of time a customer is in a chat session.

Extended (wait-reply) Statistics

Extended (wait-reply) statistics
KVP key name implemented Description
cse_AgentReplyTotalCount The number of times an agent replied to a customer.
cse_AgentReplyMaxTime The maximum time (in seconds) an agent spent on replying to a customer.
cse_AgentReplyTotalTime The total time (in seconds) an agent spent on replying to a customer.
cse_AgentWaitTotalCount The number of times an agent waited for replies from a customer.
cse_AgentWaitMaxTime The maximum time (in seconds) an agent spent on waiting the reply from a customer.
cse_AgentWaitTotalTime The total time (in seconds) an agent spent on waiting the reply from a customer.
cse_CustomerReplyTotalCount The number of times a customer replied to an agent.
cse_CustomerReplyMaxTime The maximum time (in seconds) a customer spent on replying to an agent.
cse_CustomerReplyTotalTime The total time (in seconds) a customer spent on replying to an agent.
cse_CustomerWaitTotalCount The number of times a customer waited for the reply from an agent.
cse_CustomerWaitMaxTime The maximum time (in seconds) a customer spent on waiting the reply from an agent.
cse_CustomerWaitTotalTime The total time (in seconds) a customer spent on waiting the reply from an agent.

The terms wait and reply are defined as follows:

  • Wait time - The time between a message from the reporting party (or the last message, if there were a few messages in a row) being sent and the first message from another party being received in a reply.
  • Reply time - The time between a message (or the first message, for a few messages in a row) from another party being received and the message from reporting party being sent in a reply.
This page was last edited on October 12, 2018, at 18:32.
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