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Section: statserver
Default Value: off
Valid Values: on, off
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies whether Stat Server writes records about agent statuses directly to the STATUS table in the Stat Server database. Refer to the The STATUS Table in the Stat Server Deployment Guide for more information.

This option was previously named StatusTable.


Section: statserver
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.107

Controls whether Stat Server configuration options are shown in the StatFile log file.


Section: statserver
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.107

Specifies whether Stat Server writes client connection details in the StatFile log file.


Section: statserver
Default Value: "chat"
Valid Values: "Media 1, Media 2, …, Media N" or "All"
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Introduced: 8.5.107

Specifies the list of media type name(s) for which the InteractionWait (Tenants) action is generated. All other media types will be ignored.


Section: statserver
Default Value: 2147483647
Valid Values: Integers 1 through 2147483647
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Introduced: 8.5.107

Specifies the maximum allowed number of InteractionWait (Tenants) actions. When the threshold is reached, Stat Server does not create any more instances of the InteractionWait (Tenants) action, until the number of such actions falls back below the threshold.

When the debug-level option is set to Server, and the number of InteractionWait (Tenants) actions meets or exceeds the configured threshold value, the following message is printed in the Stat Server log once every minute until the number of InteractionWait (Tenants) actions is less than the maximum allowed:
"ATTN: Tenant(s) InteractionWait actions threshold of <max number> reached”


Section: log
Default Value: 5000
Valid Values: 0-10000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: enable-thread = true
Introduced: 8.5.106
Related Links: log throttling

Specifies the size of the internal log queue at which the verbose level is to be reduced so as to lessen the load generated by logging. If this option is set to 0 (zero), throttling does not occur. For more information about log throttling, refer to the Framework Management Layer User’s Guide.


Section: log
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: 0-3600
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: enable-thread = true
Introduced: 8.5.106

Specifies, in seconds, how long to keep the throttled verbose level. When this period of time has expired, the original log verbose level will be restored when the log queue size has decreased to less than 50% of the threshold.

This page was last edited on August 4, 2017, at 19:44.
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