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Known Issues and Recommendations

Genesys Pulse Collector

The Known Issues and Recommendations section is a cumulative list for all 8.5.x releases of Genesys Pulse Collector. This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product. It includes information on when individual items were found and, if applicable, corrected. The Resolved Issues section for each release may list additional issues that were corrected without first being documented as Known Issues.

See also Internationalization Issues.

Genesys Pulse Collector might not suspend notifications from the secondary Stat Server even if the suspend-notifications-from-secondary-server option is set to yes.

ID: WBRT-13572 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse Collector might terminate unexpectedly while processing a layout based on Stat Server Virtual Agent Groups or containing statistics of the CurrentTargetState category if the [statistic-request-handling]/optimize-statistic-requests option is set to true or yes (default value).

Workaround: Set the [statistic-request-handling]/optimize-statistic-requests option to false or no (changes take effect after restart).

ID: WBRT-13474 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector might terminate unexpectedly if String.localCompare() is used in the formula.

ID: WBRT-13098 Found In: Fixed In: 

Formula-based statistics for Skills levels do not reflect skill-level changes made in the object properties.

ID: WBRT-12655 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector is at risk of hanging or terminating unexpectedly because of race conditions related to logging.

ID: WBRT-12594 Found In: Fixed In:

Quick updates might not work for changes-based statistics with Group By columns. These statistics might display incorrect data until the next full snapshot is received.

ID: WBRT-12405 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse Collector uses the short host name instead of a fully qualified domain name when reconnecting to Configuration Server.

ID: WBRT-12086 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector incorrectly calculates formula-based statistics that contain the ERROR value along with valid values.

ID: WBRT-11709 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector terminates unexpectedly when the parallel-processing/stat-data-processing-thread-pool-size option is set to 0 (zero) and the use-multiple-stat-data-processing-threads option is set to yes.

ID: WBRT-11671 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector might terminate unexpectedly while processing incoming data for the following statistic:

ID: WBRT-11586 Found In: Fixed In:

The default maximum number of channels allowed on a connection has been lowered from 65535 to 2047 in RabbitMQ 3.7.5 (see https://www.rabbitmq.com/changelog.html). The change might cause the following error in the Genesys Pulse Collector log:

ERROR (1368) RabbitMQSnapshotTransport: Connection attempt failed: Broker disconnected: "a socket error occurred"
WARNING (1368) RabbitMQSnapshotTransport: Failed to connect to broker

The error is also visible in the RabbitMQ log, with more details:

closing AMQP connection 0.12919.3 ( -> 
failed to negotiate connection parameters: negotiated channel_max = 0 (no limit) is higher than the maximum allowed value (128)

To correct this issue, find the channel_max parameter in the rabbitmq.conf:

#Set the max permissible number of channels per connection.
#0 means "no limit".
channel_max = 128

and change its value to 0 (zero). Restart RabbitMQ after that.

ID: WBRT-11395 Found In: RabbitMQ 3.7.5 Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse Collector does not process changes in the GroupBy statistics definitions (configured in Stat Server options).
Workaround: Restart Genesys Pulse Collector.

ID: WBRT-9168 Found In: Fixed In: 

Pulse Collector might leak 560 bytes of memory on each successful connection to StatServer. (WBRT-8585)

ID: WBRT-8585 Found In: Fixed In:

Pulse Collector might fail to connect to Configuration Server when the name of Configuration Server host is unresolvable from the Collector host before Collector starts and then becomes resolvable after Collector starts.

ID: WBRT-13069, WBRT-8292 Found In: Fixed In:

Pulse Collector may keep updating heartbeat file when DBMS is down and collector-db is added to heartbeat-success-condition option in the [heartbeat] section.

Workaround: Add db-poller to the option value.

ID: WBRT-8241 Found In: Fixed In: 

Oracle 12 clients are not supported.

Workaround: If you are using Oracle 12c database with Pulse Collector, make sure that you install Oracle 11.2 client on the host that runs Collector.

ID: WBRT-8153 Found In: Fixed In:

When you use a GroupBy expression that involves user data that is changed during a call, that call is counted in the group with the old value (or no value) AND in the group with the new value. You might see the Total Number of Calls without GroupBy that is less than the value of the sum of all numbers from all Groups in GroupBy. This is expected behavior from StatServer.

Workaround: Add filters to the statistic to filter out all the calls that do not have user data. For example given GroupBy enabled stat type:


You can add a filter like the following:


This filters calls until they have UserData1 attached, which prevents double counting each call with the N/A userdata (no userdata) and the UserData1 user data key.

ID: WBRT-7702 Found In: Fixed In: 

Widgets may display N/A values immediately after startup of Pulse Collector or a switchover of StatServers for at least one widget refresh period, when notification pausing from the backup StatServer is enabled and the StatServer supports this feature.

ID: WBRT-7670 Found In: Fixed In: 

If you have a multi-language Configuration Server, you must add the option -cs_codepage 65001 to the command line of Genesys Pulse Collector on the Windows platform. You may need to edit the Genesys Pulse Collector service command line in the Windows registry.

ID: WBRT-7026 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector might not stop immediately when it is waiting for a response from DB Server, but does stop normally when the database request timeout expires (the default database request timeout is 180 seconds).

