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The set of logical expressions that specify the boundaries of a resource’s ability to handle one interaction or more than one simultaneous interaction of distinct media types.

In Premier Edition Cloud, Capacity Rules determine which types and the number of interactions (voice, chat, or email) an agent can handle. Agents are limited to a specific amount of interactions per channel type. Depending on the types of media channels assigned, an agent (resource) can handle one or more interactions using the different channel types (Voice, Chat, or Email).




Section: log
Default Value: false

Valid Values:

  • false - No segmentation is allowed.
  • <number> KB or <number> - Sets the maximum segment size, in kilobytes. The minimum segment size is 100 KB.
  • <number> MB - Sets the maximum segment size, in megabytes.
  • <number> hr - Sets the number of hours for the segment to stay open. The minimum number is 1 hour.

  • Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies whether there is a segmentation limit for a log file. If there is, sets the mode of measurement, along with the maximum size. If the current log segment exceeds the size set by this option, the file is closed and a new one is created. This option is ignored if log output is not configured to be sent to a log file.


    Section: settings
    Default Value: none
    Valid Values: all, fired, none
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Enables calculating various statistics and attaching them to the interaction's user data at the end of the chat session. Possible values are:

    • none: Do not attach anything.
    • all: Attach all possible statistics (both encountered and non-encountered).
    • fired: Attach only statistics that were encountered during the course of the chat session.

    Note: Genesys recommends that you change the value of this option from the default value of "none" to "fired" if you deploy Historical Reporting for either Chat or Bot Gateway.


    Section: settings
    Default Value: true
    Valid Values: true, false, yes, no
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies if Interaction Server Proxy should use internal sorting mechanism while merging responses containing multiple interactions in given order from multiple nodes. This option applies to: RequestTakeSnapshot, RequestGetSnapshotInteractions, RequestFindInteractions, RequestGetWorkbinContent. After change it applies to newly sent requests, i.e. already taken snapshot won't be affected (only option is to re-take same snapshot). It's adviced to restart Interaction Server Proxy after changing this value.


    Section: settings
    Default Value: 500
    Valid Values: Any integer from 100 to 2,000
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies the maximum number of interactions that clients can select in a snapshot.


    Section: settings
    Default Value: 10000
    Valid Values: Any integer from 100 to 10,000,000
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies the size of the internal interaction cache. The cache holds information about processed and queued interactions, so the Proxy knows to which server it should forward interaction-related requests. When maximum capacity is reached, the oldest entries are replaced with new ones.


    Section: log-filter
    Default Value: copy
    Valid Values: skip, hide, copy
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately, applies to all new reporting events

    Sets the default for filtering the output of user data keys to the Interaction server log. You can set the default filter to one of three values:

    • skip - does not output key-value pair from user data
    • hide - hides the value of the key
    • copy - prints both the key and its value

    This default filter applies to all user data keys, except any individual key in the log-filter-data section, which you custom-define to always hide or show in the log output, regardless of the default filter type.


    Section: log-control
    Default Value: 8192
    Valid Values: Any integer from 1,024 to 131,072 (128k)
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies the maximum size, in characters, of the protocol message to log. If text representation of the message is greater than the specified number of characters the output is truncated.


    Section: log-control
    Default Value: 1024
    Valid Values: Any integer from 256 to 8,192 (8k)
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies the maximum size, in characters, of the protocol attribute to log. If text representation of the attribute is greater than the specified number of characters the output is truncated.


    Section: log-control
    Default Value:
    Valid Values: Any valid key name(s) separated by ','
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies a list of keys that are always visible in the log, regardless of the value of the hide-attached-data option.


    Section: log-control
    Default Value: false
    Valid Values: true, false
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Allows or prohibits the printing of binary content of EventCustom (Virtual Queue events generated by URS) in the log output. A value of true or yes allows the printing.


    Section: settings
    Default Value: true
    Valid Values: true, false
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Prohibits or allows the printing of attached data in the log output. A value of true or yes prohibits the printing.


    Section: settings
    Default Value: true
    Valid Values: true, false, yes, no
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies if Interaction Server Proxy should use internal sorting mechanism while merging responses containing multiple interactions in given order from multiple nodes. This option applies to: RequestTakeSnapshot, RequestGetSnapshotInteractions, RequestFindInteractions, RequestGetWorkbinContent. After change it applies to newly sent requests, i.e. already taken snapshot won't be affected (only option is to re-take same snapshot). It's adviced to restart Interaction Server Proxy after changing this value.


    Section: settings
    Default Value: 1440
    Valid Values: Any integer from 1 to 10,080
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies, in minutes, the maximum inactivity period for an agent before he is automatically logged out. Any request from the agent reset the timeout.


    test link to Interaction Properties manual without version

    test link to Interaction Properties manual with 'latest' version

    this is login-session-timeout and this

    Sorting interactions in responses to client requests as controlled by the internal-interactions-sorting option, introduced in release, has a limitation in the following scenario:

    • The attribute OrderBy is not present in RequestGetWorkbinContent.
    • An Order is defined for the View from which the query is executed.
    • The option internal-interactions-sorting is set to false.

    In this scenario, the Proxy does not sort interactions in the response according to that defined Order. Rather, it simply concatenates the lists of interactions as they arrived from Interaction Server nodes. If internal-interactions-sorting is set to true, the Proxy uses the default ordering received_at, id.

    • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Starting with this release, Interaction Server Proxy joins Interaction Server and other Genesys applications in supporting the following configuration options:

    Test 2

    New in 8.5.1


    • This release contains updated functionality that enables new features and enhancements of Orchestration Server (ORS).
    • Interaction Server and Interaction Server Proxy now support UTF-8 on Windows as well as on other platforms. On Windows, this support requires Interaction Server to connect to its database using ODBC (not DB Server).
    • The way that Interaction Server communicates with its database has been modified to optimize performance.
    • This release supports:
      • Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V
      • Oracle 12c RAC
      • MS SQL 2012 Cluster
    • SCAN is not supported in this release.


    • For RequestGetWorkbinContent, you can now specify:
      • Filtering condition
      • Number of records returned
      • Order in which records are returned.
    • PostgreSQL databases are supported on Windows and Linux using an ODBC connection.


    • Interaction Server can be configured in a cluster when working with Interaction Server Proxy This enables multiple Interaction Servers to manage the same agents in a single tenant.
    • Interaction Server and Interaction Server Proxy support Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 64-bit native.
    • Starting in release, Interaction Server Proxy supports connections from client types like Media Server (such as Chat Server) and Routing Engine (such as Orchestration Server). It also supports connections using the ESP protocol and can process those requests.
    • Agents can be automatically logged out.


    • This release introduces Cluster Manager Plug-in for GAX, a user interface that you can use to configure Interaction Server and Interaction Server Proxy clusters.
    • This release supports Universal Contact Server v9.0 in N+1 mode.


    some options

    Interaction Server Proxy Options

    The option interaction-cache-size (interaction-cache-size), which specifies something. And the option max-interactions-per-snapshot (max-ixns-per-snapshot with prodshort) as well, and the option internal-interactions-sorting (int-ixns-sorting, no prodshort) as well.

    Chat Server Options

    And the Chat Server option attach-session-statistics.

    Test log/segment

    Should be segment segment words words words.

    What's This?

    If you have a large number of objects (categories, standard responses, screening rules), eServices Manager may take so long to load that Firefox and Internet Explorer may produce a warning message. The workaround is as follows:

    • For Firefox: Set the dom.max_script_run_time property to 0.
    • For Internet Explorer: modify registry settings as follows:
    Note: The Registry entry specified below may have an invalid value. If the entry is not present, you’ll need to make a new one with recommended value.

    For Windows 8.1 or 8:

    1. Press Windows Key + R.
    2. Type RegEdit, then click OK.
    3. Locate the following Registry path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Style
    4. Double click MaxScriptStatements string and set its value to 0xFFFFFFFF.
    5. Click OK, then close Registry Editor.


    • If the Style key is not present, click Edit > New > Key and then type Style as the key name and press Enter.
    • If the above string is not found or if the Style key is newly created, right-click the Style key, then click Edit > New > DWORD (32-bit Value). The remaining steps are same.

    For Earlier Versions of Windows:

    1. Click Start and select All Programs > Accessories.
    2. Click Run.

    The remaining steps are same.


    The response to the above methods is Event3rdServerResponse, which has the following parameters:

    Key Type Description Default Value
    OutDataList List of lists Key is the reference ID of the original data portion: the interaction ID or the reference ID of the data portion in the DataList parameter of the request.

    The value is as follows

    Key Type Description Default Value
    "final" List of key-value pairs The key is "outdata" and the value is a string consisting of the final result of processing this data portion. No default value
    Reference ID of a step of the procedure (the key in the request's Procedure key-value list List of key-value pairs
    Key Value
    "outdata" String: the result of processing this step
    "posfound" List: positions of text found in this processing step; see description below.
    "poschanged" List: positions of texts inserted in place of found text; see description below.
    No default value
    No default value

    Values of "posfound" and "poschanged"
    Key Type Value
    "start" String Starting position. The first character in a string is numbered 0.
    "end" String Ending position.

    Article: How Do I Enable Agents to Conduct Chat Sessions?

    For an agent to handle chat interactions, you need at least the following configuration objects:

    • An Agent
    • A Capacity Rule that includes chat
    • A linkage between the two

    You’ve probably already created Agents (Persons with the Agent box selected). Genesys provides a Capacity Rule, called voice_chat_email, that enables agents to use...you guessed it: voice, chat, and e-mail channels. All you have to do is link your Agent with this Capacity Rule.

    Go to the Agent's Properties window


    Go to the Agent you want to enable for chat.

    Link the Agent to a Capacity Rule


    Browse from the Capacity Rule box and select the voice_chat_email Capacity Rule.

    Unfortunately, for now you can't assign Capacity Rules to Agent Groups; you must do it for each Agent individually.

    More Stuff

    Here's some mysterious code, commented out, that produces a huge list of options pages:

    This page was last edited on April 20, 2017, at 18:51.
    Comments or questions about this documentation? Contact us for support!