ID: WBRT-6691 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse Collector might incorrectly process adding an Agent and not include the Agent in snapshots for a Virtual Agent Group (VAG) if you change VAG membership using the following method: Remove an agent from a VAG (for example, by changing Agent skills). Add the same agent back to the VAG within very short period of time.

Workaround: To avoid this issue, set the value of the Collector remove-dynamic-object-delay option in the configuration-monitoring section to 0.

ID: WBRT-5786 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector might exit unexpectedly if the volume containing the Genesys Pulse Collector log files contains insufficient disk space.

Workaround: Set up automated log management for archiving and removal.

ID: WBRT-5484 Found In: Fixed In:

When Collector cannot connect to the Genesys Pulse database, attempts to stop Collector may not succeed until expiration of the database query timeout, which is configured in the DAP. If you need to terminate Collector process in this state use kill -9 on Linux.

ID: WBRT-5356 Found In: Fixed In:

Important: The following applies to all Genesys Pulse Collector releases:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.6 and CentOS 6.6 kernels 2.6.32-504.* before version kernel-2.6.32-504.16.2.el6 and RHEL 7 and CentOS 7 kernels before version kernel-3.10.0-229.7.2.el7 have a critical issue that may lead programs running on the OS to freeze.

To avoid such issues, especially, in the mission-critical production environments, you must update the Linux kernel: for RHEL 6.6 and CentOS 6.6 at least to the version kernel-2.6.32-504.16.2.el6 for RHEL 7 and CentOS 7 at least to the version kernel-3.10.0-229.7.2.el7

More information about the issue and this solution can be obtained at the following links:

Note: A valid Red Hat account is required to access some of the pages above.

ID: WBRT-5579 Found In: Fixed In:

The Genesys Pulse Collector application template contains incorrect options:

  • heartbeat/heartbeat-external-url
  • heartbeat/heartbeat-external-folder

These options should be corrected to:

  • heartbeat/external-heartbeat-url
  • heartbeat/external-heartbeat-folder
ID: WBRT-5161 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector does not support State Reason for agents who use multimedia.

ID: WBRT-5152 Found In: Fixed In:

A warning about exceeding the limit of objects may not disappear from layout snapshots, even if the object count falls back below the limit.

ID: WBRT-4950, WBRT-4924 Found In: Fixed In:

Object status duration may be computed incorrectly, if Collector and Stat Server are running on the different hosts with non-synchronized system times. In order to achieve correct value, the system time on the Collector and Stat Server hosts need to be synchronized, then both Collector and Stat Server must be restarted.

ID: WBRT-4926 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse Collector cannot start on Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 5.5.

ID: WBRT-4571 Found In: Fixed In: 

When using Stat Server releases prior to 8.1.200.x, statistics that use the CurrentState category results in an error (the ExtendedCurrentStatus stat type is provided with Genesys Pulse). This affects the Current Status statistic in the Genesys-provided Agent Login template.

Workaround: Use Stat Server 8.1.200.xx on Windows or 64-bit Stat Server 8.1.200.xx on Linux.

ID: WBRT-4356 Found In: Fixed In:

When a connection to Stat Server is unavailable, Genesys Pulse may display incorrect values, such as 1.#IND, for some formula-based statistics, instead of ERROR or n/a.

ID: WBRT-3560 Found In: Fixed In: 

When the reconnection timeout configuration option of the Configuration Server application object is set to 0 (zero), Genesys Pulse Collector does not revert the reconnection timeout to the default value (10 seconds).

ID: WBRT-3220 Found In: 8.1.401.06 Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector cannot process layouts that include Campaign Groups based on Place Groups.

ID: WBRT-3207 Found In: 8.1.401.06 Fixed In:

If you use Virtual Agent Groups (VAG) with LoggedIn expression in the Script Agent Group property in a widget, Genesys Pulse Collector might leak memory when Agents log in or out of Genesys Pulse.

ID: WBRT-3742 Found In: 8.1.400.19 Fixed In:

If you use a Stat Server release lower than, Genesys Pulse Collector might not open new statistics, if you have incorrect object type in a statistic type based on the CurrentStateReasons category. Review your custom statistic types in order to confirm you use only appropriate object types and upgrade Stat Server to release or higher.

ID: WBRT-2908, WBRT-2904, WBRT-2903 Found In: 8.1.400.12 Fixed In: 8.1.400.17

Genesys Pulse Collector may leak small amounts of memory upon rechecking the configuration of a layout, which should not impact performance. If you experience unusually high memory consumption, restart Genesys Pulse Collector to resolve the issue.

ID: WBRT-2561, WBRT-1479 Found In: 8.1.400.09 Fixed In:

If you attempt to open a layout that issues too many statistical requests (where the number of objects times the number of statistics taxes system memory), Genesys Pulse Collector will exit with either ofthe following error messages:

Signal SIGABRT received (Unix)
Abnormal program termination (Microsoft Windows)

Note that the total amount of memory available on the host where Genesys Pulse Collector runs must be able to simultaneously process statistical requests from all layouts. A typical statistical request requires approximately 0.8–1.3KB of memory depending on the platform.

ID: ER# 321195063 Found In: 8.1.400.09 Fixed In: 

Internationalization Issues

Information in this section is included for international customers. Release numbers in the Found In and Fixed In fields refer to the English (US) release of Genesys Pulse Collector unless otherwise noted in the issue description.

There are no internationalization issues for this product.

This page was last edited on August 25, 2020, at 18:09.
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